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What does skipping 7 ripples mean? Understand Spell –

Jumping 7 waves in the sea is another charm that Brazilians practice, like spending New Year’s Eve with money in your pocket and eating grapes.

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What is the origin of skipping 7 ripples?

This spell of jumping 7 waves on New Year’s Eve is linked to Umbanda and aims to honor Iemanjá.

Iemanjá is a female orixá, considered the Queen of the Sea. According to tradition, Yemanja, through his divinity, purifies and gives strength to overcome the obstacles that we will have to face in the following year.

Therefore, when you jump the 7 waves in the sea, you invoke the powers of Yemanja to open the way for the next year.

The reason to skip exactly seven waves is because the number seven is considered quite spiritual, in addition to representing Exu, son of Iemanjá.

Skip the 7 waves by making wishes

Each “jump” during the spell must be accompanied by a request that you want to be carried out next year.

According to tradition, after jumping the 7 waves, the ideal is not to turn your back to the sea, as it can bring bad luck.

28 Dec 2022, at 10:00 am. Updated: Dec 27, 2022 at 12:21 pm.

Summer 2022





Leandro Bernardi

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