As much as they may go unnoticed by our unconscious, dreams that have drawings have important meanings and are very focused on how we deal with our sense of responsibility. And believe me, they don’t symbolize a single thing!
A dream involving a realistic drawing, such as a flower, for example, symbolizes the certainty of your personal and professional growth. Meanwhile, an abstract design indicates that you are having a hard time reaching that growth stage.
In order for you to discover more about what each drawing can indicate, we have separated 20 meanings related to dreams with drawings of different types!
There are several ways for a drawing to appear in your dream. He can manifest himself through arts that represent living beings, plants, people and even his own portrait. Do you know the true symbolism of each one?
The following topics will help you discover the hidden meanings in these arts!
To dream of a portrait or drawing of yourself indicates that you are highly admired by one or more people. Having this dream symbolizes the presence of someone who sees you for who you really are, and who still accepts your flaws and imperfections and treats you with love.
So show that person how much you care about them and return all the affection you receive. Periods of good feelings will arise from now on.
If you dreamed of a drawing of someone you don’t know, new relationships are approaching. Whether in a loving, family or social context, these will be opportunities to establish bonds and connections that will take you to a new phase in your circle of friends.
Even so, focus on what you felt when observing the portrait of the person in question, because if there are unpleasant feelings in the dream, this relationship will not be so pleasant.
If you dreamed of someone you already know, it means that you will meet that person in the future and that you will have issues to resolve. When you find her, don’t keep her words or feelings inside, because this will be the chance to unload everything that has been tormenting you for so long.
Remember, however, to remain cautious and not to be swayed by any words.
Having a butterfly in your dreams, in general, symbolizes good omens in love and health, as well as a lot of maturity. Dreaming of drawing a butterfly indicates that you are looking for changes or improvements, but you don’t know how to get them off the ground.
In that case, what you must do is be faithful and true to yourself and not stop leading your own life. The only person who can reach your goals is you, so look for achievable ways to solve your problems, but don’t allow them to take over who you are.
Also, now is also a good time to invest in your spirituality and manifest what you have been wanting.
The drawing of a heart in your dream represents issues related to love in your life. If you are in a relationship or in love, difficult times will arise between you and your loved one, and it will be difficult to restore the pure feeling that seemed to exist before. You must face these issues instead of trying to just ignore them.
The drawing of a heart also indicates situations beyond your reach. If you and your partner are not able to resolve these outstanding issues, the problem lies in something other than your choices. In that case, the best thing to do is accept what life is trying to give you and take it as a learning experience, because new experiences will always come.
The flower is the symbol of beauty and personal evolution. In this case, dreaming of a flower design indicates your need to have something beyond what you already have. You’re doing well at work, in love, and in social relationships, but for some reason you feel like you’re not getting back what you believe you deserve.
This dream asks you to cultivate self-love and not be afraid to flourish. Your capabilities to make something even more beautiful and interesting go a long way, but only if you let it happen. So don’t hesitate to fight more for your own will during this search period.
It is also possible that the drawing in your dream is not just a representation of something or someone, but also relates to you at some point. It is even possible that you dream that you are creating your own drawing or that someone creates a portrait of you.
Keep reading and see below the meanings for these dreams!
Dreaming that you are drawing represents the way you design the paths of your life. Good news will make you more excited than usual, making you think that you no longer need to fight to get what you want or that your victory is already certain. You have to be careful not to fantasize too much and end up forgetting to live in reality.
However, that doesn’t mean you should stop taking advantage of or feeling satisfied with the opportunities that come into your life. This dream just asks you to act with caution and not to step too deeply into a path that you are not sure is really solid or safe.
If a dream in which you see yourself drawing represents your way of projecting your paths, the dream in which someone else draws symbolizes the approach of events that are beyond your control.
Regardless of your will, you will have changes in your life and you will be forced to face them at some point. In that case, planning ahead for ways to go through this phase more responsibly is the best thing to do.
To dream that someone is drawing you, symbolizes your repressed desire to have someone who understands you or who knows your true face. The lack of depth or intimacy in your relationships bothers you and you don’t know how to solve it, as you have no idea what is causing this problem.
The main thing you should know is that hiding your feelings and just expecting the other person to treat you the way you want to be treated is not efficient. Act sincerely, communicate more and try to show your feelings to your loved one. Thus, she will understand that she is also understood, and you will receive the attention and affection that you want so much in return.
To be coloring a drawing in your dream indicates that the way you see situations in your life is not realistic. Your idealizations sometimes cross the point and prevent you from observing the truth as it really is.
Therefore, try to control your imagination and understand the situations around you so that you don’t end up deluding yourself with fantasies created by your own mind.
To dream that you are looking at an abstract drawing is a message that you must deal with your current situation in a different way. This means that you are having a hard time solving a specific problem because your view of it is too limited by your own values, and this puts a blindfold over your eyes.
In that case, opening your mind and expanding your opinions is the best option. In order to understand the origin of the situation that is worrying you, you must be available to put your ways of thinking or dealing with your problems into practice.
To dream that you observe a drawing indicates that your desires will finally take direction. This dream symbolizes the projection of what you have been wanting, but are afraid of not receiving. It represents the approach of something that will do you a lot of good in the future. Don’t give up on what you want, for life will find a way to bring its rewards soon.
If you dreamed that you are unable to observe a drawing, then a confused phase is approaching. You will not be able to see the true face of your life at the moment and this will complicate the way you solve your problems. Therefore, many things can go wrong during this period, even if your willpower is high to carry them out.
The message of this dream asks you to rely on reliable people during these difficult times. Look for friends or family who can be there for you in times when things are difficult, and that way it will be much easier to get through them.
Not being able to draw in a dream is a sign that your flaws are more apparent than ever and you fear for it. If they become public, the non-acceptance of who you are and the lack of self-esteem can make this period much more frustrating than it would be if self-recognition were more present in your life.
To go through this phase, you need to be calm and patient to deal with yourself before dealing with other people. Know how to recognize your value and accept your flaws, even if they may seem compromising. It can be difficult to get back to normalcy, but keep your goals in mind.
Receiving or giving drawings as a gift in your dream symbolizes the approach of great recognition from the people around you. The projects you have been working on will finally gain publicity and you will be lauded for it, receiving rewards, praise and applause.
However, be careful not to rely too heavily on other people’s opinions. Remember where you came from and how you were before you received so many compliments. Don’t put aside your true essence in the name of fame.
There are also several other characteristics that can be represented through drawings and, in dreams, each of them symbolizes how you will deal with freedom, creativity and idealizations of your future. Read on and find out more!
If you dream that you are watching a cartoon, your optimistic side will start to show in the coming days. Your professional and family area will enter a lighter era and you will be seeing things around you with a positive eye. Use that positivity to put your plans into action and achieve what you want.
However, pay attention to the details of the dream to better understand in which area of your life it will play a role. Try to remember which cartoon was showing, if the story fit something personal about you and if you felt good or bad watching it. That way, you can focus your energies on what really matters.
When dreaming of someone…