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What are the characteristics of those who have the Pomba Gira Mulambo? Check out!

The Pigeon Gira Mulambo is a well-known entity in Umbanda, mainly for its unique characteristics. Her lightness, her affection and her affection with mediums and consultants are the great mark of her personality.

In addition to her ability to resolve questions about love, she is also required to break negative spells in Umbanda centers.

Maria Mulambo is an evolved spirit, which became an entity to develop and help people on this terrestrial spiritual plane. Therefore, she is always present in left-wing tours, unloading consultants, advising their hearts, vibrating positive energy and working to break spiritual demand.

The history, the characteristics of the mediums who have the Pomba Gira Mulambo in their phalanx and much more about this entity are in this article! Continue reading to find out more!

The Pombas Giras are female entities that work in the left line of Umbanda, a line that represents the negative side of creation. It is worth mentioning that when we talk about the negative side, we are not talking about evil, but about a pole of negative energy, as in a battery, which has a positive side and a negative side.

So are the right and left lines of umbanda: both are of light and both do good and complement each other. To learn more about this entity, check out the topics below!

Legend has it that Maria Mulambo was born in a golden cradle, surrounded by great splendor, wealth and abundance. Her parents were not kings at the time, but they were part of the small kingdom’s court. She grew up always delicate, beautiful, beautiful, kind and affectionate.

Maria was always called a princess because of her way of being, but it wasn’t quite like that. Upon turning 15, the king asked her to marry his 40-year-old son. She got married, but it was a loveless union, motivated only by the desire to unite the families, with the purpose of increasing the fortune.

Over time, Maria did not get pregnant, but the kingdom needed an heir. She suffered from this, in addition to remaining in a loveless union, for at that time, the woman who did not bear fruit was called cursed.

Maria Mulambo was a woman who practiced charity and walked through poor villages, helping sick and poor people. On her walks to poor villages, she met a young man (two years older than her) who was a widower and had three small children. This young man took very good care of his children, with lots of love and affection.

Seeing him, Maria fell in love with him. It was an intense love at first sight, so that the young man also felt the same energy of love for her. However, neither of them had the courage to assume that true love.

Over time, the king passed away, the prince was crowned and Mary became the queen of that country. The people adored her, but some envious people criticized her for not getting pregnant.

On the day of the coronation, the poor village had nothing to offer Mary. So they decided to make a beautiful carpet of flowers for Maria to step on. She was quite delighted, but her husband was jealous and, upon reaching the castle, locked her in a room and gave her a tremendous beating. This beating would be the first of countless others.

It was enough for her husband to drink a little too much and Maria suffered from attacks of verbal and corporal aggression. Even injured, she didn’t stop practicing her kindness, her generosity to the poor people. But, seeing her hurt, the beloved young man decided to declare his love for her and suggested running away, so that they could really experience the immense love they felt for each other.

So, Maria decided to run away with her great love, with only the clothes on her back, leaving behind jewels, gold and all that life of luxury. At first, the king sent for her, but he did not find her, so he decided to drop the case.

Maria freed herself from that life of wealth. Now, she wore simple clothes that, being so used and old, resembled mulambos. Living that way, she felt very happy and managed to get pregnant. The news spread throughout the country and reached the ears of the king, who, upon hearing the news, fell into a state of despair knowing that he was the one who did not bear fruit.

Thus, madness took over the king. But he had to clear his name and his dignity. So, he sent his guards to arrest Maria, who was called Maria Mulambo – not as a mockery, but because Maria belonged to the people.

The king ordered the guards to tie two stones to Mary’s feet and throw her into the deepest part of the river, but the people did not know about this. Seven days after the crime, on the banks of the river where Maria was killed, flowers began to bloom that had never bloomed before and the fish in the river were only caught in that place, where all they had to do was jump out of the water.

The mulambos with which Maria was thrown into the river disappeared and her clothes became those of a queen, who was cremated and, in the end, had an appropriate ceremony. So was Maria, who, entitled Maria Mulambo, became a legend and is invoked for the protection of impossible loves.

Maria Mulambo is always beautiful, beautiful, feminine, affectionate, delicate, elegant and very charming. She likes cigarettes, high quality cigarillos, soft drinks (sweet wines, liqueurs, rose champagne). The shine, luxury and highlight also attract her a lot. Therefore, she always wears many necklaces, rings, earrings and bracelets.

Maria Mulambo is one of the best known Pombas within the Umbanda ritual. She carries with her all the power and magic of the Pombas Gira, making her mediums and consultants access her emotions and learn to deal with them. Maria Mulambo brings out hidden feelings, so that they can be faced head-on and overcome.

It is an entity that works within the irradiation of the Orisha Oxum, giving it the ability to work with the energy of love. When we talk about love, we don’t just summarize the carnal, but the Divine love, for nature, for the brothers, for the family, for life – that is, all possible forms of love.

In carnal love, she is well known and sought after to intermediate in “impossible loves”, being the will and merit of both parties. But she doesn’t mince her words, in case someone asks her for something that goes against Divine law, always seeking to bring reason and understanding to that person.

When the Pombas Gira began to appear in Brazilian rituals, prejudice and judgment immediately accompanied them. At a time when it was a woman’s obligation to be submissive and modest, this entity appeared, empowering and showing that women can and should do what they want.

Analyzing this historical context, it is easy to understand why the Pomba Giras are called common names. Even so, they didn’t let themselves be shaken and continue their mission, providing love and charity.

Maria Mulambo is an entity that manifests itself within the umbanda ritual, which can only do good. She is the manifestation of the sacred feminine, being a point of light in the midst of darkness, and works by breaking down negative energies, helping disembodied spirits in the low astral and ascending them to the light.

However, it is intolerant of profiteers and ill-intentioned people, as ea does not admit that any of its mediums attempt against free will or use negative magic, taking the responsibility of punishing, according to divine law.

The day of celebration of Pomba Gira Mulambo is March 08, on International Women’s Day. Also, your day of the week is Monday.

The colors of Pomba Gira Mulambo are black, red, yellow and gold.

To make an offering to Maria Mulambo, you can use her greeting as support, which is “Laróyè Pomba Gira”.

As for the offering, you can use the following items: black and red towel or cloth, black and red candles, black and red ribbons, black and red threads, black and red pemba, fruits (strawberry, apple, cherry, plum and blackberry ) and drinks (apple, grape, cider champagne and liqueurs).

To perform the prayer to the Pomba-Gira Mulambo, repeat the words given below:

“Save all Orishas Fathers and Mothers, Save all Guardians and Guardians to the left of the divine mystery. I firm my strength and my thoughts at this moment to Pomba Gira Mulambo, I ask you to guide me, guard me and protect me during my spiritual and earthly journey.

May your strength be placed in me and that any and all negative energy that may be influencing me or my home be unloaded and directed to its place of worthiness.

I ask the lady to help me deal with my feelings, fears and anguishes, that I can be strong like you. I ask for her divine wisdom so that I can grow and evolve along the path of our father I hope. Save your Forces, Laróyè Pomba Gira Mulambo.”

Entities choose their mediums through affinity, but these characteristics are not mandatory for mediums who embody Maria Mulambo and are not characteristics of the entity.

Therefore, we list some of these characteristics that can be observed, but not necessarily all of them are present in a medium or in a person represented, just a large part of them. Check out!

Mediums who embody Maria Mulambo, in general, have a strong personality, not being easily dissuaded from their ideas. Idealistic and highly intuitive, they listen more to their inner selves than to outer people.

Thus, they can cause some discomfort for people who are not used to dealing with this type of personality. However, if you have a little patience, you will have a person who can help you at different times.

Seriousness tends to be attributed to mediums who embody Maria Mulambo, but this seriousness appears at first. Because they are very observant, they like to first identify and feel the vibration of other people before opening up.

This, at times, can lead to the impression of being boring or stuck-up, like those people who don’t like to communicate with others. But, quite the contrary, after they get the confidence and understand what they can say, they tend to open up and be extremely funny people.

Observers and detail-oriented are characteristics that most describe Maria Mulambo’s mediums, because no detail escapes their eyes. When they are in an unknown environment, they always try to identify possible dangers or threats, they are in a constant state of alert and only calm down when they are sure that everything is fine around them.

In addition, they like to pay attention and are…

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