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What are stars and how they influence our life – Learn now!

At one time people have heard about the celestial bodies orbiting in space. But do they really know what are stars? A typical human characteristic is curiosity. There are many doubts and dissatisfactions that make him seek answers. This is how science developed and reached the level we have in the contemporary world.

This desire to understand how everything happens passes to other areas of knowledge about life as well. How many people do you know who are interested in finding out about your future? It is possible that most.

In this context astrology is a science that gains a lot of strength. Through the study that focuses on understanding what stars are about – this is the knowledge that tries to bring relevant information and predictions according to the profile of those who use it.

What are stars?

Since astrology is precisely the study of planets, stars and satellites in an attempt to diagnose a person’s future, it becomes essential to first understand what stars are. They are more than the celestial bodies that inhabit space. In the Solar System, for example, they correspond to the existing planets. They are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Important not to confuse Astronomy with Astrology. The first (and which is the focus of this article) refers to the understanding of the influence of the stars on human behavior. The second is the science responsible for the study of the stars themselves.

What are stars in astronomy

When they start to know astronomy, many people are curious about how analysis works in practice. After all, how can people have their future analyzed by the position of celestial bodies? Does this make any sense?

In practice, the stars have different meanings from each other. The variations are presented as a function of their positioning and the perspective of analysis, guaranteeing the analysis of the individual in these aspects. Astronomy uses two factors: the birth chart and the astrological transit.

Now that you understand about what are stars. Check below what each of them represents for an astronomer’s assessment.

  • Mercury – reflects the way a person communicates and thinks. When it presents harmony, it is because the mind is calm. Otherwise, it represents tension.
  • Venus – the star Venus is the one who rules women. It represents appreciation as a symbol of luck (in harmony) and challenges or losses (in more complicated transits).
  • Mars – represents the way a person deals with their feelings and emotions. It can indicate action or irritation depending on your transit.
  • Jupiter – the largest planet in the Solar System is a person’s confident portrait. It can also indicate luck or expenses/losses (just like Venus).
  • Saturn – the star Saturn is responsible for interpreting the individual’s fears and insecurities. In harmony it will represent the organization, while in turbulent times it will mean difficulty.
  • Uranus – it is the representation of the possibility of innovation and renewal of being. Its representation defines the changes as positive and calm or with difficulties and estrangement.
  • Neptune – means the ability to dream and idealize a person. This ability divides into luck and joy for situations of harmony or disappointments in challenging positions.
  • Pluto – the little star Pluto represents depth. It can be seen as a symbol of determination or internal challenges depending on your transit.

And it’s not just the planets that enter Astrology. The Sun is very important and concerns what the individual is essentially. The moon shows emotional power and sensitivity. Both are also evaluated according to transit, and can be positive or negative.

Now that you understand better about what are starsenjoy and also read:

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