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Waxing Moon Ritual – Learn 5 Powerful Spells Now

The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite. It accompanies us and influences us in many ways, even if we may not always realize it. That’s why today, we at , are going to teach a waning moon ritual.

Or rather, 5 rituals that will help you clean the environment, get rid of negative energies and still bring a lot of positivity to your life. Check out!

It is already proven that the phases of the Moon have different effects and influences on Earth and on all living beings. Lunar phases can change ocean tides, the weather, our sleep patterns, our mood, and many other things, including fertility rates, caused by the extra light the Full Moon provides.

But if you believe in magic, you know that each phase is powerful in its own way, and the Waning Moon is perfect for ending things.

When does the Waning Moon happen in Brazil?

The Waning Moon starts on the 1st day after the Full Moon until the 7th day after. It brings an opportunity to remove and eliminate negative energies. Use this moon phase to free yourself from the burdens that are holding you back.

To find out the days you can do the waning moon ritual in 2021, just click here!

What to do during the Waning Moon?

Banishing rituals and any spells to get rid of negative things and situations are favored by this Moon phase.

For example, doing rituals related to divorce, separation, removing problems, addictions, stress and other negative feelings. Best types of spells for this phase.

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Powerful waning moon ritual

1 – Sweet hug: spell to banish evil and negativity

Whether you need to banish someone’s energy to rid yourself of a curse or banish a spirit from your home, this enchantment will ward off intrusive energies that may be hurting you or making you vulnerable to psychic attacks.

Spiritual Baths as a Waxing Moon Ritual

Spiritual baths have the power to relax, calm and rid you of most negative energies. Bath spells have existed since the earliest times as vehicles for purifying the body and mind. Salts, herbs and essential oils often constitute the ingredients that will provide healing properties during the ritual bath.

The energies of medicinal and aromatic plants have great therapeutic benefits both on a physical and spiritual level, promoting a perfect and healthy balance.

Pour water with herbs of your choice into the bathtub or bowl and pour it over yourself.

Get in the bathtub. Take the herbal water and pour it all over your body, from the neck down, while gently rubbing and saying your requests or prayers. Ask the Universe for this water to cleanse you of all the things that are blocking you and to help you attract the things you want. Take as much time as you need.

Cleaning the environment


  • dark glass spray bottle
  • 1 small clear quartz crystal. (Used to infuse your moon water/spring water in advance.)
  • Crystal-infused moon water (or spring water)Essential oils (and their relevant qualities)
  • 25 sage – Healing, Protecting, Empowering, Clearing and Removing Negativity
  • 15 Cedar Drops – Cleanses, Heals, Purifies and Protects. Protects against all negative influences and dark energy/thoughts
  • 10 drops of lavender – purifies, strengthens, prevents negative energy
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How to make:

Another important ritual for the Waning Moon is cleaning the environment.

To do this, just spray the mist while slowly walking around the room.

Focus on clearing and eliminating all negative energies.

Be sure to spray in corners, behind doors and cupboards. Please be careful with pets.

You may also find it helpful to speak an incantation, thought, or chant while cleaning. An example of this would be:

“Cleanse and bless this house and this home.
Drive away all evil and fear,
So that only good can dwell here”

Fast Banishing Ritual on the Waning Moon

Waxing Moon rituals are essential. To capture the energy of the Moon we can do this very simple ritual and let go of any negative situation.

You need to:

How to make:

Write down on paper what is bothering you or what you want to remove from your life. It could be a bad habit, a symptom, a person, a situation or an emotion.

Light a white candle in a safe place (always practice candle safety) and read aloud what you have written.

Leave the paper next to the candle. Meditate and once the candle goes out, break the paper into pieces and throw it in the trash with the remains of your candle.

Cord-cutting ritual for the waning moon

A Simple Cord Cutting Ritual to remove the energetic ties that bind us to people or situations. Using a white candle and scissors you can cut spiritual cords and other psychic energies. This is one of the rituals for the Waning Moon.

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1 white candle
lighter or matches

How to make:

Light the white candle in front of you.

Sit in a comfortable, upright position and focus your attention on your breath. Close your eyes and let your mind relax.

Let the connection points come to your mind, let the cables show. Visualize them as the ties that bind you to this person.

Don’t make any judgments, they can be in the most unexpected parts of your body and each cord can be different. Maybe they are taking energy from you or maybe they are feeding you different kinds of sensations. Visualize them for a minute.

Open your eyes and get up gently. Use your index finger. Extend your arm pointing in front of you. Slowly turn your body to the right and continue rotating until you have cast a full circle.

Turn around once more, and as you do so, visualize how you have completely cut each cable.

Each time you cut one, it melts, disappears, and a protective circle of healing light surrounds you, healing your wound.

now that you know waning moon ritualalso check:

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