Home » Dreams & Meanings » Urinary tract infection tea: With garlic, ginger, horsetail and more!

Urinary tract infection tea: With garlic, ginger, horsetail and more!

Home remedies are a great resource for those who need to deal with their health issues right away. With regard to urinary infection, you can choose from teas, such as corn silk, for example, or infusions such as parsley.

It is important to point out that for them to have a positive effect in the treatment of urinary tract infection, these teas must offer antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and must be diuretic. So that you can eliminate the bacteria through the urine, relieve the symptoms of the infection and speed up your recovery.

Although these home treatments are not as effective as a medical treatment. However, these teas are used as an alternative treatment widely spread worldwide. Follow this article and discover the benefits of teas for urinary tract infection!

For people who drink little water or who tend to hold urine for a long time, they become more susceptible to developing a urinary tract infection. Well, this behavior will generate a series of complications in your urinary tract and could have serious consequences for the body.

Keep reading to understand what urinary infection is, its types and how it occurs in men, women and children, to prevent it!

This is a type of infection capable of affecting the organs of your urinary system, it can happen in 3 regions: the urethra, the bladder and the kidney. In men it can still occur in the prostate or testicles.

Urinary tract infection in most cases can be treated with a simple antibiotic, constant hydration, painkillers and anti-inflammatories. Only in more serious cases, when the infection has already spread to other organs, does immediate hospitalization of the patient become necessary.

It is worth remembering that there are diseases in the urinary tract that resemble infections because they have similar symptoms. However, these cases are usually not motivated by any microorganism.

The urinary infection with the highest recurrence is that which occurs in the bladder, or cystitis, and is also easy to treat. Generally, the infectious microorganism passes through the urethra to the bladder and settles there. But even so, there are more serious cases, when this infectious bacteria reaches the kidneys, thus generating pyelonephritis.

The latter will require medical follow-up, as it is a more sensitive type of infection and has a high potential for dissemination. Meanwhile, there are also infections in the urethra (urethritis) that are more common in men, because because the female urethra is shorter, the bacteria tends to go straight to the bladder.

Urethritis can generate a whitish urethral discharge, known as runoff. Urinary infection is the most common type of infection to happen, you must have had or will have it at least once in your life. If there is a monthly recurrence of this infection, it is necessary to carry out a clinical investigation.

It occurs through contact with an infectious organism such as bacteria, usually sexually transmitted. In men, it is common for the infection to occur in the urethra. While, in women it can happen in the bladder. Through sex, or when there is a migration of bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract through the perineum to the bladder.

Urinary infections are usually caused by bacteria, rare are cases where it is caused by a fungus. The latter has a greater chance of happening in diabetics or in people with a weak immune system. In relation to viruses or parasites, they are extremely rare to happen.

Furthermore, among bacteria it is very common for it to be caused by Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Protus or Klebsiella. In this case, the bacteria would only be identifiable with a medical examination.

The most common urinary infection in men is urethritis, most often this type of infection occurs through sexual intercourse and is caused by microorganisms that cause gonorrhea or chlamydia. In this case, the most apparent symptoms are pain, itching and discharge.

There are other types of infections that are rarer, such as in the bladder, which is usually caused when a man cannot completely eliminate urine from the bladder. At this point, it can happen due to prostate enlargement or tightness in the urethra.

Therefore, in relation to urinary tract infection in men, it is important that he make an appointment to have the correct diagnosis of his condition. Yeah, treatment may vary depending on the type of infection.

Women, in relation to urinary infection, have a higher risk of contamination. Because they have a shorter urethra, in addition to having a urinary system very close to the anus, which could lead to an infection due to the proliferation of micro-organisms in this region.

Other infections can also happen due to changes in vaginal pH, incorrect use of vaginal cleaning products, fungal infections such as candidiasis or aging. In addition, attention must be paid to sexual activity, as sexual intercourse without a condom enhances the introduction of bacteria into the vaginal region.

There are cases of urinary infection contaminating the gynecological organs, which can have serious consequences such as infertility. It may also happen that symptoms appear during pregnancy, in which case immediate medical follow-up is recommended.

Urinary tract infection in children is quite common, however it is necessary to make a medical diagnosis in these cases to identify whether or not there is a problem in the formation of their urinary system.

With regard to babies, you need to be aware of some symptoms such as difficulty feeding, weight loss, irritability and, especially, urine with a bad smell. Due to the fact that they are unable to express themselves, it is recommended to consult a doctor to identify the problem.

Tea is a great addition to treating this type of infection. They can relieve symptoms and help eliminate invading microorganisms from your body. Find out which are the most recommended teas in cases of urinary infection in the sequence!

In garlic and ginger tea, substances such as allicin, gingerol, shogaol and zingerone are present. They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help you fight urinary tract infection symptoms and strengthen your immune system.

Before starting your preparation, you will need to separate the following ingredients:

– 3 cloves of garlic;
– Ginger or ginger powder;
– 3 cups of water;
– Honey (optional).

After separating them, you will have to peel the garlic and put it in boiling water along with the ginger. After straining it will be ready to be consumed!

Corn hair tea is well recognized for treating urinary tract infection. Some studies were carried out on the substances in this tea and polyphenols such as tannins were found, which have antimicrobial properties. Another important detail is its diuretic effect that helps eliminate bacteria.

To prepare this tea you will only need a handful of corn hair and a cup of boiling water. Then you must put the corn hair in the cup and wait 10 minutes, after that period strain the tea and it is ready to drink.

This is one of the most traditional diuretic teas, widely used in diets and also has practical applications in the fight against urinary tract infection. Its potential lies in equisetonin, responsible for fighting liquid retention, helping to lose weight and eliminating substances through urine.

The ingredients that make up this floor are horsetail and water. In its preparation, you must put boiling water in the cup along with the mackerel, then leave it to rest for 10 minutes. Then strain, let it cool down and you can drink the liquid now. It is recommended that you take it 3 times a day.

Dandelion tea is excellent for its diuretic action, helping to increase the amount of urine and allowing the elimination of bacteria causing urinary infection more quickly.

To prepare your tea you will need dandelion leaves and roots and boiling water. Then put the two ingredients together in the cup and wait for 10 minutes. After this break, you can strain the drink and drink it 2 to 3 times a day.

Some studies point out that this plant has an essential oil in its leaves that, when absorbed by the stomach, is then released by the kidneys in the form of urine, thus promoting the internal cleaning of your urinary system. Tripe leaves would soon serve as a diuretic and antimicrobial.

In that sense, they are great at fighting urinary tract infections. Prepare your tea with some dried tripe leaves and place in a cup of boiling water, letting it rest for 10 minutes. Then just strain and your drink is ready, drink it at least 2 to 3 times a day.

Uva ursi leaves have been used for years to alleviate the symptoms of urinary tract infection. It has a powerful substance with antimicrobial action known as arbutin, being responsible for eliminating viruses, fungi and bacteria. In addition to offering a diuretic action that will help eliminate these microorganisms.

The necessary ingredients for the tea are 3 grams of uva ursi leaves and 200 ml of cold water. Then you must place the leaves together with the water in a covered bottle and let it rest in a dark place for at least 14 hours.

After that time, just strain and it will be ready to be consumed. It is important to warn that its substance is very potent and may lead to cases of intoxication. Therefore, it is recommended that you follow the recommended amounts, in addition to avoiding continuous intake of this tea.

Hydrast is a plant that has substances such as hydrastine and berberine, responsible for antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. In addition to having an effective detoxification potential against the bacteria that cause urinary tract infection.

The ingredients needed to prepare goldenseal tea are 1 teaspoon of goldenseal powder and 250 ml of boiling water. Then you must mix them into one…

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