The Devil card represents in the Tarot the desires and worldly aspects of human existence. This card can intimidate or even scare those who don’t know it yet, however, there is no reason to panic, as The Devil only mirrors existing characteristics in humanity.
Considering that the origin of the concept of the Devil is Christian, this card can also be analyzed as a representation of capital sins. Lust and greed in particular are the sins that best relate to the Devil card, and can be presented literally or symbolically.
When someone draws this card in a Tarot game, they must prepare themselves to deal with the most intense desires, as well as reflect on aspects of their own shadows that possibly had not been explored until then. Read more in the article to understand their meanings
Unraveling the mysteries that reside in the Devil card is a complex task, as this card is the representation of the incarnated soul itself, with all its desires. To understand The Devil, it’s important to look at yourself, and see your most hidden desires. To understand better, read the following topics!
The story of The Devil card is shrouded in a mist of mystery. Its engraving refers to the icon present in Christianity as a villain and symbol of subversion since the time when the Knights Templar participated in crusades. Having been, from then on, a representation of the danger of revealing the mysteries of magic, from the Christian perspective.
The Devil present in the Tarot is also inspired by the image of Baphomet, a figure that can be considered the pagan representation of the relationship between knowledge and worldly life. The same figure was also interpreted by Aleister Crowley, at the beginning of the 20th century, as an androgynous creature of High Magic that manifests itself through sexual magic.
Card XV of the Tarot is not only presented by the image of the Devil or an interpretation of Baphomet. The imagery composition of the card is given by the image of an anthropozoomorphic figure, that is, with human and animal physical aspects, with one hand raised and the other lowered, in reference to the term “As above so below”.
The expression can be translated into the term “On earth as it is in heaven”, which symbolizes the consequence of earthly actions in the spiritual world. In addition to the central creature, the Devil card has in its composition two human figures, a man and a woman, who are connected to the Devil by a chain or rope, depending on the illustration.
The image of connection between the diabolical figure and humans can represent both the link between humans and their most hidden desires that sometimes make them slaves to their desires. However, another possible analysis is related to the mystical symbolism of the Devil, thus representing a pact or alliance made with humans.
In the study of the divinatory art, several oracles can be chosen. However, if the object of study chosen is the Tarot, your apprentice will need to know 78 cards, among them are the major arcana, which are the first 22 that make up the deck. Despite being the first cards to be studied, they can also be the most complex.
The major arcana manifest deep meanings related to hidden desires and the deepest characteristics of human existence. If misinterpreted, a major arcana can be considered ambiguous, therefore it is extremely important to know all the possible symbolisms and meanings that inhabit each card of this group.
Goat horns are present in both the Capricorn sign symbol and the Devil card, however, the similarities do not end there. Capricorn is, among the signs belonging to the earth element, the most connected to material aspects, sometimes even being considered greedy or miserly. Exactly this aspect is what connects the sign of Capricorn to the Tarot card.
Ambition is an explicit characteristic in Capricorns, as well as the desire to enjoy the pleasures of worldly life. However, excessive greed can be responsible for trampling more relevant aspects of existence, such as empathy and respect for the needs of others, and can also lead to a life of futile and fleeting pleasures, essentially material.
The devil card carries many meanings, among them are lust, fleeting passions, desire for power, ambition, material gains, outcropped sexuality and even pride. Although these aspects may have a pejorative connotation, they need to be interpreted according to the Tarot reading. To unlock them, read below!
Desire, dominance, fascination and primary drives. All these aspects reside in the card The Devil, and because of that this is a great card to leave in a spread about sex life. It represents vigor and vitality, the desire to explore instincts without shame or guilt, thus symbolizing a very lively sex life.
However, it is important to be careful not to become a slave to your own pleasures, summarizing life in a hedonistic experience, without softer feelings or forgetting to see the reality that exists around you. A life lived impulsively can be pleasurable or dangerous, so it’s important to tame your instincts.
Ambition can be positive when you want to achieve goals and make ideas and dreams come true, but if this motivation is used negatively, it can even blind you, with greed. The Devil in Tarot represents both the desire for material gains and money itself, and it is necessary to interpret the other cards that accompany it to understand the answer.
If the question was related to some professional project or new negotiation, the answer with the devil is usually prosperous. However, the same card also warns of possible illusions caused by excessive ambition, or even lack of humility to face situations. It’s important to keep your feet on the ground to achieve fortune.
The Devil in the Tarot explicitly conveys the fleeting and indomitable passions, which can even dominate those who lack self-control, or even those who want to let themselves be carried away by these more intense feelings and experience intense sensations. The question is: how much do you dominate your passions and how much do they dominate you?
Not only in the field of relationships, The Devil refers to all kinds of passions, such as addictions or excesses and emotions that are exploited inconsequentially. We know that a life without passion can become dull, but an existence reduced to that can also be very dangerous and even meaningless.
The Devil card also has the role of representing the search for hidden powers, which can be related to the ability to dominate others, or to cunning, using all that momentum and desire to achieve what you want, regardless of the social or economic cost. moral that this conquest may have for someone with such ambition.
Another possible interpretation of the occult powers presented by the Devil in Tarot is the search for connection with the world of magic, to achieve gains in the material world. This representation can be observed in the very iconography of card XV, which shows a man and a woman chained to the devil, which symbolizes the desire for success, material gains and power.
In love, The Devil can express the intensity of a carnal passion or a relationship in which domination and the desire for power prevail. Now that you already know most of the meanings of the card The Devil in the Tarot, the time has come to learn how to unravel it in the field of love.
For people who are already in a relationship, The Devil can be a warning sign to assess how healthy the relationship is. Intense emotions can often capture passionate hearts and seduce them, but when exploited in excess, the same emotions can become treacherous.
The Devil in the Tarot for committed people represents exactly the need to get in touch with the shadows and analyze whether the relationship, despite being often pleasurable and intense, does not have some level of toxicity. These aspects can show themselves in dominating behaviors or incessant pursuit of pleasure.
However, if the relationship in question is healthy, the Devil card may be present to represent a relationship more connected to the carnal senses.
Many achievements, high turnover, intense passions and possible illusions. The Devil in the Tarot shows the pleasure of conquest and hidden desires being explored without guilt, but it can also warn of a possible illusion, after all, what attracts a lot is also easily deceived.
For singles who are faced with The Devil card in Tarot, the advice is to be cautious, as a whirlwind of intense, and sometimes even forbidden, emotions can arise. However, it is important to try to maintain balance so as not to get carried away by the intensity of the moment and end up losing the ability to discern what is concrete.
The Devil in the Tarot is one of the most positive major arcana when presented in a spread on financial matters, as it represents ambition and material gains, but it is important to be careful at work, an area in which excessive greed can be harmful. To find out how the card can be interpreted continue in this article.
The Devil in Tarot is a card that can present a certain level of alertness, and can also suggest caution towards ambition levels. In a professional environment, it is important to evaluate several aspects for decision-making, which can end up being harmed when the individual is immersed in his desire for power.
Therefore, it is positive to reflect on how having a certain degree of ambition can be productive for your career, but when you go beyond the limit, the same ambition can be deceived and turned into greed and a thirst for power. Once such emotions are under control, The Devil card can represent material gains, expected or not.
It is very common to be in despair when you are unemployed, however, the Devil card asks exactly that you do not get carried away by overly tempting proposals, as they can be huge illusions, liable to cause your financial situation to worsen.
From the moment you take care with illusions and establish a realistic pattern, the same card gains a…