Home » Horoscope » Sympathy for Paying Debts | Get out of the red now!

Sympathy for Paying Debts | Get out of the red now!

Unforeseen events such as the loss of a job, the breakdown of an important tool for your work or a car defect lead us to unexpected expenses. Without organization, these expenses can snowball and lead us into huge debt. At these times, it is worth using all your faith and resorting to sympathy to pay debts.

To help you in this moment of despair, we have brought you 5 simple spells that will enlighten your intelligence, show you the way and even attract more money for your life.

1) Sympathy to pay urgent debt


  • 1 sheet of white paper;
  • 1 envelope (any color).

How to make

Write everything you owe on an unlined white sheet of paper. Detail everything, all creditors, from credit cards, loans and people, and all amounts.

Fold this paper and place it inside the envelope. Write the following message on the outside of the envelope: “The white light that emanates from the Lord help me to pay my debts.”

Keep the envelope in a prayer corner. For 7 days, pray the prayer below to Saint Hedwig, protector of the poor and indebted.

“Oh, Saint Hedwig!

You who on Earth were the support of the poor, the help of the destitute and the help of the indebted, and in Heaven now enjoy the eternal prize of charity that you practiced in life.

I beseech you to be my advocate, so that I may obtain from God the help I urgently need: (make your specific request). Obtain for me also the supreme grace of eternal salvation.

Saint Hedwig, pray for us!


As soon as you start paying off the first debts, cross them off the paper and thank the Lord’s white light with great gratitude!

2) Sympathy to pay overdue debts


  • 1 green triangular candle;
  • 1 pen;
  • 1 white paper;
  • Olive oil.

How to make

On a Friday, write down all your debts in detail on a paper. Next, light the green triangular candle. Place this paper under the candle.

Finally, drizzle the candle with olive oil.

3) Sympathy to pay off debts


  • 1 small image of Saint Hedwig (can be a paper saint);
  • 3 paper notes of any value;
  • 3 coins of any value;
  • 1 yellow seven-day candle.

How to make

Wrap the three coins in the three paper bills. Then place this package near the image of Saint Hedwig.

Light the seven-day candle and meditate on the amount you need to pay off all your debts. Let the candle burn to the end.

When the candle has finished burning, take the package to a church. Place the coins in the collection box and say an Our Father and a Hail Mary.

The three notes you must give to the first beggar who crosses your path.

4) Sympathy to pay off debts quickly


  • 1 white cotton fabric 14 cm long and 5 cm wide;
  • White line;
  • 1 needle;
  • 1 white cord;
  • 7 coins of any value.

How to make

This sympathy is prepared in two steps. The first must be performed on a night of new Moon and the second, the next morning.

On the night of the new moon, fold the cotton fabric in half and sew the sides using white thread. Thus, you will create a bag 7 cm high.

The next day, at 7 am, put the 7 coins in the bag, one by one, thinking that you are getting the money you need to pay all your debts.

Cover the mouth of the bag using the white cord. It must be wrapped 7 times around the fabric. Finally, tie 7 knots while praying Saint Hedwig:

“Oh, Saint Hedwig!

You who on Earth were the support of the poor, the help of the destitute and the help of the indebted, and in Heaven now enjoy the eternal prize of charity that you practiced in life.

I beseech you to be my advocate, so that I may obtain from God the help I urgently need: (make your specific request). Obtain for me also the supreme grace of eternal salvation.

Saint Hedwig, pray for us!


5) Sympathy to pay off difficult debt


  • 1 image of Saint Edwiges (can be a paper saint);
  • 1 white candle.

How to make

Make a small altar to Saint Hedwig in your home. Every day, you must ask the saint to help you pay off your debts. Then say the following special prayer:

“You are the noble lawyer for those in debt like me, who beg you to open my paths, so that, with your help, with great faith and respect, I receive the grace of having the financial conditions to be able to pay this debt.”

Pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary. Next, light a white candle. Do this daily until you finish paying off your debts.

To enhance the sympathy to pay debts, also do the salt bath Flame Money.

And remember: As soon as you manage to solve your debts, have discipline, organize yourself financially and make an emergency fund so you never go through this choke again!

Ah, your problem is the opposite, people who owe you that don’t pay you? So learn two great sympathies to receive debt.

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