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Strong Spell to Remove Evil Eye and Envy – Good Wizard

One of the most recurring questions in consultation is how to remove the evil eye effectively, easily and safely.

Today I’m going to tell you one of the best kept secrets to get rid of this problem for good: the most potent spell to remove the evil eye and envy.

In addition, I will explain to you what the “evil eye” really is, so that you can recognize it in the early stages and thus put quick remedy to your attack through this ritual.

What is Fat Eye?

The evil eye is a kind of evil spell, which some people have the ability to cast just by looking or wishing evil on another individual.

It should be noted that, despite this, in certain cases the person who casts the spell does so involuntarily and is not aware of the damage caused.

This is mainly due to the fact that, on certain occasions, the desire to cause harm is an unconscious process, fruit of envy and low personal emotions.

It is estimated that each year thousands of people suffer from this disease, and many of them do not realize or are even aware of it.

Thus, “chronic” situations arise where general malaise, apathy or even muscle pain reigns in the affected person’s life on a daily basis, without any organic cause.

You evil eye attacks should never be underestimated. Sometimes the vital energy of the affected person is so reduced that it can even generate emergency situations.

Does this spell to remove the evil eye and envy really work?

Remedying this problem is as simple as performing this powerful ritual, which is actually quite easy.

This spell consists of two parts.. The first one is made using biomagnetism, while the second uses the classic red tape for personal protection.

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So, without further ado, now see the necessary materials and all the instructions to perform this strong magic spell that will help you improve your life in every way.

Part 1: Biomagnetism

The first of the axes to remove and eliminate the evil eye is the so-called biomagnetism, an essential force that removes bad vibrations from our body and our mind.

This part of the ritual must be performed in a full moon night.

– Necessary materials

For the execution you will need the following elements:

1 small magnet; 1 glass cup; A handful of coarse salt.

– How to make

Once you have gathered the ingredients, follow these instructions carefully:

Put the salt inside the glass and then place the magnet inside it, making it completely covered. Leave the glass with the magical elements for a whole night in the light of the full moon, so that the magnet is fully energized. The next morning, take the magnet and place it under your bed mattress. You can keep it for a maximum of 33 days under the mattress. Once that time has elapsed, you will have to re-energize it under the full moon as you did before. But before that, you should clean it in a natural watercourse, such as a river, stream or stream, for example.

By following these steps, you will not only eliminate negativity while you sleep, but you will also be protecting from envy and attacks from entities from other plans. It is common for these attacks to occur during sleeping hours.

The magnet, filled with the neutralizing power of salt, is the first protection against bad energy.

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With the power he has, it is unlikely that he will be able to penetrate you with any kind of malevolent spell. But to protect yourself even more, there’s still the second part…

Part 2: Personal protection with red tape

The second part of this ritual for the evil eye is done using the classic red ribbon.

Even though it is a traditional protection ritual, I must say that this sacred symbol works wonders. Especially when combined with the previous step.

– Material needed

You will only need:

In fact, it doesn’t have to be made of a specific material, but if you can choose, it’s best to make it out of wool.

– How it’s done

Once in possession of the tape, follow these two steps:

First, you will need to make 7 knots in the ribbon. Once that’s done, tie the ribbon around your left wrist or left ankle (depends on your preference).

– Download this spell to ward off the evil eye

To download this spell, click on the following button:

Final tips and thoughts

The first point I would like to discuss with you concerns faith. It’s no use doing a ritual, however powerful and effective it may be, if you don’t believe in its power.

So, only do this spell when you are really prepared to fully rely on the power of white magic for your personal protection.

Once you’ve placed the tape, follow these basic tips:

Confirm your desire to protect yourself from an evil eye attack and commit to the Universe not to do this to other people. If by any chance the tape falls out, whether because of a break, slipping or any other reason, do not use it again. Just bury it, then prepare and place a new one. Try not to let others touch your tape while you are using it. It is a sacred symbol, talisman and amulet that commands respect. So if that happens, the energies of others could contaminate you.

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Common questions

How to remove envy and fatty eyes with coarse salt?

You can make a powerful spell with biomagnetism, using a magnet, a glass, a handful of thick salt and a red vita. Follow all instructions on this page very carefully.

What are the symptoms of fatty eye?

These are some of the main symptoms: Most of your plans and projects go wrong. Feel tired all day. Lose your temper very easily. You are suffering from a great deal of mental confusion. Completely lost his appetite. Feels very much like being alone. Gets very sad or cries for no reason.

How to know if the house has an evil eye?

There are some signs that suggest that your home may be suffering from the evil eye: Both your home and your objects are constantly deteriorating. You often have nightmares or can’t sleep. You are very nervous when you are at home. From one hour to another their relationship only gets worse. You and the other residents of your house are sick all the time.

Well, that was all for today. I hope this powerful spell to remove the evil eye and envy will be of great use to you in protecting yourself from evil. How about starting to gather the necessary elements right now? Success for you!

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