Numbers bring important messages and help us understand our mission, commitment and even the obstacles faced throughout our earthly life. Some of them bring powerful messages, considered lucky spiritual numbers by many people.
This is the case with the numbers 7, 9, 11 and 22, which have a great connection with spirituality, whether through intuition, the search for knowledge, the desire to help people or the construction of a better world.
Therefore, if you have come across one of these numbers several times recently, or if you have any of them in your numerological chart, be sure that they bring you important reflections. Check out some topics in this article to help you understand all this clearly!
Number 7 is known as the number of perfection, which represents the connection between matter and spirit. In different cultures, philosophies and religions, it is considered an important number, as there are 7 days of the week, the colors of the rainbow and the heavenly virtues.
Those who have this number in their numerological map have some characteristics, such as deep spirituality, perfectionism and existential crises. See a little more about each of these questions below.
The number 7 is considered the number of deep spirituality, connection with that which is divine and the perfect integration between the physical and spiritual worlds. Thus, this number is also related to introspection and, above all, reflection.
The symbology of the number 7 is associated with people who are always trying to understand the world around them. This includes the search for spiritual development, as well as an interest in the occult and the mysteries of life.
Spirituality for these people, however, is not experienced only through religious practice. More than that, they want to understand and build their own belief system through reflection.
Be sure to check out Numerology 7: Meaning, Personality, In Love and More! for a more detailed analysis of the matter.
People who have the number 7 in their numerological chart are always looking to understand everything around them. Despite being interested in subjects such as the occult and spirituality, they are not always willing to simply accept everything they learn.
Even when seeking knowledge through certain beliefs or spiritual mentors, these people do not leave aside the process of rationalizing everything that is learned. Where, often, they have difficulty accepting what does not make sense to them.
Perfectionism is also one of the characteristics associated with this number, which, added to what was described above, makes it difficult for people with number 7 to understand and accept other points of view.
Consequently, you have to be careful with exaggerated demands on yourself and the difficulty of accepting other people for who they are.
Despite the interest in spirituality, those who have the number 7 as their path of life or have been constantly faced with this number need to be careful with an exaggerated attachment to worldly life. Not only about what one seeks to have, but also about the experiences that are lived. Just to understand how this number is associated with perfectionism, many people end up being overwhelmed by work.
This is because they want each task to be performed perfectly. The same can happen in relationships, showing through the excessive expectations that one has about other people.
Therefore, care must be taken with this issue, in addition to seeking a balance between spirituality and the various areas of earthly life. That way, you’ll have a chance to really enjoy it all.
People with the number 7 as their life path need to beware of emotional and even existential crises. First, because as they are always questioning everything, they sometimes feel lost and not sure which is the right path to follow.
Second, because the pursuit of perfection can have a negative impact on your self-esteem and self-confidence. In addition to harming socializing with other people and making it difficult to create healthy relationships.
There is also the duality between the search for spiritual development and attachment to material life, which brings that feeling of emptiness. Because if only one of these aspects goes well, these people still feel that there is something missing in their lives.
In numerology, the number 9 represents the fullness and totality of being. Having this number as your life path brings with it a mission to serve others. Thus, he associates himself with selfless people, full of compassion and kindness.
So, if you have the number 9 in your numerological chart or are constantly facing it, see below a little more about each of these questions.
Number 9 represents wisdom, precisely because it contains the experience of all previous numbers. Therefore, it also represents the total fulfillment of man and the achievement of his aspirations and fullness.
In addition, he is also a symbol of unconditional love and acceptance of himself and others. Consequently, when you reach this level, it is possible to share what you have without harming yourself.
That is why it is also related to altruism and people who have this number in their numerological map are always willing to serve and help others. Be it in a practical way, offering advice or even sharing your knowledge.
But know that there are other aspects of people governed by that number! See the article Numerology 9: Meaning, personality, in love and more!
The symbology of the number 9 is associated with qualities such as kindness and generosity, which are mainly manifested through the help offered to those who need them.
Many of the people with this number as their life path are humanitarians and are willing to fight for the rights of others. However, they do not do this for their own benefit or out of a desire to be recognized and do not even expect to receive anything in return.
Number 9 is also associated with people with a tendency to forget about themselves. Starting with the difficulty of accepting and even recognizing your own feelings and desires, especially when they are different from those of other people.
You also need to learn to take care of yourself with the same devotion and intensity that you take care of the people around you, in addition to understanding that it is not selfish to do for yourself what you do for others.
One of the most important lessons associated with the symbology of this number is that of learning to find the balance between caring for others and yourself. Since the negligence of either one will bring unhappiness, in addition to several problems.
Therefore, first of all, it is important to learn to recognize and respect your own desires. Because that’s the only way you’ll have the necessary clarity to understand when other people’s wills can harm your life.
In addition to not letting your own kindness be used by ill-intentioned people who want to take advantage of you. For this, you need to learn to be more assertive and impose limits whenever necessary.
Firstly, the symbology of the number 11 is related to intuition and even mediumship. Thus, the commitment of those who have this number as their life path is to learn to listen to their intuition and use it both for their own good and for the good of other people.
As this number also reveals someone with the ability to perceive energies around them, one has to learn to deal with it. Other important aspects of the number 11 personality are the possibility of inspiring those around them and the high level of spiritual development. If you want to know more about all this, check out the next topics.
People who have the number 11 in their numerological chart are very intuitive and sensitive, which is not always seen as something positive by society, as these individuals confuse sensitivity with weakness.
However, intuition is a powerful tool when put into practice. Since she can help you realize opportunities and even distance yourself from negative situations before you are harmed by them.
Therefore, one of the biggest commitments of those who have the number 11 in their numerological map is to learn to listen to their own intuition and put it into practice, whether in favor of themselves or the people around them.
The symbology of the number 11 is also related to people with a great ability to inspire others. Because they are so sensitive and intuitive, they can not only recognize their own feelings, but also understand what other people are going through.
However, they don’t always realize their own inner strength. Therefore, this is one of the most important lessons you need to learn along your earthly journey.
Number 11 people are also helpful, objective, persevering in the face of obstacles and are always ready to help others. All these traits also make them inspire those around them, whether they realize it or not.
Number 11 relates to a high level of intuition and even the ability to perceive or experience the energies of people and environments around you. For all these reasons, one of the main lessons that this number brings with it is the need to learn how to deal with these energies.
Starting with the ability to separate and understand the difference between your own energy and other people’s. Since people with the number 11 in their numerological chart tend to absorb the problems of others and allow this to have a negative impact on their own lives.
In addition, you also need to learn to block negative energies, whether yours or other people’s, especially in the sense of not allowing them to affect your life any longer than they should.
For this, it is possible to include rituals in the routine itself, even if it is something simple, such as meditation or a prayer in the morning. Or even, a diary in which you write how you feel and have the possibility to better understand yourself and everything you are experiencing.
In numerology, the number 11 is related to a high level of…