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Spell with Paper under the Pillow to Dream of you

Today we bring you a very effective spell so that the person you love dreams of you. That person may be with you currently, but you feel that he is distancing himself in the relationship.

Above all, we can use this Ritual in cases in which that person has left us or has separated and we have no contact with them, and we want them to be in contact with us.

Spell of the paper under the pillow to dream of you

We are going to make that person dream with us, have loving dreams with us and want to get in touch after those dreams.

It can be done from woman to woman, woman to man, man to man. It works for any type and gender of couple. It can be done in any lunar phase and preferably we are going to do it by boat, because we want that person to dream of us.

We are going to do it and from that moment that person is going to feel the influence of the ritual. We are going to do it at night, at any time, when there is no more sunlight. If it can be at midnight, which is the witching hour, ‘better.

Ingredients to perform the spell of the paper under the pillow

We are going to need a white paper, without writing, without lines, without drawing, without lines, without anything. A red pen or pencil and our usual perfume, the one we usually use.

How to do the spell of the paper under the pillow

The first thing we are going to do is trim the corners of the edges of the paper. We have to cut the edges that are cut from the printer to let the energies flow, so that the energies that we are moving with this ritual reach that person.

The paper has to be rectangular or square in shape. After you cut it on all four sides with your fingers, you are going to write with the red pen or marker in the upper left corner our name and surname, and in the lower right corner we are going to write the name and surname of the person who we want to attract, but if you do not know both surnames, one will suffice, if you do not know either, then you put the first name.

The names will be diagonal on the paper. In the middle of the paper we are going to write “dream with me tonight”

Now we are going to use something that is rarely used in magic but is quite powerful, which are the lines. This is why the lines represent the unique feeling that goes in a single direction. The straight line goes from a point to a point b and that is what we want to obtain, we want a line that goes from us to our loved one. Let’s make that line. There is no need for a rule, because if it is not perfect nothing happens, that does not cut it, it has to be a continuous line from our name to the name of our loved one.

This line will represent, as I have told you, direction with only two possible meanings. One is ourselves and the other is the loved one, that is, that person will only be able to dream of us, they will not dream of third parties.

We are going to make three lines above “dream with me”. These lines represent the holy trinity which is the deity, let’s say so, who we are going to ask for in this spell. So, I repeat, a line that goes from our name to the name of our loved one, which will unite us in one direction, and three small lines that represent the Holy Trinity.

Now with our perfume, the one that we usually use, we are going to spray or a few drops on top of our name, a spray on that of our loved one and a spray on the dream with me

Now we are going to fold the paper in four. While we are folding it, we are going to visualize what we want to achieve with this spell: to attract that person, to contact us, to tell us what they want, to not stop dreaming about us now As a result of those dreams that he contacts us, that he says that he wants to return, that he loves us, that he can’t get us out of his head. We will do this visualization with our hands on the folded paper for 5 minutes.

Without removing your hands from the paper, when 5 minutes have passed, you are going to recite the following: “Holy Trinity, creator of life, primordial source of love, I ask your intercession so that my loved one, here you can say the name of the person, dream of me and all my wishes come true, I humbly ask you, so be it.”

Once you have made the piece of paper you are going to put it under your pillow. You will leave it under your pillow for three nights and three days. And those days before you are going to visualize that this person also dreams of you. At the end of the third night you are going to take it out and you are going to burn it with a match, you are going to burn it on top of a small plate and with the ashes that are going to be left you are going to throw them on the ground, it can be a pot, you can leave the house and throw them into a tree. The important thing is that it mixes with the soil.

I’m sure that from this first night that person is going to dream about you, and after a few days dreaming about you, he’ll say okay, I can’t take it anymore, I’m going to call him. Because I want to go back to her.

Do it with a lot of faith. If you do it as I have explained, you will soon hear from that person that you love so much. A very simple but very effective spell. I wish you good luck and Blessings.


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