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Spell to make him miss me and look for me

I spell so that he misses me. Have you recently found yourself always thinking about someone? Of course, it means that you are in love with that person, but do you suspect that the person you love doesn’t even think about you anymore? If so, then you will need some help, maybe a little white magic to make him think of you.

If you are looking for a spell to make someone miss you, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will show you the most effective spell to make the person you love constantly think of you and cannot resist being by your side.

What do you need to perform this spell?

To perform this spell, you will need the following materials:

A photograph of the person you want to miss you
a piece of red paper
a black pencil
a red candle
A cup of chamomile tea

Steps to follow to perform the spell

Prepare a calm and relaxed environment where you can concentrate.
Light the red candle and put it in front of the photograph of the person you want to miss you.
Write on the red paper the name of the person and yours, joined by a heart.
Fold the red paper and place it under the cup of chamomile tea.
Visualize the person missing you and thinking about you constantly while you drink the chamomile tea.
When you finish drinking the tea, leave the cup and the red paper under the candle until it is completely consumed.

Tips to make the spell work better

Perform the spell on a waxing moon day.
Stay focused and positive energy throughout the process.
Visualize with clarity and emotion the person missing you.

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This spell is very simple to perform, but it is important that you do it with faith and positivity so that you have the best results. Do not hesitate to try it and you will see how the person you love will start to miss you in no time!

We hope that this article has been useful to you and has provided you with the necessary knowledge to successfully perform the spell to be missed. Remember that the practice of spells and rituals is an ancient art that requires patience, concentration and a lot of faith to achieve effective results. Therefore, it is important that you always perform these spells with responsibility and respect towards yourself and others.

This spell to make him miss you can give fantastic results if you do it properly, magic is an easy and effective hack that will make love enter his head and heart without him noticing.

The origin of this kind of spells can be found a long time ago, in African tribes when especially women practiced this kind of witchcraft, when their men left for long periods of time. It is also believed that this type of spells also works and serves to improve an existing relationship, making the man think only of a woman, and in this way that he listens only to her, thus producing a harmony in love and friendship. couple’s life.

Currently this kind of rituals and spells are used by women all over the world, to attract and keep men towards them for different reasons.

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Now the ingredients and the way to execute are specified this spell to make me miss you. It is better to do it about someone you already know well, or with whom you have already had some kind of relationship before or present. In general it is very effective and does not take long to take effect.

You will need the following items for this spell:

Your voice
your love for that person
display power
Rose, daisy, or dandelion (optional)
Think of you and him together, laughing, holding hands, etc. Now imagine him at night in his
bed sleeping and rocking from one side of the bed to the other smiling, saying your name over and over again.

Imagine him suddenly alone in a desert. He’s sitting on the floor, then suddenly he says your name out loud. Then the desert becomes a beautiful garden and in the middle you find yourself, shining like the sun. Imagine him running towards you with emotions of desire and joy on his countenance, when he arrives visualize him lovingly kissing you.

If you want the person to miss you and want you madly, then you should visualize more situations: imagine him doing a lot of things for you, feeling that you are the center of his cosmos. Now utter this incantation holding one or multiple flowers in your hand:

“Earth, fire, water, air, My wish is that you miss me.
May (your name) wish me, when the wind blows hard.
May your love turn on more, when it stops blowing.
When you sleep and when you wake up, in your psyche you will see me.

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Also read: How to make a man fall in love

Here concludes this spell so that I miss you. I invite you to continue browsing this website to learn more about white magic and love spells. Share with your contacts if it has served you.

If you want to see how white magic can help you improve your life, I recommend that you read my personal story here

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