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Scorpio – Astrologer – Zodiac Signs and Horoscope of the day

About Scorpion

Those born under Scorpio are passionate and assertive people. They are determined and decisive, and they research until they find the truth. Scorpio is a great leader, always aware of situations and also stands out for ingenuity.

Scorpio is a water sign and lives to experience and express emotions. While emotions are very important to Scorpio, they manifest themselves differently than other water signs. In any case, you can be sure that Scorpio will keep his secrets, whatever they may be.

Pluto is the planet of transformation and regeneration, and also the ruler of this zodiac sign. Scorpios are known for their calm, cool demeanor and mysterious appearance. People often say that Scorpios are fierce, probably because they understand the rules of the universe very well. Some Scorpios may appear older than they really are. They are excellent leaders, as they are very dedicated to what they do. They hate dishonesty and can be very jealous and suspicious, so they need to learn to adapt to different human behaviors. They are brave and therefore they have a lot of friends.


Scorpios are fantastic at management, problem solving and creation. When a Scorpio sets a goal, he won’t give up until he achieves it. They are great at solving tasks that require a scientific and thorough approach. Their ability to concentrate and their determination make them very capable managers. They never mix business with friendship.

Jobs such as scientist, doctor, researcher, sailor, detective, police officer, business manager, and psychologist are appropriate for this powerful zodiac sign. Scorpio respects people, so they expect to be respected in return.

They are disciplined enough to stay within budget, but are also not afraid to work hard to achieve a better financial position. However, they are not willing to spend too much. Money means security and a sense of control to them, which means they are good at saving and making decisions carefully before investing in something.


Honesty and fairness are the two qualities that make Scorpio a great friend. People born under the sign of Scorpio are very dedicated and loyal when it comes to work. They are quick-witted and intelligent, so they are at their best when in the company of witty and amusing people. They are full of surprises and will give you everything you need, but if you let them down once – there is no going back. Scorpios are very emotional; when they are in pain, it is simply impossible to make them feel better. They are very devoted and take good care of their family.

Scorpio is the most sensual sign in the zodiac. Scorpios are extremely passionate and intimacy is very important to them. They want intelligent and honest partners. Once they fall in love, they are very dedicated and faithful. However, they enter into relationships being very careful because sometimes they need time to build trust and respect for their partners.

Magnetism, this word defines the main energy of Scorpios towards others. The efficiency they have in enchanting and seducing someone is inexplicable. When we look for everything about Scorpios, we will always find points that refer to their power of seduction, their mysterious air that involves them easily and makes this characteristic notable among natives.

In fact, one of the ways to get to know a Scorpio man deeply is in bed. At this moment he is more vulnerable and will give himself more, which allows you to identify his true essence.

This is one of the most active signs, sexually speaking: Scorpios are endowed with crazy eroticism. However, it is difficult to identify him, as he is secretive, even when it comes to love. This sign has a strong libido that it likes to hide under a discreet appearance. An acid lover, Scorpio is at the same time jealous when he gives his loving trust. Very hot and perceptive, Scorpios know how to become good manipulators to detect their partners’ most hidden sensual desires.

The woman

Magnetic and dark, the Scorpio woman puts eroticism at the heart of her romantic relationships. Desire, with its mysteries and temptations, is its most powerful engine. Suffice to say, warm impulses and traditional pleasures are not her thing. Impatient, your wishes must be fulfilled as efficiently and quickly as possible! Of a faithful nature, she is not the type to pass from one person to another. She gives herself without restrictions, but not to just anyone! She controls her impulses and rarely has one-off adventures, as she is fiercely loyal and endowed with a great thirst for completion.

How to conquer the Scorpio woman

The Scorpio personality is complex and fascinating.

Scorpio women are secretive, sensual, magnetic, but they also appear distant and calm. The Scorpio woman has a great capacity for kindness and a desire to do good in the world.

If you want to seduce her, you have to be patient and willing to let her take the reigns in the relationship. Be a good listener and pay full attention when she is speaking.

Dating a Scorpio woman can be a lot of fun, but don’t let her wild side fool you into thinking she’ll be an easy win. Don’t expect a sexual encounter with the Scorpio woman on the first date.

Winning her love requires a lot of time and patience, but when she falls in love, she will give her all to the relationship. The woman born under the sign of Scorpio can be very possessive, but also a completely dedicated partner. Be honest and avoid getting into arguments with her because she is not the type to forgive or forget easily.

The woman born under the sign of Scorpio is curious, so in order to keep her happy, you will have to find new ways to satisfy her curiosity. If you let her keep her pride, she will respect you for it and will fall in love with you quickly.

The man

The Scorpio man is aware that sexuality is important and makes it a beautiful part of his life. He is endowed with crazy eroticism and reveals himself to be an acid lover. Making love for him is a pleasant change of scenery, a journey to limitless horizons and a natural adventure that should be perpetual… He has a tireless character and runs the risk of appearing insatiable in the eyes of his partner. But behind his apparent coldness, he burns a devouring flame. He needs only a woman to understand him, to share and to intervene in her tastes to awaken his love and maintain his fidelity.

How to conquer the Scorpio man

Learning how to attract a Scorpio man is not easy. Scorpio men are boring, confident, intense, sexual and very competitive. Some of Scorpio’s negative traits are the fact that they are highly obsessive, compulsive and envious. In order to seduce the Scorpio man, you will have to maintain an air of mystery around you. Games are something that appeal to men born under the Scorpio astrological sign, which means you will have to work hard to keep them interested.

With a Scorpio man, everything needs to be a challenge and a catch, so don’t go easy on him and play hard to get with him, playing hard to get. Being honest and affectionate with this sign is also very important. They are attracted to women who are confident and know how to flirt. However, there must be more than physical attraction for him to get to the point where he allows you to seduce him. He also needs an emotional attraction, as one of the most important characteristics of Scorpio is the fact that he is the sign that feels most intensely in the zodiac. He longs for a sexual experience that goes beyond physical limitations, so if you want to seduce him, just give him your soul. Never try to control the Scorpio man because he needs to be in control at all times.

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