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Psalm 140 – Knowing the best time to make decisions

Making decisions can become a difficult task. No matter how small, a decision has the power to change the course of our lives. O Psalm 140 it was written by David, when persecuted by King Saul. Do you know this prayer very well? So, check out this great message now and see how it helps you know how to make the best choices possible without any chance of regret.

During the reading of this Psalm, it is possible to perceive that David cries out to God in a time of difficulty. In addition, Psalm 140 also serves to act with caution, achieve trust and good relationships, which are also decisions we make in life.

What does Psalm 140 say

Psalm 140 is an essential prayer in our lives, especially when we go through difficult times and are unable to make decisions. David says:

1. Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man; keep me from the violent man,
2. Who thinks evil in his heart; continually gather for war.
3. They sharpened their tongues like a serpent; the venom of vipers is under their lips.
4. Keep me, O Lord, from the hand of the wicked; keep me from the violent man; who intended to overturn my steps.
5. The proud have made snares and ropes for me; they spread the net by the side of the path; they set me up with nooses.
6. I said to the Lord: Thou art my God; hear the voice of my supplications, O Lord.
7. O God the Lord, strength of my salvation, you covered my head in the day of battle.
8. Grant not, O Lord, his desires to the wicked; do not promote his evil purpose, lest he be exalted.
9. As for the heads of those around me, let the wickedness of their lips cover them.
10. Let burning coals fall on them; be thrown into the fire, into deep pits, so that they will not rise again.
11. A man with an evil tongue will not have firmness on earth; evil will pursue the violent man until he is banished.
12. I know that the Lord will uphold the cause of the oppressed, and the right of the needy.
13. So the righteous will praise your name; the righteous shall dwell in your presence.

The more decisions to be made, the more fervently we must pray to God. We all know that the Lord protects us, if He is for us, who can be against us? We must especially pray Psalm 140, that the Lord would embrace our ways, that our steps would not be slippery.

The importance of Psalm 140

When David is praying, he asks our Lord to cover his head on the day of battle. When we have to make decisions, every day is a different battle. David pleaded with God for intelligence to face the approaching danger.

In addition to praying the Psalm 140to find inspiration for decision-making we must talk to all the people who will also be part of that decision.
Also, do not make decisions when you are under pressure or in a stressful situation, try to think carefully about your actions and always make decisions calmly.

Remember that every decision is an opportunity to change your life, and relying on faith and Psalm 140 is always important for our path to be full of peace and calm. Balancing our faith with our emotional balance is the key to avoiding frustration.

Now that you know more about the Psalm 140also check:

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