The last pass of Pluto in Libra took place from 1972 to 1984. That is, it remained 12 years in this sign. Which is a short time, since he can stay up to 32 years in the same sign. This is because he is slower in some Zodiac regions and faster in others. In total, it takes Pluto about 248 years to go around the entire Zodiac.
A slow planet like Pluto, which moves less than 2 minutes a day, does not bring very evident changes to individuals, but it has great power and influence over the collective.
Pluto in Astrology
In Greek Mythology, Pluto is Hades, the God of Hell. So when Pluto passes through our lives, we are faced with our personal hell.
According to Astrology, two planets are related to our karma and destiny: Saturn and Pluto. Saturn is a stern God, a father who comes to teach discipline and building through work.
However, despite being a karmic planet, Pluto in Astrology gives us the possibility of choice. With it, we can assert our free will. Not Pluto. He is a more severe God. He is rude, cold, and merciless in his lessons. The fate he shows us is irrevocable and, at times, painful. The only way out we have is to accept him and learn from his designs.
Pluto in Astrology has the function of bringing out what was hidden, repressed in us and eliminating it. We have to face all the darkness and evil that is hidden inside us, our fears, fear and anguish. We need to look deep into their eyes and eliminate them!
Pluto in the Birth Chart, if badly aspected, indicates abuse and ignorance. Intolerance, coercion, manipulation and fanaticism arise from the unconscious use of Plutonian power.
When well aspected, Pluto in the Birth Chart lights our way and brings a prosperous future. When we discover what we really need to live and do an internal cleaning, he comes and gives us all the superfluous that we don’t even need anymore.
His aim is not to make us miserable, emotionally or materially. He wants us to learn to differentiate the superfluous from the essential. Only then will we know how to live in balance and valuing what really matters.
Pluto in Libra
Libra is the sign of balance, of those who like to live in peace, relating well to everyone. Thus, the transformations brought by Pluto when it transits Libra are related to new forms of love and relationship.
In its last passage through Libra, Pluto brought the free love lived by the hippie generation, as well as sexual freedom and artistic movements.
People who have Pluto in Libra in their birth chart know how to separate what is true from what is false. When they identify this, they quickly clean up to get rid of everything bad. They are people who seek to identify their mistakes in order to correct them.
This is a fair generation, inclined to change, organized, who know how to make choices, who seek harmony, culture, beauty and art. On the other hand, he lacks romanticism, good humor, disposition and calm.
From 1972 to 1984
In the last passage of Pluto in Libra, he influenced the creation of a society that shook social structures and human relationships. It was the generation of hippies, whose motto was “Peace and love”. They wanted to love everyone, without discrimination. Love and make love! So much so that there was an impulse to reform the legal codes linked to marriage.
Pluto spawned people obsessed with art, who managed to significantly increase this market.
At that time, people were also concerned with building a more just, egalitarian and partnered world.
Events that Pluto in Libra brought to humanity
Below is a summary of the main events of Pluto’s last passage in Libra.
- The patterns of relationships were challenged;
- New diplomatic standards were established;
- The Cold War followed the following maxim: “if you send a bomb, i will send a bomb too, so it is better not to send it”;
- There was the sexual revolution, the sexual act becoming commonplace;
- Marriage took on a new approach;
- Divorces began to occur en masse;
- A lot of dissatisfaction and conflicts in relationships that tried to keep the traditional pattern;
- Taboos were broken and a new concept of justice began to be developed;
- The hippie movement was at its height, as were its free love and sexual freedom movements;
- Women began to seek more intensely for equal rights, both in marriage and in the profession;
- There was a great obsession with artistic expression.
Now that you know everything about Pluto in Libra, read also:
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