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Love Obsession: Learn How To Identify And Deal With It!

Some feelings are so intense that they can become an obsession, especially if the person is insecure, has difficulty dealing with frustration, and is not emotionally mature. All of this can turn into love obsessionwhich is when a person becomes obsessed with another.

But after all, is love obsession bad? Is it normal to be obsessed with a person? What are the consequences of having an obsessive relationship? These and other questions will be answered below. So keep reading this content to understand everything about love obsession, including how to get rid of this problem.

Know what is love obsession and how to deal with it!

What is obsession?

THE obsession is an exaggerated attachment, also called emotional attachment, to an idea or feeling that the person cannot get rid of. It is a compulsive, totally irrational behavior to which the person is irresistibly motivated by their own emotions to act in this way.

in the case of love obsession, this emotional attachment makes the person live according to the other or their relationship. Everything revolves around this person, he cannot live, have individual experiences and does compulsive things because he cannot deal with obsession.

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What is an obsessive person?

One Obsessive person is one who is obsessed with something or someone. In the case of relationships, it is a person who cannot be without a partner, who feels exaggeratedly jealous, who pursues the loved one and who has compulsive behaviors in the face of a breakup, for example.

O Obsessive behavior can have levels, so it’s very important to pay attention if you’re not an obsessive person or if your partner doesn’t have this behavior, okay? Using your partner’s or partner’s cell phone hidden can be an indication of obsessiveness, you know?

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What is an obsessive relationship?

already the Obsessive relationship is one where the couple becomes obsessed with each other, but in a bad way. Both want to control everything about the other, they start to live based only on the relationship and leave everything else aside. It is notorious the compulsive behavior of both in the face of situations such as jealousy, for example. Therefore, an obsessive relationship is a relationship where the two depend on each other to be happy, characterizing a great emotional dependence.

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Is it normal to be obsessed with a person?

It is common, you can find several cases of people who are obsessed with others, but we can’t normalize this kind of behavior. We must consider that obsession is a bad behavior, which brings harm to both and should not be encouraged. Therefore, it’s not normal to be obsessivethis is especially harmful for you, who have this emotional dependence on a certain person.

How do you know if it’s love or obsession?

Good, but what is the difference between love and obsession, How to know if it’s love or obsession and what would be the signs of an obsessed person? Here are the behaviors of an obsessed person that indicate that it is not love, but a love obsession:

  • Excessive jealousy for no reason;
  • Impulse to want to control the life of the other;
  • Using the other’s cell phone secretly and without permission;
  • Intrusive questioning instead of pleasant dialogue;
  • Constant fear of losing a loved one;
  • Constant messages and calls as a form of control;
  • Constant tension when not with the loved one;
  • Emotional imbalance in the face of situations that generate insecurity;
  • Impulsiveness in times of fight;
  • Emotional dependence on the other.
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If you notice these signs in yourself or in your partner, it means that there is obsessive behavior that needs to be addressed.

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What are the consequences of obsession?

THE obsession is harmful to anyone, especially for those who act this way. Therefore, being obsessed with someone is harmful to you and the other. The first consequence of this behavior is that you deposit all your happiness in the other, when this is not the responsibility of the other, but yours. That way, you get frustrated all the time for not having your expectations met.

And it’s bad for those who deal with this situation too, because it’s not the other’s responsibility to make you happy. It is a burden to carry this responsibility, the person begins to blame himself for not being able to please the other, has difficulty dealing with excessive jealousy, among other consequences.

Ultimately, obsessive behavior drives away couples and people who could be happy together. So, if you’ve identified that you’re acting obsessively, know that this can push the person you love away from you!

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How to stop being obsessive about someone?

Now that you know the consequences of this obsessive behavior, know that to stop being obsessive you will need to better understand your own feelings. It is very important to know how to deal with your emotions, work on your insecurities and take care of your self-esteem. All this will help you to get rid of this emotional dependence.

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In such cases, it is recommended to seek the help of a psychologist to work on this behavior. You can also seek help for this problem through spiritual counseling. In that case, you can book your Spiritual Consultation with Maicon Paiva and discover the best way to get rid of love obsession.

How to deal with love obsession?

Whether or not you are the obsessive person in the relationship, check out these tips on how to deal with love obsession to build a healthy relationship!

  • Work on your self-love;
  • Raise your self-esteem;
  • Understand what your insecurities are;
  • Don’t try to control compulsive behavior;
  • Think more about the triggers that lead to this behavior;
  • Work on trust within the relationship;
  • Be honest and transparent with each other at all times;
  • Set a time for both of you to live your individuality.

Another way to deal with love obsession is to seek Spiritual Help for this problem. At the you can receive this help through a Spiritual Consultation. Our Spiritualist Maicon Paiva will be able to guide you on how to act in your relationship to end obsessiveness.

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