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Learn the powerful prayer of Saint Jude Thaddeus for impossible causes

Son of Joseph’s brother and Mary’s cousin, therefore Jesus’ cousin, Saint Judas Tadeu was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. He is one of the most popular Catholic figures here in Brazil and only those who do not know his history and his power who do not yet have a prayer of saint judas on the tip of the tongue.

The Story of Saint Jude

Born in Cana, Saint Judas had four other brothers. As an apostle of Jesus, he was one of the most fervent, and after his ascension and after the apostles had received the Holy Spirit, he began to preach amid sufferings and persecutions in Galilee. Even this period in which he was a preacher inspires the prayer of St. Jude.

He traveled to many places like Mesopotamia, Armenia, Syria, Persia. In Persia he was persecuted for fearlessly preaching the faith in Jesus Christ and getting many Persians to convert to Christianity. And for that, there he was sentenced to death by beheading.

The body of St. Jude Thaddeus is buried in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican and his feast is celebrated on October 28, which is the probable date of his death.

Saint Jude’s Prayer for Impossible Causes

“Saint Judas Thaddeus, glorious Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus!
The name of Judas Iscariot, the traitor of Jesus, caused you to be forgotten by many, but now the Church honors you and invokes you throughout the world as the patron of desperate cases and hopeless businesses. Pray for me, who am so desolate.
I beg you, make use of the privilege you have of bringing immediate help, where help has almost completely disappeared.
Assist me in this great need, so that I can receive the consolations and help of heaven in all my needs, tribulations and sufferings. Saint Judas Tadeu, obtain for me the grace I ask of you (request).
I promise you, O blessed Saint Jude Thaddeus, to always remember this great favor and never fail to praise and honor you as my special and powerful patron and to do everything in my power to spread your devotion far and wide.
Saint Jude Thaddeus pray for us. ”

Powerful Prayer of Saint Jude

“Saint Judas Thaddeus, apostle chosen by Christ, I salute you and praise you for the fidelity and love with which you carried out your mission.
Called and sent by Jesus, you are one of the twelve pillars that support the true Church founded by Christ. Many people, imitating your example and helped by your prayer, find the way to the Father, open their hearts to their brothers and sisters and discover the strength to overcome sin and overcome all evil. I want to imitate you, committing myself to Christ and to his Church, for a decided conversion to God and to my neighbour, especially the poorest. And, thus converted, I will assume the mission of living and announcing the Gospel, as an active member of my community.
I hope, then, to obtain from God the grace that I implore, trusting in your powerful intercession (make the request for the grace to be obtained).
Saint Jude Thaddeus, pray for us. Amen. ”

Now that you already know a little of the history and more than one prayer of Saint Jude, you can get attached to him who is considered the great solver of impossible causes.

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