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Practical Resources

70 Beautiful Phrases to Reflect and Share

Share: Thinkers, artists and all kinds of inspiring people speak to us through different philosophies. There are many elements and aspects of our lives that involve doubts and conflicts. We often wonder how, when, why and for what, reflecting on many facets of our lives and what happens around us. Where are we? why do we live? Where will we ...

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What do hugs say about your relationship?

Share: Human beings live in a world of codes and non-verbal language. That’s why it’s always interesting to guess what a gesture, a look, a silence means. Even the way you walk can say a lot about a person’s personality. But what can you assume about a relationship between two people just by seeing the way they hug each other? ...

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What do they think about women who wear glasses?

Share: I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been called unfriendly, just the opposite of me. I didn’t settle down and reflect until I found the reason. One day, Victor, my friend, told me that he adopted my blasé attitude at parties. Hey? How blasé? I’m not that, I replied indignantly. He laughed and continued, “Now I squint just ...

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Take love wherever you go.

Share: Distribute sincere smiles to the four corners of the world. Sow love wherever you go. Share the good times with life. Feel today so you don’t run the risk of not feeling tomorrow. Stop walking fast and try to kiss someone slowly. Allow yourself to be totally free and carry the purest and fullest freedom in your chest. Steal ...

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