In this article we will be talking about one of the elements of Santeria, widely practiced today, although it is a cult of the Afro-Cubans that comes from quite ancient times, such an element are the children of shangó, who are often heard mentioned about them by diary, since it is a culture that has spread, they reached other parts ...
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Know the best OFFERINGS TO YEMAYA to have his favors
Part of the rituals in the Yoruba belief are offerings, in this post we will teach you how to offer them to Yemaya, one of the Goddesses that is part of the upper temple of these Orishas; so that you can enjoy her favors and keep this Deity happy at all times. Introduction The Offerings to Yemaya are part of ...
Read More »Do you know ZARABANDA IN PALO MAYOMBE? Learn everything here
Encounters between communities throughout the world have allowed social, economic, cultural, religious exchanges to be generated, among others. In the case of this article, the Zarabanda in Palo Mayombe is a foundation framed within African belief. We invite you to learn about this African foundation. What is Zarabanda in Palo Mayombe? Within what corresponds to the definition of the Zarabanda ...
Read More »CHILDREN OF OBATALÁ: Characteristics, names, tips and more
Learn all about the Children of Obatalá, knows their characteristics and diverse personalities, as well as their names, with which they differ from each other, and represent each of their paths. Do not miss this information, as it has many details about this type of cult of Yoruba origin. Introduction Through this article, we will reveal many details about the ...
Read More »SAMAEL: Who he was, in the Bible, meaning and more
Mentioned in manuscripts, works, texts, sacred books and also in popular culture, Samael is considered the archangel of death, a figure who can do good or bad depending on the task entrusted to him. Learn a little more about everything related to this ancient and feared character by reading the following information. Who was Samael? Samael, also known as Smil, ...
In this interesting article, you will learn about the existence of the Mayan myth of the creation of man, Mayan myth of the creation of the world and Mayan myth of the creation of humanityyou will be amazed to discover the charming, magical and supernatural narratives that exist about the Mayan myths. Surprising and fantastic Mayan legends and myths For ...
Read More »UNICORN: What it is, meaning, legend and much more
Many legends of the Middle Ages have the unicorn as their main figure, a mythical pure and powerful being, who can warn and cancel the effect of powerful poisons. Its beauty and mystery has conquered many generations, making it a popular creature, not only in medieval times where it appears in poems, paintings and tapestries, but also today, inspiring fashions, ...
The Rosary to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is composed of a set of prayers and prayers, made up of five decades, which are invoked in honor of the five wounds of pain that Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered. Rosary to the Sacred Heart of Jesus The Rosary to the sacred heart of Jesus, are religious prayers recited in the ...
The energy vampires They are those people who, in order to increase their physical and mental energies, absorb those of people with whom they interact. They can exercise this ability from a distance. In this installment we will give you the keys to identify them and how to protect yourself from them. What are Energy Vampires? Also called psychic vampires, ...
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