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Exu Caveira: learn about its history, phalanx, offerings and more!

Exu Caveira is not really a person, but a phalanx – that is, a group of evolved spirits who seek to do charity along the same lines. In the case of Exu Caveira’s phalanx, they work with a very important mission, that of directing lost souls to their correct paths.

In this way, as they are dealing directly with death, they are archetypally represented as skulls, wearing black cloaks and working tools in their hands, which can be shields, swords, scythes or whatever is necessary for the job.

As they also deal with Eguns (lost or harmful spirits), they are always required in disobsession processes. They act emphatically to solve the problem, by directing the entity away from the affected person.

Another important work is that of guiding souls so that they continue to grow, without regressing in learning and preparing for their return. In this article, you will learn more about Exu Caveira, its history, associations, characteristics, components of the phalanx and more!

Lack of information and prejudice end up leading to completely erroneous beliefs about Exu Caveira. Next, better understand his story, what he represents in Umbanda, in Candomblé and find out why he is still associated with the Devil by the church.

Archetypically, Exu Caveira is a representation of the essence that never dies, of outcome and transmutation. He is a spirit older than all those who inhabit the earth, having already reincarnated a few times and going through human situations to understand his pain and suffering.

On the other hand, seen as a representation of a certain vibratory range, with a certain type of work, Exu Caveira is also a phalanx. This is composed of several spirits who are willing and able to work in this role, on behalf of their brothers still in development.

For Umbanda, Exu Caveira’s phalanges are strong people, usually military and who know very well how to deal with any adversity. Battles do not pose threats and they know how to choose the right strategies very well to achieve the best results.

Its focus is both for those who are being attended by the medium, seeking release from the demand and the obsessing spirits, and for the spirit that is lost, still on earth. He not only undoes the energetic bonds, but also tries to guide this spirit towards growth, if something can be done for it.

These entities manifest themselves through the medium and advise, guide and teach all paths of prosperity, protection and life. They always do this jokingly, laughingly and in a relaxed way, but their voices are deep and their words are serious, containing great wisdom and commanding respect.

For Candomblé, Exu Caveira was already incarnated, around 670 AD, in Egypt. Head of the Roman guard, he came from a simple family and, at that time, to marry, it was necessary to buy the woman from another family. With no money and in love with an old childhood friend, he worked hard to achieve economic returns.

It was then that he managed to buy land and other goods, forming a village. As soon as he was ready to ask for his beloved’s hand in marriage, he spoke to his family and, hours before, his brother – who was very jealous of him – betrayed him and asked for her hand first.

Devastated by the betrayal, he withdrew and focused on his village, which became very prosperous, attracting the greed of neighboring towns. So, it was attacked and almost all the inhabitants were killed, leaving only Exu Caveira and 49 survivors. They gathered and massacred the enemy city, being captured and burned alive.

These women and men, who set out to take revenge and came together to do justice, formed the first phalanx, with 49 members and always focused on charity. The chief is Exu Caveira, accompanied by João Caveira, Caveirinha, Rosa Caveira, 7 Caveiras and many other phalangeiros.

Exu skull has a different appearance, with his body made only of a skeleton, with a bright light around him and a black cover, being often associated with the cemetery and death. In addition, he has a unique speech, a typical and very deep voice and is not afraid to tell the truth.

In this way, it can be easy for a religion or a political group to purposely associate Exu Caveira with the devil. Often, the intention of this is to distance people from African-based religions and bring them closer to their own, where there is always a savior, who avoids the attack of these creatures. This helps to maintain control of society, as it did in the era of slavery.

There are some characteristics that are very associated with Exu Caveira, which has very striking traits, being recognized by all those who work with this line. He can be very playful and still mean it. He is extremely powerful and is usually direct in his statements. Next, learn more about these points and learn more about this Exu!

Full of tricks and small proofs of his presence – made only by his own will – Exu Caveira’s phalanx is always laughing and making jokes with his clients. But when he is serious, there is no one who will not listen, because the wisdom of his words echoes deeply in the heart.

When he manifests himself, there are moments of play and others where silence reigns, leaving only the presence of his deep and serious voice. With a penetrating look and a unique seriousness, Exu Caveira speaks many truths and teaches you how to get out of dark situations, improving your life.

The phalanx of Exu Caveira is one of the most powerful and must always be respected, as they are guardians of souls, caretakers of the path and protectors of those in need. In addition to helping to direct and guide souls, they also help in the relationship between incarnated and disincarnated, maintaining order.

When Exu Caveira speaks, it’s good to be prepared, because he won’t mince words to express what he thinks. Despite his laughing, cheerful and sly manner, he is very serious and assertive. Straightforward, he doesn’t like fluff and, more than anyone else, he knows that life is too short to waste time on nonsense.

Exu Caveira may even have a little more patience and advise his listeners, either collectively or just for the consultant. However, his advice is passed on in a very profound way, without a trace of doubt or chance of questioning.

In addition to advising, he is known for giving very intense warnings, showing paths and directing the person towards himself, first of all. He is not used to mincing words and puts intensity in his directions.

The phalanx of Exu Caveira is made up of 49 survivors, men and women with a thirst for revenge, blinded by the pain of losing everyone they loved and who were burned by the same people who killed their own.

After the outcome, the will to do justice remained, but the knowledge of the greatness of the universe opened his eyes and softened his heart. It was then that they got together and decided to work for charity. Meet some Exus of this phalanx below!

João Caveira usually speaks very seriously, without so many jokes, because, despite being an Exu, he vibrates in the line of Omulu, the old man from the cruise, connected to souls. It is a subphalanx of Exu Caveira, which takes care of the direction of the disincarnated, as soon as the outcome with the physical body occurs.

He is represented by a man who carries a skull in his hand, tending the cemetery gate, his place of work. He also helps sort out the spirits, directing workers to the right places, depending on each one’s conditions.

Exu Caveirinha is an Exu Mirim who works in the vibration of Omulu, being part of the phalanx of Exu Caveira. He presents himself as a child full of energy and joy, infecting those around him. Despite having suffered a lot when incarnated, Caveirinha preaches the love and joy of living.

Due to this lightness and energetic harmony, he is connected to magic, especially those involving elementals, neutralizing denser, low-energy works very easily. He can walk in the densest places without being recognized and has the lightness of the child in his chest.

Rosa Caveira is the presence of royalty in the form of simplicity. She works in the phalanx of Exu Caveira and is called Pomba Gira, which is the name for the Exus in their feminine aspect. Focused on the problems of love, fertility and prosperity, she works mainly helping women.

Skull Rose can incorporate both women and men who have their most active feminine energy. When they do, they are the pure expression of haughtiness and elegance, with a sensuality and joy unique to this queen, always speaking sincerely and without fuss.

Exu 7 Caveiras, also known as Dr. Caveira, works in the phalanx of Exu Caveira, also in the line of Omulu, the Orisha affectionately called the doctor of the poor. He acts in the area of ​​spiritual healing and mainly in breaking works involving black magic.

This happens because he has deep knowledge in magic, kabbalah and all aspects related to the immaterial, being able to solve even the heaviest jobs. After all, he is a guaranteed presence in the cemetery, he descends to the denser planes and can very well eliminate and guide lost souls.

The phalanx of Exu Caveira is composed of 49 exus, each with its area of ​​activity and initiative, carrying out a different work in each sphere. Normally, they vibrate at the frequency of Omulu, being governed by this Orisha.

Some participants in this phalanx are: Chief, Tata Caveira, João Caveira, Maria Caveira, Exu Caveira da Porteira, Quebra Bones, Tata Molambo, Tata Veludo and many others, each with their attribution, connection and importance.

Exu Caveira is a phalanx dedicated to the service of charity, directing lost souls to their path of light or recovery. However, they can also act in other areas, depending on the affinity of each one. See what this powerful phalanx can do for people below!

When it comes to opening paths, Exu Caveira’s phalanx is a reference, as it wards off evil and allows the energies of abundance to return…

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