Home » Dreams & Meanings » Dreaming of a flood: clean water, dirty water, mud, on the street, in the river and more!

Dreaming of a flood: clean water, dirty water, mud, on the street, in the river and more!

Water in dreams symbolizes an alert to emotions. When the dream brings you a flood of water, that is, a flood, it is inviting you to observe your deepest emotions and realize where you are.

Just like the waters of the floods that reach the mountains and bring and take away many objects, the flooding emotions represented in the dream want to announce the possible arrival or departure of various feelings.

This flood of emotions is not always positive, but that is not why it will be a negative alert either. Read below a little more about the different ways your feelings and emotions stand out through the different meanings that dreaming about floods can have.

Was this flood coming from a river? Was it mud? Next, read in more detail the variations of how the flood appeared in your dream, better understand what feelings and emotions were mobilized by you and what this tells you.

Dreaming of a flood of clean water means that, although at the moment you are feeling flooded with thoughts and emotions, in the depths of your being the path you have to take is already clear to you.

Your dream tells you that even if things appear to be tumultuous, in reality, you already know what to do: just listen to your deepest self and have the courage to act. We often need to hold hands with someone to be able to do what we believe is necessary, often what is necessary is to let go of someone’s hands.

Follow what you feel you must do, even if now it is not seeming possible due to the turmoil of feelings and emotions that are flooding you, the meaning of your dream can be translated as an invitation from you to yourself to have courage.

When the water that overflows in a flood in your dream appears crystal clear, what your dream is symbolizing is a confirmation of good harmony of your many current feelings and emotions.

Dreaming of a flood of crystal clear water symbolizes tranquility. So, be at peace with your intensity of feelings and realize that these multiple emotions are part of you. Take the time to learn more about these emotions now that you are more aware of yourself. Expand and allow others to enjoy their excesses too, without it hurting you.

If that night you were dreaming of a flood of dirty water, the meaning is that you need to be aware of the confusion of your emotions and the lack of clarity about which path to take.

Floods of dirty water cloud the view of what is being submerged, so be careful not to drown more and more in the pool of emotions. Look a little deeper inside you. When dreaming of a flood of dirty water, know that this is not the time to make important decisions.

Blue, in general, is a color that reminds us of tranquility, harmony and spirituality. However, when dreaming of a flood of blue water, the meaning goes a little further than what we most immediately think about. Blue also symbolizes coldness, so this dream asks you to realize that you are not trying to deny your feelings.

Maybe they are taking over you, just like the flood of blue water took over your dream. Realize the shade of blue, the clearer it is, the less you have been listening and feeling your feelings and emotions.

Dreaming of a flood of black water can symbolize a defense in your dream to not let guilt appear as one of the strongest of your current feelings. The black water flood reveals that you are doing something that you don’t consider right, but that you still do.

In order not to feel guilt in the dream as well, his inner self then dyes all the floodwater black, hiding his feelings. Review your actions and be authentic, because being well with yourself is what matters most.

When the water that appears forming the flood in your dream is green, stay calm. Just as the flood is a movement of nature, so is green a color that connects us with nature. This means that although there are many feelings that affect you now, you are connected with them and your ability to feel them will not be extrapolated.

Green is also a color that symbolizes health, so continue to take good care of your emotions and they will always be a way of being connected with yourself, thus being very happy.

Enjoy the wave of creativity and cleverness that arrives heralded by your dream of flooding yellow water. This dream invites you to release your imagination, to allow yourself. The flood of yellow water symbolizes a time of great openness and prosperity.

Therefore, this is the perfect time to discover a new hobby: reconnect with the old habit of going to the movies, discover the pleasure of going to museums, set aside those minutes before bed to listen to new music or even take the opportunity to find a new dowry. artistic, venturing into drawing, writing or even ceramics. Unleash creativity!

If what you remember is that in your dream there was a flood of mud, this could mean that you are worried about feelings and emotions that you cannot understand. Several can be the causes of not understanding your feelings and emotions.

Feeling a lack of clarity about feelings is always a moment of care to make important decisions and review the relationships in which you are involved. This moment asks you to protect yourself a little, look inside yourself and try to find what is sinking you deeper and deeper into this mud of not understanding yourself.

A tip can be to write down how you feel daily and look for patterns of feelings, those that are repeated, and why they are repeating themselves. Asking someone to help you at that moment can be a good way out too.

The more you know yourself and understand your feelings and emotions, not only with reason but with your heart as well, the better you will be able to make important decisions in your life that ultimately make you and your loved ones happy.

A dream filled with black mud means that not only are you not understanding your feelings at the moment, but also that this has been happening for some time. Maybe this lack of connection with yourself and your main emotions comes from the past.

When dreaming of a flood of black mud, review old relationships, feelings that have been hiding from you for a few years or months. This is a moment of courage. Looking at your past self may not be easy, but it is important for the future to be happier.

When the sea appears in dreams, it is always to shed light on family relationships. Dreaming of a flood of sea water means that you are very immersed in family relationships and you are not having room to feel or get emotional with relationships outside the family.

The generosity that the sea brings is also present in this symbolization, but you can find it outside of family relationships. Focus on making new friends, online or at work, and cultivate the space and distance they can provide you. Surrender in relationships is good, but cultivating your individuality also has its grace.

Dreaming of a flood of rainwater means that something is out of place in your life. Rainwater, which normally falls from the sky and runs on the ground, in a flood situation is not found in its natural flow.

Look in detail at the little things in your life and see where you are not fitting in well. Try to be clearer about your wishes for others and be firm in defending them. It’s not always easy to put things back to their natural flow, every change — even if it’s to go back to something that was before — requires some kind of effort and work.

Your dream shows you that things are not going well, but it is up to you to promote change: strength and courage.

Dreaming of a river flooding means that your feelings and emotions are passing in front of you and you are just watching them happen. This dream shows you that you must take the reins of your life and be active again in your choices and with what you will feel from that. The fluid of the river calls you to move and make this transformation.

There are several situations that you can appear in relation to the flood. Check below what each of these ways of being in a dream with a flood symbolizes and understand a little better about how you have been relating to your floods of feelings.

Be careful, you may be letting yourself be guided only by your feelings and forgetting the importance of the balance between reason and emotion. That’s what dreaming of being swept away by a flood tells you.

To better deal with this moment that your dream highlights, you must pay attention to your next decisions and weigh them well in the balance. It’s very important to position yourself and not let life take you.

The feeling of drowning is not at all pleasant, and feeling it in a dream can be considered a call to get out of this situation. Dreaming that you are drowning in a flood means that you have many emotions stuck in your throat and many feelings that suffocate you, free yourself from them, allow yourself to feel.

If you are in a moment where your feelings and emotions must remain repressed, then at least talk about them with your friends or someone you trust. It will make you feel better and allow you to breathe again.

To dream that you are watching a flood from a high place, away from the flood, means that despite having feelings and emotions on the surface, they are under control.

This dream shows that you are managing to maintain self-control and not be impulsive even if that is often the will. Such an attitude prevents some tragedies, but it also deprives you of some risks and challenges that can make you grow. Look at your life and rethink where it is better to maintain or loosen this attitude.

Not always protecting yourself, although more comfortable, is the best way to face a situation. To dream that you are protected from a flood means that you are avoiding facing the feelings and emotions that are expressing themselves in conflicts within you.

Even if this seems like the easy way out for now, don’t get lost in appearances: how much…

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