Home » Dreams & Meanings » Does a soul mate exist? The different types, soul encounters and more!

Does a soul mate exist? The different types, soul encounters and more!

The journey of life proves to us how much human beings need a collective spirit for their survival, we go through different phases and all of them were caused by relationships. Some don’t make sense because they are just passengers, others last forever.

There are those who claim to have found a soul mate and this is considered the ultimate expression of love between a couple. But, most should know that soulmate doesn’t just refer to a love relationship.

Know that there are many doctrines that explain the soul mate theory and each one can define it in their own way. He finds out what are the different types of soulmates, how their encounters happen and understands about this “myth” in the reading that follows.

We all have the desire to find our soulmate, which leads us to an incessant search whether through the places we go to or through dating apps. We are always looking forward to this meeting, but even so, we run the risk of not knowing that we have found our soul mate.

The reunion of souls may seem more complex than you think. Proceed to understand the myth and learn how to find your soulmate below.

In fact, the myth of the twin soul was quoted in the book “The Symposium” by the Greek philosopher Plato. In his work he tries to define the concept of love and discussing with his guests, they all seem to make a reference to the God of Love, Eros.

However, in one of the moments of the texts Plato takes the word for himself and makes his speech on the theory of the twin soul. Claiming that when men with two heads, 4 arms and 4 legs tried to rise to the heavens to take the throne of Zeus, they were divided by his thunderbolt.

As punishment, they were condemned to live on land only as bipeds. And their peers began to roam the earth in search of their other half. And that’s why they began to live in society, to bring them together and so that they could maintain the preservation of the species.

The polarity theory is what prevails in Kabbalah. This theory indicates that at the birth of the soul, a second one is also created and that would be your soul mate. Their encounter can take place in any incarnation and at any time in their lives. When that moment comes, the two parties come together and live as one.

According to Kabbalistic teachings, nothing in the world comes for free, so good things only come if you deserve them. Remember that your life on earth has a purpose, one of them is sharing, helping others you will be closer to your achievements and then the moment of merit will come.

You will know how to identify when you find your soul mate by the intensity of love. Another important factor is the absence of a sense of ownership, you will not need to be jealous of your soul. Trust will flow naturally, with no barriers to dialogue, which allows for a harmonious relationship between the two.

In the kabbalistic bible he identifies this meeting as beneficial not only for you, but for everyone around you. This is a union that brings light to the world, revealing a very strong energy capable of reaching everyone present.

Everyone wants to achieve this kind of affinity with another soul, but it will only happen if you are prepared to find your soulmate. The harmony between you arise from a need for mutual improvement, that is, you are in the right moment to develop together.

Therefore, your soul will only find your match when you understand your motivations and learn to love yourself first. This way, you will avoid creating barriers and expectations that could negatively influence the relationship. It is by recognizing your limits that you will respect the other.

Although the idea is very common to everyone. Having a soulmate does not simply represent our other half, but that we have other souls of different types that can be in tune with ours. See below what these types of soul mates are!

The matrix soul mate means that two spirits have been separated and are physically distant. But, they will always be linked to each other, so your only chance to find her again would be through merit and your search in the world.

During the evolutionary process of souls, meetings of companion souls take place. They are none other than those souls you meet on your journeys who serve as a support for mutual growth. These are the fellow souls.

In order not to confuse them with soulmates, remember that this type of soul does not need to be romantically related. But who may be experiencing a relationship of partnership and companionship so powerful that they allow a leap in their evolution when they are together.

You must have met someone and after a dialogue with them you felt that you had known them your whole life. This sensation well describes the notion of sister souls. It seems that everything between you works out and every decision taken together will be positive for both of you.

People who find their soulmates are usually related to friendship. They tend to become great friends with a loyal and secure relationship, everything can be shared between you. The objective is to preserve the brotherhood.

A friendly soul mate is one who knows you completely, being able to identify your thoughts and understand your feelings even when they are not expressed. The person knows you so well that you believe there is a connection that runs through other reincarnations.

Often the soulmate friend knows you better than you do, resulting in a positive exchange. Preserve this friendship and keep your friend’s company close to you, this will be good for both of you and will serve as support in critical moments in life.

This is the kind of soulmate that is short-lived in people’s lives. Generally, the lover soulmate is associated with the ardent passions between people, which can become an intense, but ephemeral, casual relationship. Your lived experiences are fleeting and you understand that.

It is common for these souls for the passion to cool down and you to become friends, gradually moving away after leaving many teachings in life. The important thing in this case are the memories of that meeting that will be alive in the eternity of your soul.

There are relationships that seem to hit us with intense, almost instantaneous passion. It blurs our vision and we don’t realize the consequences of this involvement. The purpose of this contact with a devastating soulmate is capable of creating a crisis in your life.

Which indicates that you will go through a period of change and it could even be a painful phase in your life. However, it will expose your weaknesses and flaws, your choices after this shock will define whether or not you will evolve in your life.

This is the soul mate we are most familiar with. However, care must be taken when trying to identify the perfect love soulmate, as it is common for us to idealize the people we want to get involved with. This can generate a false idea of ​​who your soulmate is and make a deeper relationship between you impossible.

In reality, this meeting of souls is a rare phenomenon to happen. People spend their lives looking for this pair and it can last for generations. Therefore, do not get hung up on the idea of ​​finding your perfect love, seek in each experience the learning necessary for you to evolve as a human being.

Soulmate strangers are those people you’ve had a brief encounter with in your life. Being from an exchange of few words, to a brief crossing of eyes, but that you felt that you had already seen that person before in your life.

This brief and intense encounter sometimes reveals similarity even with other types of souls. You probably had contact with this person in past lives and are looking to reconnect with them.

You feel completely embraced by your soulmate, the presence of the other becomes the most valuable asset in your life and you love him/her from the bottom of your heart. This feeling reveals the meeting of the soul mate, the sharing of dreams and lasting happiness between both.

Learn how this meeting takes place and understand your dreams to find the right soul mate for you!

It all depends on the path you have chosen for your life. Your decisions and intentions will define whether you will walk in the direction of your soul mate or if you will live only for yourself. Always remember that for this meeting to take place, it will require a mutual preparation of souls, so it will not always depend on you.

Dreaming about meeting your soul mate can help you find the signs of the qualities and defects of this relationship. This way you will be able to evolve and will be in the right direction of this encounter between body and soul.

Yes. Your twin soul is created from the same essence as your soul, so she also dreamed of this meeting between you. That is why it is important to record these dreams, as they will allow you to have a better understanding of who is waiting for you and will help you to identify your soulmate if this encounter happens.

Your current partner may not represent the ideal soul mate you hope for, but dreams can help reveal that there is more to the relationship. Between the two there will be many learnings and the experience of the relationship will help them to evolve as a human being and as a soul.

The meeting between soulmates can transform their lives, revealing all the love and passion exclusive to this relationship. There is no room for hesitation other than a complete surrender between the two souls.

There are some signs that your soulmate is about to appear in your life, know what they are and be ready for when it happens!

Many couples reveal that they know their partner before their first contact with each other. This contact takes place through romantic dreams, in which the recognition of souls takes place and the first indications that your soul mate is about to appear in your life are evidenced.

Don’t blame yourself if you don’t have clear memories of these dreams, the important thing is their meaning. Keep yourself a…

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