Home » Horoscope » Discover the meaning of Exu – O Orixá Carnival 2022 attraction

Discover the meaning of Exu – O Orixá Carnival 2022 attraction

After a year without our favorite party, we finally had Carnival 2022 – even if out of date. This event that attracts people from all over the world could not surprise us more with beautiful, well-crafted and creative samba schools parades. But what really caught the attention was the samba plot of the current champion: the meaning of exu.

Escola Grande Rio won the award in Rio de Janeiro and celebrated the title for the first time. But did everyone understand what the tribute to the Orixá of communication was?

If you don’t understand, just check out the text below and we’ll explain everything about Exu and its importance in carnival as a fight against religious racism:

The true meaning of Exu

For starters, we need to fight the prejudice of people who insist on associating Exu with something bad.

Exu is not the devil!

The truth is that this Orixá is very important in religions of African origin, as it is the messenger – the one who acts as an intermediary between man and the orixás. Also known as the person responsible for communication, it is to him that the first bow is usually made in rituals and works.

This is one of the most important messages that the Grande Rio school passed on during the parade.

Through its tribute, the samba school showed that Exu is the Orixá that opens the way for us to conquer our dreams, is the one who brings prosperity and even plenty to our home.

Those who already know Exu know that he is the deity most linked to human nature and this makes him playful, fair, protective and that he has a great plurality in his characteristics.

The real meaning of Exu is something good, which comes to add, protect and teach. That’s why this Orisha is recognized for being the most faithful protector to those who follow him and are grateful.

Understanding the samba plot of the Grande Rio school

Understanding the meaning of Exu is the starting point to absorb the story told in the parade.

Exu is a complex Orixá with many variations. This associates it with many things in human life, such as parties, arts, entertainment and, according to the samba plot, garbage.

On the G1 portal, carnival artist Gabriel Haddad explains that the reference to garbage in the parade is not only the material we throw away, but also the values ​​and voices that the rest of society does not want and that it leaves aside.

This makes during the parade, when the front commission rises on top of the garbage float, It means that it is the moment when those who are excluded from society receive the power to have a voice, given by Exu.

After all, that’s what the Orixá of communication does!

It opens paths and protects its own, giving hope to a resistance of those who have been silenced by society. In this case, the meaning of Exu is to be an infinite energy that fights for change and transformation.

The Grande Rio school presented its samba theme “Fala, Majeté! Sete Chaves de Exú” with the hope of deconstructing all the bad ideas that existed on top of this Orisha. With great success, they brought an engaging, exciting story that made her the great champion of the Rio de Janeiro 2022 parade.

Meaning of Exu in Carnival 2022

Every year that passes the human being is evolving and letting go of the fact that his truth is the only one out there. However, we know that prejudice for many things is still real and, in search of evolution, we have to fight against it.

This is the meaning of Exu in Carnival: END THE PREJUDICE!

The importance of something as great for our country as Carnival, having a samba school that addresses the issue in order to demystify the demonization that has been created for years on top of African-based religions, is extremely necessary.

Not only does it represent a fight against religious racism and religious intolerance, it also makes everyone reflect on how we are tricked into thinking that certain things are bad just because they are different.

And what is ‘Laroyê, Exu’ that Paolla Oliveira said?

The queen of the drums at the Grande Rio school was Paolla Oliveira, who in the emotion of seeing her school as a champion for the first time, went on her social media and thanked her as follows:

“Laroyê, Exu!!! Long live @GRESGrande_Rio. What a joy to be part of this moment! Carnival Champion 2022. ❤️💚

And for being a global actress, known throughout Brazil, she brought the agenda of what the meaning of ‘Laroyê, Exu’ is.

So, taking advantage of the explanation of the meaning of Exu, it’s time to understand about the best known greeting for this Orisha.

Salutation to Exu and its meaning

As you can already see, the expression ‘Laroyê, Exu’ is a greeting to the Orixá often made in Candomblé and Umbanda rituals.

Its meaning is “Hail, messenger” and comes from the Yoruba language, spoken in several countries south of the Sahara, mainly in Nigeria. In Brazil, it is common for religions of African origin to speak the same language.

So, did you like to know the meaning of Exu?

Here at we have incredible content explaining the characteristics, syncretism, the children of this Orisha and even an Exu bath to open paths and do spiritual cleansing.

But if you really want to enter this world, I advise you to meet our fathers and mothers from Santos. They are available on the website to answer all your questions, make inquiries and guide you with the help of your Orisha. Don’t miss the opportunity!

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