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Clairvoyance: symptoms, aspects, how to develop and more!

Clairvoyance is an ability to acquire information about people, places and objects through your psychic vision. Its origin comes from the French words ‘clair’ and ‘voyance’, which together mean clear vision.

There are two basic types of clairvoyance: voluntary and involuntary. In voluntary, or positive clairvoyance, it is possible to see the worlds, according to your own will. This skill is developed with proper training and requires a lifetime of dedication and service of your gifts to the community.

Involuntary, or negative clairvoyance, on the other hand, can be quite dangerous, as the visions occur without the individual’s control. The danger of this type is opening the body to outside influences, including discarnate entities.

Contrary to what many believe, clairvoyance is not restricted to people who are born with these gifts: anyone, with proper training and discipline, can develop it. This article will open your eyes to see beyond materiality. Check out!

Clairvoyance is a form of extrasensory perception. In parapsychology, according to Joseph Banks Rhine, extrasensory perception encompasses a set of skills that ‘psychic’ beings have, to capture impressions and sensations, without necessarily using the five senses. Keep reading to learn about the myths, advantages and disadvantages of clairvoyance!

Although used as synonyms, scrying and clairvoyance have different meanings. Clairvoyance refers to a set of skills that are manifested in different ways from individual to individual.

With clairvoyance, it is possible to have knowledge of facts of the present, the past and the future, often making use of instruments such as the Tarot, the whelks or another type of magic. In clairvoyance, it is possible to exercise different extrasensory perceptions, such as telepathy, precognition, radiesthesia, psychometry, clairaudience and clairvoyance.

As explained, clairvoyance is a type of extrasensory perception and, as such, it can be used to access events through the mind’s eye. Therefore, it is one of the ways of exercising clairvoyance, but not the only one.

Many believe that clairvoyants see facts and impressions about events, beings and objects with their physical eyes. However, what happens is far beyond them.

Although some clairvoyants can actually see an event enacted in this reality, most of what happens is centered in the mind. Clairvoyant messages arrive as a mental image, manifesting themselves as a symbol, a scene or even a simple word.

This is because the functioning of the human mind and much of what happens in society revolves around symbols or symbolic relationships, which are used as triggers to access the baggage that exists in our conscious and subconscious. These, in turn, process them and produce stimuli and mental images.

There are many advantages that surround clairvoyance. Among them, the development of extrasensory abilities and predictability stand out.

A clairvoyant is an extremely sensitive person who can pick up mental and spiritual impressions through his psychic vision. This ability arises through the development of their extrasensory abilities, resulting from the sharpening of their five senses: touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight.

From this extrasensory development, the clairvoyant begins to understand the world through sequences of images, colors and symbols that, when well interpreted, can be related to the gift of predicting situations or events.

With this predictability, you will be able to read the signs to get rid of dangers and malicious people or even to help people and have more luck in life.

The main challenges of clairvoyance are:

1) Doubt and lack of confidence: many times, you will come across people who don’t believe in your gifts and will try to test them;

2) Loneliness: many clairvoyants have a very sensitive sensitivity and, therefore, tend to be alone, to avoid excesses that generate energy exhaustion. They are often rejected for being different and you must be prepared for that;

3) Frustration: clairvoyants are human and therefore susceptible to errors. Sometimes, making a mistake or interpreting images inappropriately can trigger a feeling of frustration, especially when expectations are not met;

4) Excess of mental and sensory information: as they are more sensitive, it is common for clairvoyants to feel overwhelmed. Therefore, it is important to relax and always seek balance.

The main myths related to clairvoyance are:

1) Clairvoyance is an innate ability, that is, it cannot be acquired: it is possible to develop clairvoyance. However, some levels of clairvoyance can only be accessed by people with natural aptitude.

2) Clairvoyants can always access their abilities: Clairvoyance is not a cell phone device, which can be turned on and off with a button. Especially at the beginning, mental visions arise spontaneously, but with time it is possible to control them.

3) Clairvoyance is acquired through evil entities: Clairvoyance is a natural ability. There is nothing evil or diabolical about accessing this part of the mind.

Finally, it is worth remembering that many of the visions obtained take place in the individual’s mind and not as a projection of a film.

As you attempt to study and develop clairvoyance, it is important that you watch for symptoms that you are on the right track. Some of these include strong intuition, frequent premonitory dreams or even visual encounters with disembodied people. Understand more details about the symptoms below!

Strong intuition is a very marked symptom in clairvoyants, as they are people with more sensitive feelings. It is through sensitivity that it is possible to capture information through the senses and transform them into impressions or instincts about what you managed to capture.

These messages result from the processing of sensory information that is stored in your subconscious and are then activated to your conscious mind.

Consequently, intuition is manifested as a memory, an inner voice or even an involuntary response from your body, which helps you to interact with the world around you. Therefore, if you have flashes of memory or “read” people well, it is a sign that your clairvoyance is touched upon.

People who are in the habit of counseling are often excellent candidates for clairvoyance. This happens because they have the necessary sensitivity to interpret words and actions, in addition to the necessary empathy to put themselves in the shoes of the person they advise and understand what their needs are.

Therefore, advice is, in itself, a decoding of situations based on life experience. It requires not only this experience, but also inner visions, which will help people to see situations more clearly, to get out of them in the best possible way. Moreover, clairvoyance is closely linked to this multifaceted understanding of situations.

Many clairvoyants also have other surfaced extrasensory abilities and, therefore, are able to converse with non-physical beings.

This occurs mainly with children who have a reality filter quite different from most adults, as their brain has not matured enough and has not been completely tamed by society’s conventions.

Clairvoyants often interact with spiritual mentors, disembodied beings, avatars and even non-human beings, such as elementals, devas and other nature spirits.

Clairvoyants often see symbols when their eyes are closed. Since the mind is the window through which the gift of clairvoyance is manifested, it is very common for it to capture symbols, especially in the beginning, since language happens through the relationship of signs.

Since symbols have different interpretations according to the culture and even the time they are used, it is necessary that you take note and draw, whenever possible, the mental images that arise when your eyes are closed.

Symbols are often not graphic representations, such as a pentagram or a rune, but may be metaphors that serve as a key to revealing important messages.

Clairvoyance is not restricted to visions of symbols and images: it can also be manifested through the perception of colors in the aura of surrounding entities. The aura is the energy field that emanates from people and things, which can also be described as a subtle body. Although everyone has an aura, it is not visible to untrained eyes.

Therefore, it is very common for clairvoyants to be aware of this energy field and, therefore, tend to see it, often in their peripheral field of vision, rather than just their mental vision. Thus, through this vision, it is possible to interpret them and help people in their process of understanding, acceptance and healing.

Clairvoyants often have an idea of ​​the future. These ideas arise as memories or simply mental omens, which help them to make decisions in a simple way, such as closing the window for predicting rain or, in the most complex case, preventing bad things from happening.

Therefore, if you saw in your mind or received an intuition that you should change your way home or even not leave the house and you avoided having an accident or robbery, your extrasensory abilities are developing.

If you experience situations known as “deliverance”, there is a chance that you are receiving the call to develop your gifts.

Clairvoyance includes in its skill sets the induction of prophetic dreams. Whether naturally or through proper psychic training, clairvoyants often dream of symbols or events that are witnessed on the physical plane.

As it tries to access part of the mind that is asleep, when one is awake, clairvoyance is commonly manifested in images received in dreams. Therefore, if you have frequent precognitive dreams or dream about people you have never seen, but who end up meeting in your life, you are being graced with the gift of…

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