Home » Dreams & Meanings » Blue Kyanite: for Archangel Michael, meaning, benefits and more!

Blue Kyanite: for Archangel Michael, meaning, benefits and more!

Blue Cyanite’s properties are linked to protection, communication, balance and intuition, and it is also an excellent means of healing. Its blue color calms the restless mind and connects us to our superior self, being a great energy conductor.

Therefore, she is known for her ability to align the chakras, especially those linked to intuition and communication.

Considered the crystal of communication, Blue Cyanite stimulates communication and expression, being excellent for removing blockages and cutting harmful emotional ties. Its powers attune the user to higher vibrations, promoting altered states of consciousness and aligning them with their spirit guides.

Due to its composition and structure, its use requires important care. Learn, in this article, how to use your powers!

Blue Cyanite is a crystal with an opaque appearance, consisting of layers that resemble puff pastry. It is relatively rough to the touch because it has many porous fibers. Its colors vary from a baby blue to an intense indigo tone, and may have striped tones in white or gray. Continue reading and learn more about its aspects!

Blue Kyanite is sometimes called the “Archangel Michael’s Sword”. This attribution occurs due to its color and the physical structure of the stone, which refer to the blade of a sword. For this reason, Kyanite is considered the protection stone governed by this archangel and is used to cut ties and negativities, in addition to defending us from negative energies from physical and spiritual enemies.

It is also considered the stone of truth and is commonly used as a channel of connection with our mentors and spiritual guides, be they angels, fairies, devas or other elemental spirits of nature.

The Blue Cyanite stone originates from countries such as South Africa, Brazil, Burma, Mexico, Namibia and Kenya. It is an easy stone to find, and can even be collected in the nature of these places. Its chemical composition consists of Aluminosilicate, whose formula is Al2SiO5.

Despite the complicated name, Aluminosilicate is a chemical component of clay, used to give pigmentation in natural makeup. Therefore, it can be part of your day to day or even your beauty routine. Despite being a safe component, it can cause irritation on sensitive skin.

Blue Cyanite is the birthstone of the signs of Taurus and Libra, as the planetary rulers of these signs are the ones that best connect with its energy. When used by Librians, it brings the balance they seek so much. However, as it is a high vibration crystal, all signs can receive the energetic blessings of this magical crystal.

Blue Cyanite is closely connected to the larynx chakra, also known as Vishuddha and located in the throat region. In addition, it awakens clairvoyance, as it is associated with the third eye chakra, located in the region between the eyebrows.

The ruling element of Blue Cyanite is air. This dominates the higher planes and is linked to the mind and intellect. Therefore, Blue Cyanite is generally used to connect its user to spiritual guides and superior entities.

The ruling planet of Kyanite is Venus, governor of interpersonal relationships. In Roman mythology, Venus is also the name of the goddess of love and, therefore, Blue Cyanite, when used, also promotes harmonious and peaceful relationships between people.

Blue Kyanite is a fragile stone. On the Mohs scale, used in the study of minerals to determine the hardness of stones, it has a hardness index of 4.5 to 5. This means that it has a nature that is not very resistant to water and, therefore, should never be wet. When exposed to water, its surface becomes brittle and the crystal may crumble.

Furthermore, if exposed to light and high temperatures, its color becomes paler and it loses its energetic and commercial value.

Cianita Azul has a vibration of an emitting nature, with a strong masculine influence. In other words, it is excellent for repelling energies and establishing defenses.

The Blue Cyanite crystal governs professions involving communication and singing.

When used by people who work with their voices, Cianita will guide the words and make them project in an enchanting way, pleasing audiences in general and helping in the vocal health of its user. It will also bring more confidence and clarity to the speech of professionals who use it.

Some examples of professions that can benefit from Cianita Azul are: telemarketing operators, podcast hosts, audio describers, singers, storytellers, voice actors, interpreters, religious leaders, broadcasters, lecturers, politicians, teachers, broadcasters, receptionists and youtubers.

The effects of Blue Cyanite on the spiritual body include energy cleansing, intuition development, energy amplification and emotional balance. As it is an extremely delicate crystal, pay attention to the tips on how to use it below!

Blue Cyanite is commonly used for personal or environmental energy cleansing rituals. When you want to purify the negative energy of an environment, leave a large crystal or small pieces of it in the center of the place.

Because it is associated with the Archangel Michael, it can be left over the front door of your home, to cut off the negative energy of anyone who enters it. For personal cleansing, lie down in a comfortable position and position this crystal in the center of your body, imagining a blue light that surrounds you like a cocoon.

In pagan traditions, Blue Kyanite is also linked to moon deities.

The Blue Cyanite crystal can be used to sharpen your intuition. This effect occurs because this stone is aligned with higher planes and spiritual guides, as well as being closely linked to the third eye chakra, which governs clairvoyance.

Whenever you need to listen to your inner voice, try placing a Blue Kyanite in the region between your eyebrows, where your third eye chakra is located. You can enhance this little ritual by lighting a violet candle, especially when the moon is full in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

You can get the same effect by placing a Blue Kyanite crystal over a photo of yourself. Just make sure you keep it close to your head.

The power of Blue Cyanite is used to amplify energies. To amplify your spiritual energy, use this stone always close to you, preferably in the left pocket of your pants, skirt or shorts. You can also leave it in your purse or use it attached to your key ring.

It is also possible to use this blue crystal to enhance the energies of an environment. To do this, place four Blue Kyanite stones in the shape of a cross, each with its tip pointing to one of the four primordial directions: north, south, east and west. This will ensure that the energy is amplified and sent out in all these directions.

Blue Cyanite can be used to balance your emotions. Its color calms the spirit, bringing peace and harmony, and taming even the most intense emotions.

If you are feeling emotionally unbalanced, place a Blue Kyanite crystal in the center of your body. Then visualize a blue light emanating from it and spreading throughout your body. Then ask your spiritual guardian or deity you believe in to work through the crystal and allow your emotional energy to be balanced.

Perform this little ritual constantly, especially when you feel emotionally drained.

Cyanite is a stone used as an alternative treatment to complement the traditional one. Its effects assist in the purification of blood circulation, detoxification of the body, in addition to helping the nervous system and blood pressure control. Keep reading and learn all about this stone!

Blue Cyanite stone can be used to purify blood circulation through energetic massages. To perform them, make smooth circular movements over the area where you want to have unobstructed circulation. It is also possible to use a cloth bag with Kyanite and leave it in contact with the affected area.

Blue Cyanite is commonly used to help with issues related to the nervous system. This relationship is due to its blue color, as well as its elemental ruler, air. When used close to the head, it brings mental clarity and helps to calm the nerves, bringing more discernment, inner peace and quality of life.

Its calming energy can be part of your daily routine in the bedroom. Leave a Blue Cyanite crystal on your bedside table or at the head of your bed, so that your energy healing process also happens during your sleep.

Blue Cyanite crystal is popularly used to combat high blood pressure. Its calming energy soothes tensions and, since there is a relationship between stress and blood pressure, using this stone is great for improving your quality of life.

To benefit from its effects, try leaving this crystal on key points in the circulatory system, such as the wrists and the heart chakra region. Remember, however, that crystal treatment is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment and should only be used in addition to traditional treatment.

A very powerful property of Blue Kyanite is its use for detoxification of the body. Its power is excellent, especially when the intoxication is caused by spiritual matters.

If you want to do a general detox, an alternative is the blue bath. To do this, take an odd amount of Kyanite crystals and place them next to your bath water container. Imagine your blue energy filling the water until it is vibrant, sparkling blue. Take your shower normally and, before leaving the bathroom, use the blue water to bathe your body.

Now that you have learned Blue Kyanite’s energies and effects on the spiritual and physical bodies, you are ready to learn how to use it to meditate. In addition, we will also teach you effective ways to use it as a pendant, in addition to its benefits…

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