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5 Tips on How to Lose Shyness in Sex and KILL IN BED!

Concerns about appearance, comparison with other women, performance and ability in sex are some factors that can make you uncomfortable when having sex. If this insecurity is in your life, learn it now how to lose shyness in sex and put an end to this constant worry in your life.

Discovering how to lose shyness in sex

It is more common than you might think to experience this. Many people feel insecure when giving themselves to someone else, and that’s why they are able to stop. So they can’t satisfy themselves and they still get in their heads that they can’t satisfy gold. To put an end to this, here are some simple tips on how to lose shyness in sex and that will increase your confidence when it comes to dating someone:

5 Tips on how to get over shyness in sex

  1. Work on your self-esteem – Working on your self-esteem is the first step on how to lose shyness in sex. It’s not easy, after all, we almost always have a critical view of ourselves. You can start with a simple exercise: look in the mirror and list everything you like most about yourself. Forget the flaws and just focus on what you like. When we start to see ourselves positively, it reflects on the way other people see us. Always think of yourself as a powerful woman and don’t doubt your ability.
  2. Practice masturbation – Getting to know your own body is another way to get over shyness in sex and the best way to do that is by masturbating. This is a time when you, alone, explore the parts of your body and discover what you like and what makes you uncomfortable when having sex. This will make you more confident to guide your partner through the relationship and show him what you like and don’t like.
  3. Feel your pleasure – It seems obvious, but allowing yourself to feel pleasure is essential to losing shame in sex and feeling more confident. As a woman’s sexuality was repressed for many, many years, we ended up “holding back” and not letting the pleasure be felt completely. By learning how to lose shyness in sex, you will be able to surrender to the moment of intercourse and understand that there is nothing wrong with feeling pleasure in sex. Remember that this will make you more free to enjoy the moment without fuss.
  4. Respect your limits – One of the important items of how to lose shyness in sex is to respect your limits. If you don’t like something he’s doing, speak up and propose something else. For example, if you don’t like a certain position, it’s more interesting to warn and try something else than accepting a situation you don’t like just out of shame. Imposing yourself, showing your limits and desires, is part of the process.
  5. Talk to your partner – To complement the previous tips on how to lose shyness in sex, dialogue with the partner is essential. At first, talking about it may not be the best idea, especially if sex is casual and without commitment. However, talking about what you like, what you feel difficulties and exchanging experiences is a way to get closer to your partner and try to ease the shame. Maybe you’ll find that he’s also shy, for example. After all, we all have our own insecurities and, in a subject permeated by taboos like sex, it couldn’t be different.
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now that you already know how to lose shyness in sexRead too:

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