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How to develop clairvoyance – 9 techniques and exercises

Clairvoyance is a gift present in all people, even if in most people it is dormant. Therefore, we teach in this article how to develop clairvoyance.

It may be that you have ignored your clairvoyant gifts so far out of fear, apprehension, or some kind of blockage. But the truth is that you have unconsciously decided not to use this spiritual tool. Now, to become clairvoyant, you need to use your free will and consciously set out to use your gifts.

From this choice, it is necessary to seek ways to elevate your spirit and connect with the other plane. For this, you can use the scrying techniques which we teach below.

What is clairvoyance?

Before teaching you how to develop clairvoyance, we will first explain what this aptitude is.

Clairvoyance is the gift of seeing spiritually clearly, that is, it is the vision of the soul itself, whose ability to perceive reality is at a much broader and higher level.

This gift can also be defined as the ability to visualize things, events or objects that are distant from us, whether that distance is physical (of space) or temporal (past or future).

The basic difference between clairvoyance and clairvoyance it consists of how much the person can see with extrasensory perceptions on this plane and in the astral.

Clairvoyance is a broad view, with details and more “connection” time, while clairvoyance is just a flash, a “flash” that, in most cases, is not controlled by the person and requires a lot of training and concentration to happen.

Clairvoyance occurs through the spiritual plane and is born with us, coming from past lives.

Allan Kardecthe creator of spiritualismdefined clairvoyants as follows:

“Clairvoyants are individuals endowed with some knowledge that is not their own, but which comes from previous existences and from the spirits with which they communicate, often through dreams.”

In other words, clairvoyance is in the collective unconscious and can be developed and improved. However, it is not a quick process. On the contrary, it requires dedication, time and commitment. So, how to develop clairvoyance?

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Techniques for developing clairvoyance

Learn some clairvoyant exercises below, with which you can begin to develop the vision of the soul and, with it, study the spiritual plane and its mysteries.


One of the ways to awaken clairvoyance is through meditation. With this technique, there is an immense gain in harmony, intuition, acuity and balance, essential characteristics for the ability mediumistic.

It is important to emphasize that only with a lot of practice you will see beyond what you see distorted in the physical plane, in order to clearly observe what is happening in the spiritual plane.

Choose a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and do some stretches for better circulation of your energies.

Relax and choose a scene you want to focus on: it could be a beautiful painting or drawing, a work of art or treasured possession. Anything that brings you good feelings, peace and stimulates your vision.

Concentrate on this object for a while until you feel in harmony with your inner self.

Then close your eyes and meditate on it, mentally reviewing every detail you can remember.

Then open your eyes and look at the object again in order to find important details that you missed while your eyes were closed remembering it.

Repeat the process until you can remember everything in detail.

This is a great technique for developing clairvoyance because it works as a stimulus to third Eyeone of the main mechanisms of clairvoyance.

Stimulate your brow chakra

O brow chakra it is the third eye chakra. Sharpening it will help you to expand your capacity for spiritual perception and assimilation.

There is a very simple exercise that consists of moving chakra energies that you can do to stimulate it.

As taught in the previous exercise, go to a quiet place, perform stretches, and enter a state of relaxation and peace.

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Sit comfortably, close your eyes and start to visualize a bright spot on your forehead, between your eyebrows, which is where your third eye is.

Stay focused on this light for a while. Then open your eyes and finish the practice with more stretches.

Repeating this technique daily is one of the best ways to develop clairvoyance.

At first, you can spend 3 to 5 minutes focusing on the bright spot on your forehead. Gradually increase this time to 7 to 10 minutes and so on.

Over time, you will begin to feel a slight pulse in the area, showing that you are on the right track.

do physical activities

All forms of relaxation are valid for anyone who wants to know how to develop clairvoyance. Physical activity is one of the simplest ways to take all the stress out of the body and leave it relaxed.

practice yoga

THE yoga It is an exercise that works on balance and connection with the body. This practice also enhances the connection of the physical body to the mental and spiritual body.

police your thoughts

To become clairvoyant it is very important to police your thoughts. This is because they are responsible for creating our emotions and, consequently, our actions.

For example, if you do poorly on a test and think you are stupid and can’t learn anything, then you will feel weak and useless.

These emotions will take away your motivation to study and if you continue in this cycle, you may even drop out of college or give up what you were doing.

Do you understand now how our thoughts can create our reality?

Therefore, direct your energy and effort only towards good deeds. Be persevering, tolerant, have faith, empathy and balance.

When policing your thoughts it is also important to eliminate any judgment or bias.

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These opinions can lead you to see things that don’t exist. As long as you wear personal lenses, there will be distortions and preconceptions.

The astral plane does not fit judgments and labels, a soul is just a soul and has no color or creed.

take care of food

Another important technique of how to awaken clairvoyance is taking care of food. Giving preference to healthy foods will provide you with well-being, helping you to align with the spiritual plane.

If you can, reduce your meat consumption. This is a form of compassion and loving kindness towards animals, which will bring you closer to the sacred within you.

holistic therapies

Another way to have clairvoyance is to practice holistic therapies such as reiki. These practices are of great value in the process of developing clairvoyance, because, according to the principles of “holism”, they work on the balance and alignment of all our subtle bodies: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Get therapy with a psychologist

Traditional therapy performed with the support of a psychologist is also an excellent tool for spiritual evolution.

Clinical psychology will help you in your process of self knowledge and inner evolution, very important points in your clairvoyance development process.

Talk to a clairvoyant

A very important point of how to develop clairvoyance is talking to this specialist.

At , you will find more than 195 professionals available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you with whatever you need.

To make a query, visit our clairvoyant page.

Then choose the one you most identify with. If you click on the esoteric’s photo, it will open a detailed profile about him, with information such as:

  • Training;
  • Specialty;
  • Experience;
  • Qualifications;
  • Interviews given to the press;
  • Reviews from other customers;
  • Satisfaction percentage;
  • Types of service offered by the professional: chat, telephone, e-mail.

access and learn about other techniques on how to develop your clairvoyance.

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