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Mediumship: know the physical and spiritual symptoms

Medium, a word originated from Latin that means “one who is in the middle”, and which, according to spiritism, is considered the person who has the ability to communicate with spirits. But do you know what the symptoms of having mediumship are? If you want to know”how to know if i’m psychic”, put an end to that doubt now! Check out.

How to identify the medium

A medium is considered to be those people who have the gift of perceiving supernatural actions, situations or things. Many people ask themselves: “How do I know if I am a psychic?” It is believed that every human being is a medium. It turns out that the symptoms of mediumship develop more in some than in others.

According to the founder of spiritism, Allan Kardec, everyone is born with a propensity for mediumship and clairvoyance. Not everyone has the ability to develop spiritually and, for this reason, many people do not believe in the symptoms of mediumship and spend their lives not believing in the perception of light frequencies. They think it’s just an intuition.

This extraphysical ability, called mediumship, is ingrained in everyone, regardless of one’s way of life or belief. That person who manages to be a mediator between the two worlds, physical and spiritual, is actually an ostensible medium, what a high degree of mediumship, well in-depth.

How do I know if I’m psychic?

The answer to this question, “how do I know if I’m a medium?”, and that hovers over the heads of everyone who at least has knowledge about mediumship, we highlight other questions that must be answered as sincerely and honestly as possible:

  • Have you ever had, or do you have, the feeling that other people are talking to you, even when you are alone?
  • Do you feel, or have you felt, that shiver down your spine or chills suddenly?
  • Can you identify and feel the feelings of others around you?
  • Do you often wake up with a heavier body than usual?
  • In very crowded places, do you usually feel unwell, with malaise?
  • Have you ever had that feeling of being watched and when you look around you don’t see anyone?
  • Do you feel bad when you see lifeless plants or animals suffering?
  • Do your dreams seem true?
  • Do you often get nervous or tremble with no plausible explanation?
  • If your answers are ‘yes’ to most of the questions, you can be considered a psychic. But that still doesn’t define your degree of mediumship. It proves, at first, that you have a certain connection with a spiritual plane.
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Developing mediumship depends on each one, on spiritual choices and the determination to encourage it.

Signs of Mediumship: Clearing Doubts

In addition to answering the questions above, some points stand out and can indicate whether or not you have the symptoms of mediumship, check out:

Spiritual clairvoyance or hearing: Very sharp intuition, as if someone were blowing what should be done. Dreams believable and premonitory, often hearing voices from people who are not alive.

Psychophonic or psychographic trance: When he feels like writing, usually urgently, and when he evaluates what he has written, he realizes that it was not his idea. When you perform actions or speak in a way that does not match your personality.

Emotional sensitivity: It seems that you feel the emotions of others in an intense way. It is much more sensitive than usual.

Mediumship: main physical symptoms

Every human being reacts in a way at the beginning of the mediumistic manifestation. Physical symptoms tend to ease as the person delves into the subject and begins to work to develop their mediumship.

  • Excessive sweating of the hands;
  • Excessive sweating in the armpits;
  • Tingling in the extremities;
  • Redness in the ears and cheeks, apparently for no reason;
  • Sensation of burning ears;
  • feel chills;
  • Frequent feeling of fainting;
  • Lack of energy;
  • Waking up too tired;
  • Melancholy and perceptive despondency;
  • Development of new phobias;
  • Palpitation or tachycardia;
  • retching;
  • Excessive insecurity;
  • Icy feet;
  • Back pains;
  • Loss or excess of sleep.

Some of the symptoms go unnoticed, but if you see yourself in the situations exemplified above, there are strong indications that you are a medium and that you need to study spiritist works to develop your mediumship.

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Child mediumship: identifying symptoms in children

Yes, children can be psychics too! This is because they are still going through the final process of their reincarnation, not being fully connected to their body. As this connection is completed around the age of 7, children usually show symptoms of mediumship because they are still connected to the spiritual plane.

The most common manifestations are visions and hearings. The child perceives presences and does not accept that the parents cannot see them either; the important thing here is not to frighten the child, but to let him talk about what he is observing.

Some children may report memories of situations that did not happen, at least not in this lifetime. They are complete and detailed stories. It is only important to guide the child so that he does not share his stories with everyone.

Having one or more imaginary friends can also be a sign of mediumship, but not always. Kids have a keen imagination, so it can just be a fun invention, especially for kids who spend a lot of time alone or just in the company of adults.

Important: a child who manifests child mediumship will not necessarily be a medium in adult life.

The certainty that you are a medium

The main signs that you have ostensible mediumship are:

  • Proven spiritual clairvoyance;
  • Proven spiritual hearing;
  • Psychographic trance – when writing messages dictated by spirits (Chico Xavier is the greatest example, having psychographed more than 400 books);
  • Psychophonic trance – when a spirit communicates with the voice through a medium, which can be consciously or unconsciously (somnambulistic);
  • Physical effects, such as being able to move objects without anyone touching them; or being able to change the brightness; etc.
  • It is important to know that to practice what the doctrine establishes, the help of more experienced people in the area is necessary. There is no need to be afraid of mediumship, this is just the way to help spirits in need.
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If you want to talk to a medium and receive answers about spiritual questions, linked to your own mediumship or not, is the right place! Here you will find the best specialists in esoteric arts in Brazil. Mediums and psychics, among other experts, are here to help you. The service is completely online and consultations can be carried out via phone, chat or email.

If after reading about the symptoms of mediumship you are sure that you are a medium, check out the video below and learn how to work your intuition better.

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