The Rosary to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is composed of a set of prayers and prayers, made up of five decades, which are invoked in honor of the five wounds of pain that Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered.

Rosary to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Rosary to the sacred heart of Jesus, are religious prayers recited in the doctrine of Catholicism, to commemorate part of the Passion of Christ, as it is composed of 5 decades, with which tribute is paid to the five wounds of Jesus on the Cross. .

Generally, the Rosary to the sacred heart of Jesus is prayed to request the forgiveness of sins and obtain the grace of Mercy. It can be prayed individually or in groups, and consecrated to a particular or specific cause.

The participants of the holy rosary, at the beginning, must perform the prayer of Saint Ignatius, instead of the traditional act of contrition. It is done in the following way: Ánima Christi

Sanctify me powerful soul of Jesus;

Save me, Body of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Give life to me, immaculate Heart of Jesus;

Intoxicate me, Oh powerful Blood of Christ;

Wash me!, with the water from the side of Christ;

Comfort me, Passion of Christ;

Listen to me, Oh good Jesus! and hide me within your wounds;

Defend me from the evil enemy and do not allow me to separate from You.

Command me to go to You at the hour of my death,

So that with The Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, your Saints and all your Angels,

bless you and praise you forever and ever. Amen!.

(With this prayer, according to religious tradition, 300 days of Indulgences are obtained for those who pray).

At the beginning of each ten, the following phrase must be repeated:

V.- Oh Jesus, you who are of humble and sweet Heart,

A.- Make mine similar to yours.

(By repeating this phrase, according to religious tradition, 300 days of Indulgences are obtained for those who pray)

Then, they must pronounce ten times:

V.- Sacred Heart of Jesus,

A.- I trust you

(By repeating this phrase, according to religious tradition, 300 days of Indulgences are obtained for those who pray)

With respect to large accounts, in each one the following must be pronounced:

V.- Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

R.- Be the Salvation of my soul

(By repeating this phrase, according to religious tradition, 300 days of Indulgences are obtained for those who pray)

And, when they are about to conclude the fifth decade, the participants must repeat:

V.- Sweet Heart of Jesus

R.- Be my love and have mercy on us

(By repeating this phrase, according to religious tradition, 300 days of Indulgences are obtained for those who pray)

V.- Sweet Heart of Mary

R.- Pray for us

(By repeating this phrase, according to religious tradition, 100 days of Indulgences are obtained for those who pray)

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This holy Rosary to the sacred heart of Jesus is considered a true treasure of Indulgences, since by repeating the prayers that make it up, participants earn 18,500 days of Indulgences, in just 3 minutes.

It is also made up of other phrases such as those listed below, which were extracted from Rosary to the sacred heart of Jesus, which was approved in Canada by the Bishop of Montreal, and which was originally published in the French language.

V.- Sacred Heart of Jesus

A.- Mercy!

(By repeating this phrase, according to religious tradition, you obtain 50 days of Indulgences)

V.- Dying heart

R.- Have mercy on the dying

For the final closing, an Our Father and a Hail Mary are prayed, especially if the holy rosary is being offered, to improve the health of a sick person.

The Holy Church today has classified indulgences only into two types: partial and plenary, the latter being those that are acquired when one is in purgatory and is going to rescue a soul, obtaining only one per day.

The partial ones are obtained through the actions or prayers that are carried out, even being double in nature, whose indulgence itself enriches it. It should be noted that it is necessary to be in God’s grace to be able to earn indulgences, in addition to praying for the Holy Father’s intentions.

Novena to the sacred heart of Jesus

He Irresistible rosary to the sacred heart of Jesus, It begins as in most rosaries or other types of prayers and prayers, with the making of the sign of the Cross. Each prayer must be repeated ten times, and at the end of each one, an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be are prayed.

Generally, the holy Rosary to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is recited within a novena or novena, which can be dedicated to some cause or to request a favor for the health or well-being of those who participate in the novena or for someone. close to these. The novena begins by reciting the following words:

1.- Lord, you who said: “Seek and you find, knock and it will be opened to you, ask and you will receive.”

That is why Father: I seek, I call and ask for this grace (the special request is made)

2.- Lord, you who said: “Everything they ask of my Father in my name will be granted to them.”

For that reason, in your name Lord I ask the Holy Father for this grace.

3.- Lord, you who said: “Heavens and earths will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

Grant me this grace, Oh my sweet Jesus.

4.- Lord, you who said: “I am love, light and peace.”

Give me your love, your light, your peace and tranquility, the health that I need today in my home.

5.- Lord, you who said: “Everyone who believes in Me will be saved.”

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Well, I believe in You and therefore I hope from You for my salvation and that of my soul.

NOTE: At the end, a Creed is prayed.

History of the Rosary and its litanies

This holy Rosary is usually prayed in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, being taken as a crown or chaplet, made up of five major and thirty-three minor beads, the latter in salutation for the 33 years that our Lord Jesus Christ lived in the world.

As for the five major beads, they are included to honor the five wounds that Christ suffered while on the Cross. And also, in correspondence with that crown of penetrating thorns, this crown of pious affections is presented, the same one with which the Venerable Mother Margaret saw the Most Holy Heart crowned.

When starting each ledger account, the following affection will be said:

Oh Sweetest Jesus, make my heart like yours

And with each larger count the following will be pronounced:

Oh holy Christ afflicted in the Garden, we adore you;

That in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist

You have been despised by ungrateful men.

you alone Most High Jesus; Your only Holy; your only Lord.

And with each minor account the following will be pronounced:

Most sacred heart of Jesus, we adore you;

With the divine fire in which you burn, light my heart.

At the end, the Our Father and Hail Mary are prayed, accompanied by the following prayer:

Oh! Jesus, who in the Sacrament of the Altar deigned to give us everything in delicacy,

Carried away by the wonderful miracle of love that lives in your Heart,

Make all of us who cry from the bottom of our hearts and detest sacrilege and insults,

committed in this sacred mystery by ungrateful mortals against You,

With the affections of your sacred Heart, let us be enkindled,

and let us exalt with worthy praise the mercy of that same Divine Heart,

doing it for all eternity. Amen!.

special prayer

As has already been said, the Rosary to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a compendium of a group of prayers and prayers, which are performed mainly to seek forgiveness for the sins of humanity, and the granting of God’s grace and His mercy.

But, also, many of the faithful do it regularly or within novenas of commemorative dates or religious festivities, to offer it as a generous offering before God, his Holy Son and even to the Most Holy Mary, begging for her intervention before the Father and the Son. , for the health of the family, a loved one or ourselves.

One of these sentences is the following:

Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus!

It is impossible for him not to feel compassion for the unfortunate,

We ask you today on this day to have mercy on all of us,

Men and women, poor sinners,

and grant us through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

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the thanks that we humbly ask of you today, Amen!

Oh venerable Saint Joseph!

Faithful guardian of the Sacred Hearts of Mary and Jesus,

Pray for all of us. Amen!

To finish this prayer, it must be closed with the prayer of the Salve.

Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Within the Rosary to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, like other rosaries belonging to the doctrine of Catholicism, it is made up of the holy litanies, which are also offered in the name of some celestial entity and in exchange for some favor for health and salvation. of all souls.

V.- Lord, have mercy on all of us.

A.- Lord, have mercy on all of us

V.- Christ, have mercy on all of us.

A.- Christ, have mercy on us all

V.- Lord, have mercy on all of us.

A.- Lord, have mercy on all of us.

V.- Christ, hear us. R.- listen to us

V.- Christ, listen to us R.- listen to us

V.- God heavenly Father R.- Have mercy on us

V.- God the Son, Redeemer of the world R.- Have mercy on us

V.- God, Holy Spirit R.- Have mercy on us

V.- Holy Trinity R.- Have mercy on us

V.- Heart of Jesus, most worthy Temple of the Eternal Father,

A.- Inflame my heart with the divine love in which you burn.

V.- Heart of Jesus, seat of the Divine Word,

A.- Inflame my heart with the divine love in which you burn.

V.- Heart of Jesus, home of the Holy Spirit,

A.- Inflame my heart with the divine love in which you burn.

V.- Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the Holy Trinity,

A.- Inflame my heart with the divine love in which you burn.

V.- Heart of Jesus, in whom dwells all the fullness of Divinity,

A.- Inflame my heart with the divine love in which you burn.

V.- Heart of Jesus, in whom the treasures of eternal Wisdom are deposited,

A.- Inflame my heart with the divine love in which you burn.

V.- Heart of Jesus, in whom the riches of uncreated love are enclosed,

A.- Inflame my heart with the divine love in which you burn.

V.- Heart of Jesus, afflicted for us,

A.- Inflame my heart with the divine love in which you burn.

V.- Heart of Jesus, insulted with our ingratitude,

A.- Inflame my heart with the divine love in which you burn.

V.- Heart of Jesus, wounded with the spear for our sins,

A.- Inflame my heart with the divine love in which you burn.

V.- Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation,

A.- Inflame my heart with the divine love in which you burn.

V.- Heart of Jesus, refuge of the troubled,

A.- Inflame my heart with the divine love in which you burn.

V.- Heart of Jesus, protection and defense of those who…

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