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+50 APRIL sayings and phrases – Beautiful and funny!

Winter begins to melt and gives way to a new season: spring. And spring begins to take its first steps in March and begins to walk in the month of April, the fourth month of the year.

Although the origin of the word is not known with certainty April It is believed that it may have Greek or Roman origins and that it corresponds to a month that hosts rain, greater warmth and that represents the beginning of spring as we know it, reaching its fullness in May.

In this article, we dedicate space to the sayings and phrases of April beautiful and funny to share on your social networks.

Beautiful April phrases

We start our list with the beautiful April phrases to dedicate in the fourth month of the year. Discover his precious reflections and share them with whoever you want. You will surely discover that the feeling of spring is also in you.

April gives a spirit of youth to everything.

April is a promise that May must fulfill.

Hal Borland

Who has stolen the month of April?

One of the phrases of the month of April by the famous singer Joaquín Sabina who shows us that the passage of time sometimes goes so fast that we do not realize it. Therefore, it is important to take advantage of every minute of our lives. We invite you to discover more reflections like this in this article of Phrases about time.

Have you ever loved someone so much that you would do anything for them? Well, make that person you and you can do whatever you want.

If we didn’t have winter, spring wouldn’t be so beautiful; If we did not have times of restlessness, prosperity would not be so welcome to us.

Anne Bradstreet

Whoever waters in April, reaps in May.

All the waters of April fit in a lamp.

There are always flowers for those who wish to see them.

Henri Matisse

At the heart of every winter lives a pulsating spring and behind every night comes a smiling dawn.

Khalil Gibran

Spring is when you feel like whistling even with your shoe full of slush.

Doug Larson

In April, the frost follows the hailstorm.

They can cut off all the flowers, but they can’t stop spring.

April opens full of life and heat.

When a flower opens, it is spring all over the world.

My love does not need borders; As spring does not prefer a garden.

Silvio Rodriguez

One of the beautiful April phrases which talks about the feeling of love and how it can be compared to spring. If you like romantic messages like this, we recommend this article of long and beautiful love phrases to dedicate.

With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who can’t be happy?

Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child who knows poems.

Rainier Maria Rilke

Funny April phrases

We added a fun touch to our list with funny April phrases that you can share in your work environment, at your family gatherings or with your friends. With these phrases you will surely become the center of attention!

The weather of April, the rain and the sun both together.

Without a doubt, the April phrases They reflect that it is a very rainy month and this is what allows everything to be green and in bloom in May. So don’t be afraid of the rain, because after it everything blooms. If you are interested in this atmospheric phenomenon, don’t miss these Rain Phrases.

April without hail God did not make it.

I save the light days, the dark ones I return to destiny.

Zsuzsa Bank

April cocoons the roses, and May shows them open and beautiful.

Vine that does not sprout in April, gives little wine to the barrel.

Rainy April fills the barn.

I want to do with you what spring does with cherry trees.

Pablo Neruda

All the primroses fit in a rose.

April, bring out the grain.

In April, a thousand waters, and they all fit in a barrel.

April gives a spirit of youth to everything.

With the arrival of spring, I am calm again.

Gustav Mahler

In April, mushrooms for me, in May, mushrooms I manage, in San Juan, they go rotten.

April over, winter gone.

With the phrases of the month of April The winter season ends and the long-awaited spring begins. Without a doubt, one of the most beloved. If you love this time of year, in this article you will find the best beautiful and funny spring phrases.

Thunderous April, good summer is coming.

As long as there is spring in the world, there will be poetry!

Gustavo Adolfo Bequer

April sayings

Proverbs are a fantastic resource for transmitting knowledge, as they are very catchy and easy to remember. Therefore, we end our list with a section dedicated to April sayings that transmit the popular knowledge of the fourth month of the year and that you can share on your social networks.

In April, the garden blooms.

At the end of April, the vine blooms.

Crazy fever, windy March, rainy April, bring out flowery and beautiful May.

Neither April without flowers, nor youth without love.

In April, one grain produces a thousand.

April is gone and winter with it.

In April, plant your corn.

For San Marcos the chickpea, neither born nor yet to be planted.

If you want watermelons in Santiago, plant them in San Marcos.

April showers create May flowers.

One of the April sayings which helps us understand that in spring there is a lot of rain, but also beauty. If you like to appreciate the small details that the changes of season bring us, we recommend these Nature Phrases.

In April, two hours of nap is sleep.

The asparagus of April, for me, the ones of May, for the master, and the ones of June, for (the donkey) (none).

Sweet showers in April bring the flowers of May.

March comes out and April comes in, little clouds to cry and little fields to laugh.

Spring is nature’s way of saying: let’s celebrate!

Robin Williams

April rainy, fills the barn.

April and May, the key to the entire year.

April sets our hearts a thousand times.

Spring is when our hearts begin to melt to give way to warmer love. This is, without a doubt, one of the beautiful phrases of the month of April about falling in love For these occasions, there is nothing better than consulting these Phrases about being in love.

If you want to read more articles similar to April sayings and phraseswe recommend that you enter our Other phrases category.

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