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Over time I learned

Time is the master of life. And this is how some wise words from Jorge Luis Borges express it. Let’s read them calmly and then reflect on them:

“Over time I learned the subtle difference between take someone’s hand and chain a soul.

Over time I learned that love does not mean leaning on someone and that company does not mean security.

Over time…I began to understand that the kisses are not contractsnor the gifts promises.

Over time I learned that being with someone because they offer you a good future means that sooner or later you will want to go back to your past.

Over time… you realize that getting married just because “it’s urgent” is a clear warning that your marriage will be a failure.

Over time I understood that Only those who are capable of loving you with your flaws, without trying to change you, can give you all the happiness you want..

Over time you realize that if you are next to that person just to accompany your loneliness, you will inevitably end up not wanting to see them again.

Over time you realize that true friends are worth a lot more than any amount of money.

Over time I understood that true friends can be counted on the fingers of one handand that those who do not fight for them will sooner or later find themselves surrounded only by false friendships.

Over time I learned that words spoken in a moment of anger they can continue hurting who you hurtthroughout life.

Over time I learned that anyone can apologize, but Forgiving is only for great souls…

Over time I understood that if you have hurt a friend badly, most likely the friendship will never be the same again.

Over time you realize that even if you are happy with your friends, someday you will cry for those you let go.

Over time you realize that every experience lived with each person, it is unrepeatable.

Over time you realize that the one who humiliates or despises sooner or later a human being will suffer the same humiliations or contempt multiplied squared.

Over time I learned to build all your paths in today, because The terrain of tomorrow is too uncertain to make plans.

Over time I understood that rushing things or forcing them to happen will cause them to not be as you expected in the end.

Over time you realize that in reality the best was not the futurebut the moment you were living right at that moment.

Over time you will see that even if you are happy with those who are by your side, You will miss terribly those who were with you yesterday and now they are gone.

Over time I learned that to try to forgive or ask for forgiveness, to say that you love, to say that you miss, to say that you need, to say that you want to be a friend…. in front of a grave…, it no longer makes any sense…

But unfortunately…we only understand this with time.”

Jorge Luis Borges

The teachings that only the passage of time can give us

It is not the darkness that you fear, but what is in it,

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That your fear is not of love, but not to be loved. And if you don’t want to let go, your problem is that you don’t accept that that person is actually gone…

AND All this is part of living, it is that wisdom that is not in books and that no one can teach us.. It is that part that we must learn ourselves and that hurts; It hurts because you end up understanding it through blows and disappointments.

It’s a pain that keeps you in suspense until it fades and that’s when you go further and climb a step on your ladder. Because deep down you know that Those who resist accepting change sentence their inner death.

So it is that love your place in the world and adore life above all things; Be grateful for the blows they give you because they will make you human; Be constant and fight with all your strength against the disease of certainty, do not live only for the future and do not lose your sense of humor, no matter what happens.

“Live as if you were going to die tomorrow, learn as if you were going to live forever.”

-Mahatma Gandhi-

These are the teachings that you can never forget because they are the ones that differentiate you and define you…, and that is because life doesn’t tell you anything, it teaches you everything; and she is such a good teacher that if you don’t learn the lesson, she repeats it to you…

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