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5 keys to dealing with people who always think they are right

Tired of hitting your face against a wall? Arguing is not pleasant, especially when we do it with a person who does not listen. Here we help you deal with these types of conflicts.

When we argue with one of those people who believe they are always right, it is easy to end up exhausted. Running face-first into a wall is not pleasant for anyone, much less when that wall opposes us and tells us that we are on the defensive. Therefore, in this article we want to give you some keys to dealing with people who always believe they are right.

At the outset, we must understand that It’s a question of emotional intelligence. When a person sticks to his guns without listening to the person in front of him, it is most likely that he lacks the sense of smell necessary to identify what the other person is feeling. That is, he has underdeveloped emotional intelligence.

The key lies in emotional intelligence

This is not something that should justify the know-it-all behavior, but it does shed some light on the subject. And according to Marta Krajniak, a psychologist at Fairleigh Dickinson University, people who tend to overcontrol their surroundings show more difficulties to adjust your behavior with certain people.

The American psychologist affirms that low emotional intelligence may be one of the reasons why these types of people are incapable of giving in.

How to deal with people who always think they are right

It must be understood that interpersonal relationships are characterized by being liquid and difficult to qualify. Taking this characteristic into account as part of most contexts, we want to give you a series of strategies that will probably help you redirect the situation:

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1. Don’t diagnose any personality disorder in the other person

It is true that some of these behaviors are typical of certain personality disorders, but that does not mean that the person you are arguing with has a condition of this type. So don’t even bother trying to diagnose the other person. Because, even if you have a disorder, pointing out something like that is the worst thing we can do.

2. Keep in mind that the other person has underdeveloped emotional intelligence

As we say, remember that all these situations usually occur due to low emotional intelligence. We do not mean by this that the intransigent’s behavior is justified. Maybe, It is best to show off our own emotional intelligence so that the other person can be infected.

3. Don’t bother

We already assure you that the worst thing one can do in these situations is to get upset or angry with the person who is arguing with us. Our first impulse will be that, but we must fight it so that the atmosphere of the discussion does not become even more strained. Once again, you must bring out your emotional intelligence to see if something rubs off on your counterpart.

4. Consider for a second that you could be the one who is wrong.

All these tools that we give you do not mean that we should stop for a second to consider if we are the wrong ones. We insist, this is not a question of stepping over others, but rather having the ability to step back or adopt a more prudent position when necessary.

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And who knows, maybe, on some occasion, you were the person who was wrong. There’s nothing worse than getting into an ugly argument and then realizing how confused we were.

5. Take care of communication

Like everything in life, communication is essential, and it is even more so in this type of conflict, since we will be forced to share space with that person. Especially if it is a friend or family member. In these cases, it is best to have a left hand and be willing to listen and relate. You’ll be surprised how many times you could agree with that other person.

As you will see, these types of conflicts are usually closely related to emotional intelligence. A significant fault on the part of the other person can be an obstacle for them to listen to us. After all, that opponent is unable to understand what you may feel at that moment.

Emotional intelligence is a cause and can be, at the same time, a solution for such unpleasant situations. If we bring out our own emotional intelligence in those discussions, we will not fall for the game. And, above all, we may be able to drag the other person into the field of empathy and understanding.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Bermúdez, María Paz, & Teva Álvarez, I., & Sánchez, Ana (2003). Analysis of the relationship between emotional intelligence, emotional stability and psychological well-being. Universitas Psychologica, 2(1),27-32.. ISSN: 1657-9267. Available at: https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=64720105Krajniak, Marta & Pievsky, Michelle & Eisen, Andrew & McGrath, Robert. (2017). The relationship between personality disorder traits, emotional intelligence, and college adjustment. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 74. 10.1002/jclp.22572.Parodi ÚBeda, A., Belmonte Lillo, V., Ferrándiz García, C., & Ruiz Melero, MJ (2017). The relationship between emotional intelligence and personality in secondary education students. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD Journal of Psychology., 2(1), 137. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2017.n1.v2.926

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