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▷ Who Is Osain: How《Assist, Receive, Work and More》

Have you ever thought about the amount of deities that exist? There are so many that, in order to describe them all, we would need more than one article.

A characteristic of the deities of these religions is that they are accompanied by great courage and wisdom in some specific aspect and even tend to be irreplaceable. She is one of those deities, but if you don’t know much about it, I invite you to keep reading.

Who is Ozain?

It is a deity that is found within the Orishas and he is known as nature itself, since he has a wide wisdom with plants, herbs and everything that nature offers. This is another reason why he is known as the master of the bush.

He is the one who saves lives, averts death and fortifies them in combat. He is also known for being a doctor and a scholar of the mysteries of nature, as well as specializing in animals.

As for Catholicism, you will be able to find linked or syncretized with the following Catholic saints:

San Silvestre. San Benito. Saint Joseph. San Ramon Nonato. Saint Anthony Abbot.

How to attend it?

When it comes to performing ceremonies of any kind to request something that we want from the deity, we must know how to serve it. For that, I bring you here some steps that you must follow:

You must give guinea pepper, roasted corn, liquor and Kola nut Give thanks with much faith and tranquility

How to work with him?

One of the most popular works that are carried out with this deity is the Inshe, since it brings great spiritual progress to whoever performs it, but must always be done under special guidance, in this case of a babalawo or godfather. For this job you will need:

Peony leaves. Mamoncillo. Always alive.

After having this, you must proceed to perform the following steps:

Prepare an infusion with holy water and sugar that you are going to use it to clean each of the spaces in your home so that there can be an energy balance. You must ask Osain, with the intervention of Olofi and Olodumare, to provide them with good health, material stability and great progress on a spiritual level. When singing the kings, the deity is asked to free you from the mooringsspells and any witchcraft work.

For what do you use it?

Normally, when we resort to some work, it is because help is needed quickly and always in a positive way, since negative energies are not accepted. These jobs are mostly used for the following:

drive away the bad spirits. Heal someone, since he is known as a doctor for having a extensive wisdom with plants.
strengthen the person before a combat To move away the death.

How to receive it?

When it comes to receiving a deity, it is important that you take into account each of the offerings you like because if you do not give him what he wants, he will not be satisfied and the work may not be carried out.

Read Also:  ▷ Olokun《Request, Attention, Cleaning, Offerings and More》✔️

Always try to find everything the saint needs because this is a moment of satisfy him and make him feel good. To receive it you need:

Tobacco. Elekes that have the accounts in green color. The Ewe, that is, herbs that are usually a great variety of sticks and mountains like Ruda. Animals to sacrifice such as goats, talking birds, rooster, griffin and tortoise, that is, a turtle.

After having these objects for offeringyou must do the following:

You must greet him as follows: Ashé Osain, moguayé! Use all the herbs that are to your liking. Accompany the use with a series of songs that will make you enjoy the reception.

What herbs are for him?

As I mentioned at the beginning, this deity is characterized by its extensive knowledge with the plants, herbs and nature in general to achieve great acts. Here are a few for you to consider:

Rompezaraguey or also known as The Curse Remover used to balance energy charges. Rude whose main function is scare away evil spirits and not allow them to come back.
Abrecaminos is beneficial to highlight the attributes of sensuality.
Verbena, is usually used as an amulet near the heart to attract positive energy. Sandbox is used after a family death.

What are Osain’s signatures?

Surely you wonder what signatures are or what they are for. Well, the signatures have a spiritual representation of the saint with what is dedicated, in this case, Osain is the owner of the herbs and therefore the doctor of religion.

Their signatures have points, straight, curved or zigzag lines that have an arrow at the beginning and the opposite end at the end. also uses circles and cross shapes. The uses are:

As you can see, Osain is a very interesting deity to study, since medicinal plants and herbs can be of great help for many of the things we want to do. Being chosen for the formation of the universe, there’s no way we can’t believe in it.

If you want to be provided with the blessings that nature offers, Osain is the one. I hope this article will be of great help for you to get to know this deity.

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