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Spiritual Meaning of the Lion: 9 Messages in Spiritism and Umbanda

Animals have a huge symbology for people. Thus, the most varied cultures give representation to different animals. In India, for example, cows are sacred and thus represent positive things. The owl, in many cultures, it is a special symbol associated with mysticism and afterlife issues.

Thus, the lion also has its spiritual meaning, both in Spiritism, Umbanda and Shamanism. It is a very popular animal, the lion has great importance for the culture of the African continent and, thus, stands out as the great king of the jungle.

But what many don’t know is that this animal is also important from a spiritual point of view, as it has important messages in that sense.

Whether for Catholics, for followers of Umbanda or shamanism, the truth is that the lion is representative and deserves to be highlighted for the spiritual messages it sends us at each apparition. See below a little more about the spiritual sense of the lion.

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What is the spiritual meaning of the lion?

What does the lion represent in spirituality?

What is the meaning of the lion in Umbanda?

Symbolism of a lion

9 Lion’s spiritual messages for your life

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The lion and its meaning in shamanism

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What is the spiritual meaning of the lion?

The lion has a spiritual meaning that varies depending on the specific culture. This is because, in the midst of all the cultural diversity in the world, the lion can adopt different senses according to each part of the globe.

In Catholicism, for example, the spiritual meaning of the lion refers to friendship. Thus, for Catholics, the animal has a spiritual message closely linked to the need to value the friendships around it.

However, this meaning may be different for other religious currents. For the Egyptians, for example, the lion has the meaning of rebirth. Therefore, in reality, the tombs of the pharaohs had symbols of lions.

Thus, for these people, the animal represents a new chance to return to Earth to do things differently and live another life. Therefore, as you can see, the symbolism of the lion can vary according to each part of the world. but in general the animal means good things from a spiritual point of view.

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What does the lion represent in spirituality?

The lion, in spiritualityin general, represents the challenges to come. Because, in all cultures, this animal is associated with possible future challenges and the need to overcome these problems.

In this way, it takes dedication, attention and focus to the details that make up the spirituality of the lion.

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The symbolism of this animal is too big for almost everyone, as the lion has a high level of popularity. However, on the African continent the lion is even more representative. And so, tends to be seen as a sign of the spirit’s prowess when sighted.

The lion figure shows that your soul is going through a phase in which it will be necessary to be brave and courageous to reach a state of peace. As much as people don’t always know it, body and soul have different lives.

The physical world, which we can see, is different from the spiritual world, which we are not able to see. The best thing to do, in any case, it is to assimilate that the figure of the lion tends to be a beautiful indication that the spirit goes through moments of overcoming and facing challenges.

In that sense, when realizing this, try to calm your soul in the way that is most convenient for your culture. After all, not everyone has the same dogmas.

What is the meaning of the lion in Umbanda?

Xangô is the symbol of justice for those who follow Umbanda. And, by his side, the figure of the lion is usually seen. This is an animal that is usually associated with the need for justice in Umbanda.

When a lion appears in a dream, for example, Umbanda followers tend to associate this mental image with the need to increase justice in their lives. This is an indication that errors of judgment have been made in the past.

The lion, in Umbanda, sees everything from a more rational perspective. Strong, the king of the jungle is able to analyze the situation from a side that not everyone can see. On account of this, you have to try to be like the lion in your everyday life.

Learn to take a step back and analyze the whole scenario that comes ahead as if you weren’t in the middle of the mess. Over time, this exercise starts to get simpler. In any case, the lion is a great symbol of justice and right decisions for Umbanda.

Symbolism of a lion

The lion is an animal of great strength and imposition. This animal represents good things for your future, although it indicates that challenges have to be overcome. Thus, the animal usually has a symbology associated with the courage of the soul.

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There is a need to protect your spirit as you can, as best you can. The lion indicates that your soul needs food to overcome problems that may appear in the future.

And the food for the soul is faith, also mixed with a strengthened spirituality. With this scenario, it will be easier for your spirit to overcome whatever challenge it is facing in the spirit world, the one we cannot see.

The lion is still seen as the protector of truth for many people of different religions, as it is usually associated with justice and what is right. Thus, it is seen that the symbolism of the lion is very strong and that this animal has relevant spiritual characteristics.

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9 Lion’s spiritual messages for your life

The lion is a very representative animal. In this way, the king of the saddle tends to have a series of very relevant spiritual meanings. For Catholics, for example, the lion indicates the need to strengthen bonds of friendship.

As for umbandistas, the lion is a symbol of justice that must prevail in our lives. In turn, the Egyptians saw the lion as a great symbol of divine protection and rebirth.

Therefore, for these people, it is necessary to have a lion close by in the tomb, so that the resurrection process will be simpler. In any case, whatever the culture analyzed, the truth is that the lion has a very strong symbology.

It is rare for a religious current to be alien to the lion, mainly because of its high spiritual charge. See below some of the spiritual messages that the lion can bring to your life.

1) Divine protection

The Egyptians understood the lion as a symbol of divine protection. In this way, due to its strength and ability to impose, understand that the animal was created by a force majeure to create security for the natural environment.

Therefore, there is a great deal of protection associated with the lion symbol when it appears in your life. Furthermore, the lion still represents rebirth for the natives of Egypt.

That’s why, by the way, that the tombs even today have small symbols of lions. For the local popular belief, the animal opens the doors of heaven and manages to make the process of rebirth simpler.

Thus, the Egyptians regard the lion with a tone of respect, as this animal has always been very powerful on the African continent, even in countries that do not have a massive presence of the animal.

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2) spiritual power

As for shamanism, the lion is a symbol of the power of the spirit. This religious current believes that the animal symbolizes all the power that our soul possesses.

So one has to understand the intricacies of the soul as much as possible. Because, that way, you will be able to understand why you are on Earth and what is your mission here.

Shamanists still see the lion as representing leadership, strength, assertiveness and courage of the soul. Therefore, the spirit must be like a lion, powerful and strong, but at the same time assertive and a great leader.

In the end, shamanism welcomes the figure of the lion, which indicates good energies for those who have this faith. Consequently, the lion tends to be viewed positively by followers of shamanism and tends to have its symbols in the midst of rituals.

3) Protection from evil

In China, the Buddhist tradition still dominates the whole country. In this way, for this current of thought, the lion is a symbol of protection against evil. The animal is strong, merciless, and thus capable of wiping out all threats to the spirit.

Therefore, it is very natural that, walking through China, you see some kind of lion in the form of a bust or statue on the street. In addition, many people keep the figure of the lion or something that refers to the animal.

This is because, as explained, there is a great belief that the king of the jungle is able to keep evil spirits away from his body. Buddhism values ​​peace of mind very much and focuses on this point vehemently.

Thus, for this religion, mind and soul have to be in tune. That is why the presence of the lion is so important, because, with its symbolism of protection of the spirit, it manages to take care of people’s souls.

4) Protection of the dead

For the medieval culture of Europe, the lion was a great protector of the dead. It may be that, in some movie or even in person, you have already noticed the presence of a lion statue near a cemetery on the European continent.

This tradition dates back to a time when beliefs were much stronger, leading to a whole tradition related to the spirit and the protection of the soul.

Thus, there was a strong belief in Europe that lions were capable of protecting the souls of people who had passed away. Strong, big, powerful and evil, lions would be able to keep the dead safe, according to popular belief at the time.

Even because of this, in general the mentioned lions…

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