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4 Prayer for him to message me on Whatsapp now

If you thought you needed a prayer for him to WhatsApp me right now, this article is for you.

In it we will teach 4 powerful prayers so you get that message you’ve been waiting for.

As these prayers go help manifest your desires and vibrations you are sending into the situation.

So if you want to know what these prayers are and how to do them, read on!

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1) Prayer for him to message me on WhatsApp now

2) Prayer for him to respond to my messages

3) Prayer for him to speak to me now

4) Spell for him to message me today

1) Prayer for him to message me on WhatsApp now

Firstly, it is important to remember that anything is possible for spirituality and our guardian angels.

Despite this, the intentions of what we ask also interfere enough to accomplish what was asked.

Therefore, remember to always do it with good intentions and feelings so that it will be attended to.

You, my boss, who understands my prayer, give your heart to this person so that he is the most benevolent and calls me.

This person knows that I need him and he must also know that I need him, so that when he finally contacts me we can do what we both need, always with his blessings dear saint.

Almighty Lord God, allow this person to have the purest feelings and call on me to give me what I need. Don’t leave me without this occasion in my life Lord.

Saint Cyprian, give me your help so that this person is responsible in the depths of his heart and can dial my number to be able to do the things that are proper to the name of God. Amen.

My God, I want this person to call me, make him understand that he is as essential to me as I am to him; We both need each other.

Therefore, I ask you to entrust him with enough wisdom to dial my number, giving me a good answer so as not to miss this valuable opportunity that life offers me. Amen.

Lord, I am absolutely sure that you are going to help me, I want someone to call me, I want you to give me a good and positive answer so that I can take advantage of the opportunity that I feel I deserve.

Don’t let everything end before it starts, let only the heart decide and with your generous help guide my future so that everything goes as I hope. Amen.

2) Prayer for him to respond to my messages

If you want a prayer for the person to respond to your messages, say this prayer.

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Since it is a powerful prayer that has attractive energies of the person you want.

In addition, the vibrations sent can help the person in question to take the initiative to respond to messages.

My dear saint, listen well to all the words I bring you today. If that person really needs me like I need him, I implore you to tell him that he should call me to do things right and for the pride of his name. Amen.

With all the power of God and the divine wisdom and love of Saint Cyprian, I know that they will bring me a call from that person, a warning of good news that will illuminate my life. I will find out what I need and with Almighty God’s blessing the path will be fairer and more blessed. Amen.

Almighty God, I want that person to knock on my door, call me, come and feel my absence as an irresistible need. Therefore, I ask for your generous help so that I can fulfill the grace of this desire.

I want to please my beloved God who grants me your help to achieve what I’m looking for, that person calls me so that we can do things according to your example. Do not abandon me in an attempt to allow justice and your divine power to make this person need me as much as I need him. Amen.

Don’t leave me feeling insecure Lord, I’m patiently waiting for you to call me so I can do whatever I need to do to find a solution to my problems.

I pray to you, God, that this occasion does not pass and that it pleases you as a blessing, so that the answer someone gives me when they contact me is good news. Amen.

3) Prayer for him to speak to me now

Another powerful prayer for the person to message you right now is the prayer for Saint Cyprian.

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Since all prayers to him are wrapped with a strong energy and very powerful vibrations.

Also, remember to light a white or red candle before performing the prayer to firm your intentions.

I (say your full name) resort to all possible help from San Cipriano at this very moment.

I light this white/red candle for this saint so that he may light his path and that he may have even more strength to help me in this request of mine.

I (say your name) ask with all my strength to this divine saint to help me make (person’s name) send me a message at this very moment.

I want him (person’s name) to contact me right now, without thinking, without hesitation and without being able to stand it.

Saint Cyprian, create a huge and terrible despair inside the head and prayer of (person’s name) so that he can’t even breathe without talking to me, without sending me a message and contacting me.

It creates a huge void inside his heart and a huge weight in his head that he just can’t handle.

Dear saint, despair (name of person), leaves him full of longing, wanting to talk to me and loving me.

Intercede for me dear saint, grant me your magnificent help and give me this moment of great happiness.

So be it, Amen!

4) Spell for him to message me today

Although this spell and prayer is very simple to do, it is very powerful and should not be underestimated.

Since its effects are very direct and its effectiveness is widely known.

That way, when you’re doing it, keep in mind the desire that the person has to talk to you as soon as possible.


1 white candle; 1 white plate; Pen or any instrument for writing;

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How to make:

Write on paper the name of the person you want to message you, write the person’s full name; Above the name, write that person’s phone number and don’t worry if it gets messed up; Firm the candle on a plate or on the ground along with the paper and say the following prayer: “Mr. Zé Pilintra, who carries the power to bring the loved one, walk towards this person. Wherever you are, bring her to me today, clearing any blockages out of the way. That until she returns to me, don’t eat, don’t drink and don’t sleep until you find me. I humbly ask that with your power you soften her heart, if it is closed. Embrace him and bring him to me, lord” Once you finish the request, light the fixed candle and pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary, signing the prayer to the person’s guardian angel.

When can I pray these prayers?

The prayers taught can be said whenever you need to, but they need time to take effect.

Since the vibrations reach the person instantlybut there are certain energies that need to be worked on.

That way, perform these prayers at least 15 days apart between one and the other.

In addition, the vibes and intentions placed during prayer can also interfere with the process.

So be careful with the feelings and intentions you are having when you make them.

Will prayers really work for me?

Prayers are ways of sending vibrations and requests to the universe and good spirits.

So they are one communication channel between the terrestrial plane and the spiritual plane.

In this way, any prayer or spell does have its effects and results.

But when they are not realized, it can end up being for the person’s own good or for reasons of divine time.

So trust divine wisdom whenever you choose to ask for something.

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