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Does Biokinesis Work or is it Dangerous? Learn how to do it!

Imagine how incredible it must be to have the power to change your physical appearance, promote healing in your body and even transform your reality, using only your mind. The good news is that this is entirely possible using a technique called Biokinesis.

Although it is a simple practice, it is quite powerful.

However, due to the fact that many are unaware of it, some doubts and even myths about the subject end up arising, making people afraid to use it.

Therefore, we will clarify all its details, showing if Biokinesis really works, what it is and how to do it. Check it out below!

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What is Biokinesis?

How can I do Biokinesis?

After all, does Biokinesis really work?

Can Biokinesis Be Dangerous?

What not to do in Biokinesis?

Are the effects of Biokinesis permanent?

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What is Biokinesis?

To better understand what this term means, it is important to research the origin of the word. When we accomplished their separation, we see the word Bio symbolizing living beings and Kinesis referring to cellular activity.

We can say that Biokinesis is a practice that allows an individual to carry out the manipulation of an organic matter through the power of our mind. With this, strong changes occur in the physiology of living organisms, promoting big changes.

The process is so powerful that even changes in the DNA and also in the functioning of every cell in the body can occur. Thus, there are individuals who claim to make intense and highly perceptible changes to the naked eye, such as eye color, weight and height, for example.

However, Biokinesis can be even more powerful than that. There are even many reports of people who used this technique to their advantage to promote the cure of serious illnessesas is the case with cancer.

For this, practitioners send commands to their subconscious, powerful enough to bring about the desired changes. In addition, there are several ways to accomplish this feat, using some tools that we will see in more detail below.

How can I do Biokinesis?

Although extremely powerful, this is considered to be a very simple practice that can be performed easily by the vast majority of people.. For this, it is enough to correctly carry out the indicated techniques.

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Also, it’s important to know that for it to have the expected effect, your subconscious needs to be reached. In this way, there will be a change in the thought pattern, making the consequences physically visible as well.

Among the techniques used are:


One way of doing Biokinesis practices is through the use of audios containing binaural or subliminal messages. Like this, we can say that this technique resembles hypnosis.

To access them, just perform a quick search on Youtube. The vast majority of them bring all the necessary guidelines so that this can be done correctly.

In any case, to perform the technique it is indicated that the individual enters a state of full attention. Once the audios start, you should focus on them as much as you canalways with the thought that change will happen.


To perform the visualization properly, you need to find a quiet place, where there is no noise or interruptions. Then, look for a comfortable position, and this could be lying down or sitting, in a meditation position.

Start by closing your eyes, inhale and exhale deeply and slow down your pace and frequency. Right now, you need to concentrate deeply on this execution.

Then start visualizing the change you want to see in your body, such as the color of your eyesO lip augmentation or nose shrinkage, for example. If you can, also perform some mental affirmations, thus helping to affirm to your subconscious the change you want to observe.

As for the time needed to perform the practice, who will define it is your own body. Therefore, as soon as you feel that Biokinesis has been enough, perform your shutdown.

It is also worth highlighting that you do not need to be meditating to be able to observe satisfactory results. Therefore, you can use certain periods of your day to imagine yourself experiencing the desired transformation.

In addition, you can also make the mirror a great ally for your Biokinesis practice. For that, you must reserve at least five minutes of your day to observe yourself in front of one and imagine yourself with the changes you want to experience.

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After all, does Biokinesis really work?

There aren’t many studies related to the effectiveness of Biokinesis, however, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. Many holistic practices are also not scientifically proven and still deliver incredible results.

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Although we need to prove some things, this process cannot always be done. This becomes even more important when it comes to something that depends almost entirely on each person’s individual thinking and actions.

Therefore, it is correct to say that what will really define whether Biokinesis will work or not is exclusively your subconscious and the intention you set while carrying out the practice.

Can Biokinesis Be Dangerous?

Because it is a differentiated and little known practice, many people have great apprehension related to performing Biokinesis.

In a way, we can say that a large part of this thought is due to the fact that this technique directly influences our body, which can have important repercussions on our lives.

Usually there are not many contraindications regarding its use, but experts point out that people with psychiatric disorders should not perform it. Also, people who have any reservations about meditation should also avoid it.

If you don’t have any kind of problem, there is no danger in practicing Biokinesis. Anyway, despite that, We emphasize here the importance of taking care of it.

This is because, in some cases, there are chances that the person will not like the change that has been achieved and will regret the result. Therefore, it is essential that before taking any decision, you study a lot about the subject and be sure of your objective to avoid frustration.

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What not to do in Biokinesis?

Although it is a really simple technique, we cannot ignore the fact that there are some rules to follow so that it has the desired effect. With that in mind, below we list what you should not do during the practice of Biokinesis. Check out:

1) Maintain limiting beliefs

One of the biggest obstacles when it comes to this practice is the fact that we human beings we live surrounded by limiting beliefs.

They are not all bad, as they sometimes work as a protective mechanism, however, if they are too sharp, they can prevent us from experiencing amazing things.

However, while they cannot be eliminated, we do have the power to significantly lessen their impact on our lives. One way to do this is using the famous Ho’oponopono, which is also considered as a form of Biokinesis.

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Thus, we manage to modulate the frequency we emit, causing profound and permanent changes to be achieved in our lives.

Anyway, it’s worth remembering that for this to happen, it is necessary to carry out long-term work and carry out maintenanceto prevent it from taking over your being again.

2) Not drinking enough water

Although many are surprised by this information, water is one of the most important elements of Biokinesis. To understand why this happens, just reflect on the fact that this liquid is one of the main things responsible for maintaining our body.

In addition, it will also have other important functions such as:

Relieve anxiety; Hydrate our body cells; Helps promote well being.

Therefore, since if these functions are deregulated, Biokinesis will not produce the desired effect, keeping yourself well hydrated is essential.

In addition, there are many people who report that when performing this practice without drinking water properly, experienced migraines and nausea.

There are even more serious cases where some people have observed the presence of blood in the urine. This occurs due to the weakening of our energy, making the consumption of this liquid is essential before, during and after performing the technique.

3) Not avoiding the so-called quantum Zeno effect

Quantum Zeno corresponds to the fact that a person absolutely does not believe in the effect of the technique or even keep trying to look at all the time if any results have already appeared.

This is harmful because most certainly, you will not achieve the desired goals. This is because, if you don’t keep your thoughts constantly positive, your subconscious will not be strong enough to materialize your desires.

Furthermore, This attitude causes a phenomenon called atom paralysis.. With that, if you focus on something hoping it won’t work, most likely it won’t really work.

4) Lack of self love

One of the essential factors for Biokinesis to work is self-love. With that, not being able to develop security, self-confidence and self-esteem is something that contributes negatively to those who want to see results with this technique.

This is due to the fact that everything we do or think emanates energy and this has a direct impact on all things…

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