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Take care of your poinsettia so that it blooms again next year

The poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima, also called Christmas flower or Advent star) is one of the indoor plants most popular, at least at Christmas time. Often, however, this plant is not cared for properly and ends up in the trash immediately after the turn of the year.

These plants can easily provide you with joy for many years. In order for them to bloom again and show the red leaves for next Christmas, it is necessary deprive the pot of light in autumn.

poinsettias they should never be overwatered. It only needs to be done when the top layer of soil is completely dry. When buying one, it is better that you opt for an organic variety that will not carry pesticides or peat on your land.

Caring for, watering and fertilizing the poinsettia properly

Location. As a tropical plant that it is, the poinsettia loves warm and bright places. However, drafts and a place directly above or next to the heater are not suitable for it.Irrigation. Provide your poinsettia only moderate amounts of water and avoid waterlogging, which can lead to root rot. In general, one glass a week is enough. You can also remove the root ball from the pot and submerge it in the water for a few minutes. Any excess water should be drained before repotting the plant. It is better to water the houseplant with water at room temperatureFertilization. In winter, give the poinsettia a potassium-rich fertilizer every two weeks. In summer it is even convenient to pay weekly with compost.

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Tips for summer

After Christmas and the flowering period, the evergreen plant needs a period of rest of about twelve weeks, preferably in a cool and fairly dark place. You must be very careful with watering during this time.

When it is warmer in May and there is no longer any threat of night frosts, you can cut off the withered shoots and place the Advent star on the balcony, terrace or in the garden. Is now the best time to transplant it to a larger pot and add new soil.

In summer, the poinsettia likes it better a partially shaded spot outdoors. With good care, many green leaves will regrow. Even in summer, this plant should not receive too much water.

So that the bracts change color again around Christmas and new flowers form, the poinsettia it should not receive more than twelve hours of light per day in autumn.

Place the plant in the dark for half the day from early October to late November or cover it, for example, with a large bucket or a cardboard box. In this way you mimic the short days that the plant knows of its real home near the equator.

Choose strong plants of organic production

When shopping, look for plants that retain strong dark green leaves. The greenish-yellow leaves in the center of the colored bracts should have buds. If the buds are already open or missing entirely, the plant has already finished flowering and will likely only bring joy for a short time.

In supermarkets, sensitive plants are often found in the drafty entrance area or even outside. Better buy a plant that has held up in the heat.

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Transport the poinsettia well packed and protected. It is very sensitive to cold and, in the worst case, you can suffer frost damage on the way home. Plants with yellow or curled leaves should not be brought home. Also, don’t buy plants that have been sprayed with glitter. The decoration is bad for both the environment and the plant.

Do not buy cheap plants, but high-quality products from specialized florists or gardeners. The organic poinsettias are the best.

The plants that invade Europe in December are grown in South America and Africa using pesticides, including some that have been banned in Europe, but workers in producing countries are still exposed to them.

Buy poinsettias with soil without peat. Peat extraction destroys habitats rich in species and releases CO2. There are poinsettias with the organic seal and also with the Fairtrade seal, which guarantee compliance with environmental and occupational safety standards.

What you should know about the poinsettia

The poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) originally comes from South America. There it grows as an evergreen shrub that can reach up to four meters in height. The plants that provide us with colorful splashes of color at Christmas time come from the greenhouse and are quite small.The colored leaves are not petals, but discolored bracts. The poinsettia sits in the middle, between the colored leaves, and is quite inconspicuous. Red poinsettias are popular, but now there are many other colors from white to pink and yellow. The poinsettia it is sensitive to frost.Yellow leaves indicate that the poinsettia receives very little light.Make sure that children and pets do not eat parts of the plant. The milky juice of this plant is considered slightly toxic and can cause symptoms similar to poisoning and skin irritation.

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