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Wrap your gifts in an original and ecological way

At Christmas thousands of tons of paper are used to wrap gifts. Specifically, the Spanish we spend about 70 square kilometers of wrapping paper to this end during these Christmas dates, according to Ecoembes.

This waste of paper contributes to the loss of natural forests and, furthermore, since most of the paper we use is not recyclable, the paper ends up in incinerators, increasing CO2 emissions. What can we do to reduce the ecological impact of gift wrapping?

Choose paper that is 100% recycled and bleached without chlorine. It is one of Greenpeace’s recommendations to minimize the ecological impact of gift wrapping. Specifically, they suggest using paper with the Blue Angel seal, which guarantees that it contains the highest possible proportion of post-consumer recycled fiber and that it is bleached without chlorine. Use other types of packaging. Scraps of fabric, old shirts, unused shoe boxes, different papers that you may already have at home… There are many options –such as the ones we show you below– to wrap Christmas gifts without having to resort to paper.

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