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white willow

Every day around 220 million aspirins are taken in the world, which makes this drug the most consumed of all. It is made in the laboratory with acetyl-salicylic acid, which was originally isolated from compounds present in some plants, such as meadowsweet or white willow.

Today willow bark remedies are still a valid alternative to aspirin As a natural pain reliever. Already in the time of Dioscorides, it was considered useful against fever attacks and rheumatic pain.

The white willow (Salix alba) is a deciduous tree up to 15 meters tall, with a broad crown, greyish-brown bark with longitudinal grooves, and thin, elastic young branches. The leaves are lanceolate, silky, grayish-green on the front and white on the back. Male and female flowers appear on different trees, and are pendulous catkins.

It grows on the banks of rivers and streams, forming beautiful and necessary belts of riverside vegetation, which are home to a varied fauna. The flexible wood has been used in cabinetmaking and is used in Britain to make cricket bats. Baskets and garden furniture are made from the young branches.

White willow medicinal properties

For medicinal purposes, the bark, catkins and leaves are used. The salicylic compounds give it analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic and antispasmodic effectsso it is used for the following medicinal purposes:

To alleviate the pain: Willow remedies are mainly intended to soothe pain, whether in rheumatic disorders, back pain, headaches, neuralgia, bursitis, tendonitis or spasmodic pain of menstruation and those linked to the climacteric. To reduce fever: Like aspirin, willow is effective in lowering fever in febrile attacks, flu processes and gastric and urinary infections.Against heartburn: Willow –normally associated with licorice, marshmallow and green anise– is also astringent and antacid, useful in case of heartburn, gastrointestinal spasms and diarrhea. Against migraine and inflammation: It is used together with other plants to relieve migraine and headache pain. inflammation in the joints (see herbal formulas).

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Natural remedies with white willow

Tea to relieve migraine and joint pain: It is prepared by combining white willow bark with devil’s claw and cat’s claw, and star anise is added to mitigate the bitter and harsh taste of the willow. How to prepare it: You need a tablespoon of the mixture for a quarter of a liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, let it rest for another 10 and strain. It can be taken throughout the day, in small sips.Tisane to reduce fever: It is advisable to combine white willow with gentian, elder and thyme, in equal parts. How to prepare it: Boil a level tablespoon of the mixture per glass of water for 2 minutes, let it rest for another 10 and strain. Take 3-4 glasses a day while the fever persists and you can add thyme honey to improve the flavor.

how to take

In dry plant for decoction and infusion, in tincture, liquid or nebulized extract, powders and capsules.

Precautions and contraindications

In moderate doses and short periods, willow does not cause irritation or damage to the digestive mucosa, as occurs with aspirin in many people; However, it should be avoided in case of hypersensitivity to salicylates or gastroduodenal ulcerIt is also not recommended if you have blood clotting problems or active bleeding. Should not be given in the pregnancythe lactation nor to under 6 years.

Jordi Cebrian. Advisor: J Mª Teixé, herbalist at “El Manantial de Salud”

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