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How to treat tooth pain with acupressure

If you suffer from tooth pain, the most sensible thing to do is to go to a dentist as soon as possible. After the diagnosis, in addition to the medications that the doctor may have prescribed, natural means can be used to quickly relieve discomfort and even reduce the dose of painkillers.

The acupressure It is one of the natural means that you can use. You can also resort to plants and other natural therapies for dental pain. And do not forget to take special care of oral hygiene with a brush and dental floss.

acupressure points for dental pain

Here are some of the acupressure points that can help you relieve pain:

small intestine 18

It is one of the most important points to reduce this type of pain. It is located in the center of the lower edge of the cheekbone, at the height of the base of the nose. Use the index and middle fingers of each hand to apply at the same time firm, steady pressure on both sides of the face.

Hold the pressure for one minute as you breathe evenly and deeply. In addition to pain, it serves to treat symptoms that may accompany it, such as swelling of the jaw, facial paralysis and spasms of the muscles of the face.

Large intestine 4

It is one of the best known acupressure points because it is used to relieve any type of pain.

To locate it, place the second phalanx of the thumb of one hand on the web between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. The thumb joint should be at the edge of the membrane. The tip of the thumb will mark the point with precision (press for one minute on each hand using your own thumbs).

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Stimulate it in both hands It also boosts immunity which will help fight the infection if it is the case.

stomach 6

is another important point for pain relief. It is located in the middle of the jaw joint, at the level of the lower edge of the earlobe, at the point where it bulges out. when you clench your teeth

Once you have located the points on both sides of the face, apply pressure with your thumbs for one minute. This point is useful for treat jaw pain, spasms, jaw locks, lower jaw toothache and cheek swelling.

Triple heater 13

This point is essential to eliminate tooth pain. You can find it in the outer side of the upper arm, on the edge of the deltoid, at the height of the armpit.

Use your middle and index fingers to apply firm, steady pressure for one minute as you breathe in slowly and deeply. Repeat on the other arm.

trigger points

A dentist or doctor specialized in acupuncture will also be able to locate the so-called myofascial trigger points or hot spots of pain, which studies correlate with acupressure points. Puncturing these points when there is phlegmon with the acupuncture needle also decongests and relieves.

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