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Plantain or greater plantago: medicinal uses, benefits and how to prepare it

What is plantain and what is it used for?

He plantain (Plantago sp.) It is a perennial plant up to 30 cm tall. Depending on the shape and size of its leaves, it can be larger, medium or smaller. The flowers, minute and pale greenget togheter in narrow spikes tubular.

The seeds are covered by a substance that becomes sticky with moisture.which facilitates its adhesion to the feet of animals in order to spread.

of himThey take advantage of the leaves and especially the inflorescenceswhich are very rich in mucilage and mineral salts. These also contain some glycosides.

plantain medicinal properties

His mucilage richness makes it stand out as a remedy against colds and indigestion. These are its main indications:

As a digestive plant, it is effective against indigestion, inflammations gastric, diarrhea, colitisa excess gas in the abdomen and as a revulsive against constipation.It has a pronounced effect as expectorant and demulcent plantcapable of clearing the respiratory tract, reducing tenths of fever and eliminating hoarseness. It is a very useful weapon to stand up to the coldsappease the persistent coughcombat the infections of the pharynx, larynx and bronchiand counteract the effects of the flu. It has been used against tuberculosis pulmonary and pneumoniaDue to its anti-inflammatory effect, it acts effectively against ear and toothacheand reduces the eye inflammationThe plantain is a very versatile plant, also indicated as a support solution in liver and urinary disorders.It is also recommended as a cure against hemorrhoids and to heal all kinds of skin conditions.

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How plantain is prepared

Plantain remedy against cough, hoarseness and throat irritation

Herbalists recommend a formula that combines equal parts plantain with marshmallow, agrimony and mallow flower.

How to prepare it: Boil a level tablespoon of the mixture per glass of water for 2 minutes. Let it rest for 10 minutes, filter and add a pinch of honey or lemon to improve the flavor. Three cups are taken a day, very hot.

Tea with plantain to combat stomach acidity

To normalize the functions of the digestive system and counteract stomach acidity, you can try this formula in which plantain is combined in equal parts with pennyroyal, horsetail, shepherd’s purse and licorice.

How to prepare it: Boil a level tablespoon of the mixture per glass of water for 2 minutes. Leave to rest for 10 minutes, filter and add a pinch of honey or lemon to improve the taste. A cup should be taken after each meal.

Plantain infusion for skin and eye conditions

In this case, the infusion resulting from mixing in equal parts is effective. plantain with calendula, yarrow, cattail and comfrey.

How to prepare it: Boil for just 1 minute and leave to stand for 10 more. It is applied spreading a sterile gauze, on the wound, cold. An infusion of plantain, applied as a compress, can also be a good resource to relieve red eyes and conjunctivitis.

Advisor: J Mª Teixé, herbalist at “El Manantial de Salud”

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