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Angel numbers | Your guardian angel

What are angel numbers?

Angel numbers are the recurring number sequences like 11:11, 333, and 444 that carry the meaning and symbolism of angels. In addition to offering general validation that you have angels with you, the different number sequences carry deeper specific meaning and guidance.

Believe it or not, seeing angel numbers is one of the most commonly experienced signs in the angelic realm.

This may sound surprising, but the truth of the matter is that angelic guidance and assistance does not always appear as expected.

Yes, sometimes angels answer your prayers through direct intervention, bringing about miraculous healing, providing clear word-for-word guidance, or lining things up in your life in a beautifully synchronized way.

Other times, and perhaps more often than not, the guidance and wisdom of the angels appears more subtly.

Guidance from angels may appear in the form of a dream, hearing something said in passing, through an intuitive nudge, a flash of inspiration, or a repetitive feeling, thought, or idea.

Angels also love to send signals and signs that they are with you, and angel number is one of the most common angel signs to appear.

Have you felt that certain numbers follow you everywhere? It’s NOT random!

Introducing Angel Numbers: The Complete Guide to Angel Numbers

Below you will find everything you need to know about angel numbers, what they are, what they mean, and how to start tuning into the guidance your angels are sending you through them.

Simply click on the lesson titles below to jump to that chapter of the guide.

Lesson 1: What are angel numbers? Lesson 2: How do angel numbers work? Lesson 3: Why do angels use numbers? Why don’t they speak to us directly? Lesson 4: The Sacred Science of Numerology Lesson 5: How to Easily Interpret Angel Numbers Lesson 6: The Secret to Learning the Deeper Meaning of Angel Numbers Lesson 7: The Pure Magic of Triple Number Sequences Lesson 8: Surprise find: The angel’s message when you see your date of birth! Lesson 9: What it means when you stop seeing angel numbers.

1 – What are angel numbers?

Angel numbers are short sequences of numbers that you either keep seeing, or that seem to stand out to you at a significant moment.

Like anything in this world, numbers are information, and they carry a specific vibration that when meditated can be understood.

Sometimes angels will show you numbers just to get your attention, other times seeing angel numbers can be a reminder from your angels to keep your thoughts positive.

Seeing angel numbers can also be a friendly angelic reminder to tune into a meditative state and raise your vibration to connect with a higher level of guidance from your angels who are with you, and give you a nudge on your path of spiritual growth in life.

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When you notice a particular number sequence repeating itself for you, pay attention. Your angels are trying to get your attention. Ask the angels what they are trying to tell you, then quiet your mind, relax and open your heart, breathe and just be… From this relaxed and elevated space you will often find that your angels are communicating additional information.

2 – How do angel numbers work?

Angel numbers work in a couple of primary ways.

The first is that your angels give you a gentle nudge to look at your watch at exactly 1:23, look at your phone at 3:33, or look to the right when you cross mile marker 111.

The angels do this deliberately to make you aware of a particular sequence of numbers.

Your angels will often keep drawing your attention to the same series of numbers, until you notice the occurrence, realize that this number keeps appearing to you, and begin to wonder (and maybe even Google) what it means.

The next way angel numbers work is through aligned synchronicity. Your angels can and will physically arrange for you to drive behind a car whose license plate starts with the same numbers that you have been seeing elsewhere.

Or they will help your shopping cart synchronously add $22.22 at the register.

Again, I’m making up these numbers for example, and really, any number seen repeatedly can be significant, because each number has a specific meaning.

The point here is that your angels gently and lovingly assist you to see the numbers because contained within the numbers is a deeper vibrational meaning.

3 – Why do angels use numbers? Why don’t they speak to us directly?

The angels are always looking for ways to answer our questions, and they guide us on our paths, and they do so by sending a variety of signs.

When we ask for angelic help, advice, and guidance, angels always respond!
But why not more directly?

You may be wondering why the angels, who are powerful spiritual beings, would answer your questions by sending numbers, instead of giving you a clear and direct answer.

There is actually a very good reason for this.

It comes down to frequency and resonance. Keep in mind that angels are incredibly pure spiritual beings with magnificently high vibrations.

The unconditional love and light energy of the angels vibrates so high, and their voices are so light and pure…

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That as humans we are not able to see, feel and hear his presence until we raise our vibration, and release layers of beliefs and filters that prevent us from experiencing the angelic realms.

Number sequences are a clever way angels use to bypass filters. You may not be able to clearly hear your angels messages yet, so to get your attention your angels may give you a nudge to wake up every morning at 5:55 to get your attention, or look at your watch at 11:11. When this happens, your angels are delivering a message to you, and helping you to be aware of their presence in a way that cannot be blocked by your ego or subconscious mind.

When you keep seeing a recurring sequence of numbers, it’s more than just a clever match; It is a message from your angels!

Within the particular number sequences that appear, there are hidden meanings, and insightful guidance from beyond the physical. It’s just a matter of being open enough to know there’s a message, and then being willing to tune in and find out what it means!

4 – The sacred science of numerology

Numerology is simply the study of the vibrational meaning of numbers. In other words, it describes the relationships between the meaning of the numbers, and how they reflect certain characteristics, qualities and aptitudes that are related to life.

The history and details of numerology are quite fascinating, and while there is no clear answer as to when numerology first originated, there are historical records on the use of numerology since the days of the Egyptians and Babylonians!

At the core of the sacred science of Numerology is the idea that the universe is mathematically precise, and that each number has a clear and precise meaning that we can tune into to gain understanding in our lives.

What is important to know about numerology in terms of understanding angel numbers and communicating with angels, is that each number 1-9, and then also the “master numbers” 11, 22, 13 and 33 have a distinct and meaningful meaning.

When you learn the meaning of these individual numbers, you can then link them together to decipher and understand the basic message that your angels are conveying through the number sequences that you see.

In the next section, you will get a guide to the meaning of numbers 1-9, 11, 13, 22 and 33 so that you can easily start interpreting the angel numbers you see for yourself.

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5 – How to easily interpret angel numbers

Every day, whether you are at home, traveling or at work, there are many opportunities for you to come across sequences of numbers. When you begin to understand the vibrational meaning of each number in relation to your experience, there is an incredible amount of guidance and understanding that you can quickly tune into.

Below you will find a short guide to the meaning of angel numbers 1-9 plus 11, 13, 22 and 33! When you notice that a certain number seems to be reappearing for you, the guide below will help you quickly locate the number you’re seeing so you can tune in to what it means.

Guide to interpreting angel numbers! Angel numbers are one of the most common spiritual signs of the angelic realm. Take a look at this awesome infographic to help you learn what the numbers you see mean. #222 #333 #234Brief guide on the meaning of angel numbers

0. A sign that the divine guide it is available to you now in its limitless and endless stream. Increase your awareness of the present moment to receive the divine guidance and security that is available to you now.

1 – Stay positive. Think and focus on what you want, not on what you dislike, fear or worry about… Your thoughts create!

2 – Everything is fine. Stay optimistic that a positive outcome is lining up and you will attract it to you. Keep the faith.

3 – The ascended masters are with you, helping and guiding you from the realms of the spirit. Become aware of his love and presence.

4 – The angels are with you! Keep asking for help and knowing that you have access to healing with the guidance of angels, and assistance is this very moment.

5 – Change is in the air! Call on your angels to help you manifest new positive changes in your life.

6 – Find a balance between the material and the spiritual. Worrying about money is counterproductive. Call on Heaven to help you release fear and trust.

7 – Lucky 7! You are on the path and aligned with luck and divine magic, look for the open doors and new opportunities that open up for you now.

8 – Infinite abundance and prosperity they are available to you in all areas, especially to help you fulfill your purpose.

Lesson You have everything you need to achieve the purpose of your soul and to take a step to complete your lightwork… It’s time to start and take action.

11 – Honor your intuition, It’s in…

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