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The most effective love spells with photo | The best

Moorings with photographs are usually one of the most used in white magic. As a general rule, they are homemade moorings, since they use elements that are easily accessible to anyone.

The photographs in the moorings and spells

Photographs are a household ingredient of enormous power. A lot of the energy of the person or people that appear is trapped in them. Today, with the access to social networks that currently exists, they are a very simple factor to achieve. Which has multiplied the use of spells with photographs.

The efficiency of a love spell that uses a photograph, however simple it may seem, is very high.

Mooring with photographs to fall in love. fast and effective

This mooring will ensure a perfect union with the person you love in a very short time.

It requires multiple ingredients that you will be able to find easily at home.

YOU SHOULD KNOW: The best love spell with photography is the one that gives us the most confidence at the time of making it.

You will need to:

A photograph of the person we love.
Each and every petal of a (fresh) red rose
Matches or lighter
paper and pen
Clay container.
1 red candle

How to combine the photographs and the magnet in this mooring

First we are going to take the rose and we will remove its petals one by one, it must be a fresh rose.
With a match or lighter we are going to light the red candle.
On a medium-sized piece of paper, we are going to write the purpose or wish that we want to be fulfilled. It must be related to love issues.
We are going to put the photograph, the magnet and the paper with the wish on the clay bowl as a sandwich. One on top of the other and in that order.
We will cover everything with the rose petals. We are going to take one of them and we are going to light it with the candle, letting it fall on the others. (No need to catch fire)
We are going to have to reiterate these words: “The union between you and you is already made. Nothing will be able to separate us. Never. Never.”

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Simple spell with photography and candles to forget a love

We are going to be able to forget that person who does not leave our psyche. We will only need a photograph of the person we want to disappear from our life, three light blue candles and a clay container.

The candles will help heal our heart quickly.
Follow the next steps and you will forget much sooner than you think.
Put the three blue candles forming an equilateral triangle
In the center he places the clay bowl.
Light all 3 candles from left to right.
Wait for them to produce a bit of wax and pour a drop of each one into the bowl.
Before it dries, put the photograph of the person to forget on the bowl.

When the candles have enough wax. From left to right, pour the liquid wax from each one onto the photograph. And with each one of them he recites:

“My heart will heal. My wounds will heal. I’m going to forget you before the next dawn.”

seven. If the wax does not cover the photograph completely. Repeat the process until it is completely covered.

TIP: Forgetting is not always a simple process. If the ritual doesn’t work for you the first time. Wait seven days and repeat it again.

I conjure with photographs and pins to return the loved one

I have personally used this spell with a high percentage of efficiency. If we have had a small argument with our partner, it is a fabulous spell to get her back as soon as possible.

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Pins have a huge effect on photographs and other items that represent people.

Not all their practices are related to voodoo and witchcraft. In white magic they can also be used.

For this spell we will need paper. A colored marker. A full-length photograph of who we want to return and 3 pins with red heads.

Cut three pieces of paper.
Write in them three short things that mean something unique to both of you (a city, a color, a movie, a song, etc.)
In the full-length photograph, he nails the three papers with the three memories in his heart.

Recite the following:

“Things like these make our love unique, (You recite the memories), there are many others, but these three will make you return to me as soon as possible. So be it.”

five. When he returns, remind him in person of those three unique memories and remove the pins. He will never leave your side again.

Mooring with photographs, honey and cinnamon

Sweetening love with our partner is a task that we must do with a certain regularity.

If we appreciate that our partner is distant or that they have neglected us a little, this sweetening of love with photographs will restore the passion and illusion of the beginning.

We will need a photograph of the couple (The two together). A bit of honey and some cinnamon. We will also need a container with a closure and fresh flowers.

1. To begin we are going to cut out our photograph in the shape of a circle. Letting the two people who will be affected by this spell see each other.

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In the container we are going to make a bed with the petals of the fresh flowers that we have gathered for the ritual.

two. We are going to put the photograph in the container and as we add a handful of cinnamon we will recite:

“The lost passion returns to us. Like the first kiss. Here. Now.”

three. We will cover the photograph, flowers and cinnamon with honey.

four You must sentence: “Come back to us sweetness. Come back honey. Return spark of love and light our flame again “

five. Close the container and store it low in a safe place. It is essential that the person involved cannot find it.

When the passion and the relationship return to the point you want, get rid of the container and its contents.

Other options that work with this Mooring

Do you want to unite 2 of your friends? Make this tie with one of your group photos. It is essential that they appear together.

We have verified that it is very effective as an aid for 2 people to take the step of falling in love. Test it!

video The 5 LOVE MOORINGS with PHOTOS – Powerful, Fast and Effective

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