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Prayer to the Holy Child of Atocha to open roads

Learn to do the Prayer to the holy child of Atocha to be able to open the roads

Do you feel trapped or held back at a point in your life? Do you experience that your existence does not advance? Can’t you find the light that guides you along the paths of love, peace, prosperity or health? So, you are reading the ideal article for the situation you are going through.

We now teach you to make a powerful prayer to the holy child of Atocha to open roads

What is the origin of the Holy Child of Atocha?

The Holy Child of Atocha is a Catholic invocation of Jesus of Nazareth in his childhood. The story goes that in the 13th century, a time when Spain was under Muslim rule, Spanish Christians were imprisoned and subjected to appalling conditions.

Because of their opinions, they were denied food and, fearing any attempt to escape, only children under the age of twelve were allowed to bring food to the prisoners.

The great miracle of the Holy Child of Atocha

This enormous miracle occurred when the women of the Atocha area approached overwhelmed to request help from the Virgin Mary, lowered the dedication of Our Lady of Atocha, which is represented with a little Jesus in her arms.

Later, an infant under the age of twelve, dressed as a pilgrim, began to bring food to the prisoners and, to the surprise of the guards, it became clear that neither the groceries in the basket nor the water in the child’s jug were running out. .

Then, the women of Atocha returned to thank the Virgin for her favor and noticed that Little Jesus who was accompanying her had deteriorated and dusty shoes.

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No matter how much they changed them, the little boy’s shoes were still dirty and that was how the faithful realized that the little prodigious man who gave food that never ran out was the Little God himself who came down each and every night to attend to the faithful

Powerful Prayer to the Holy Child of Atocha to open all roads

As you have read, we are facing a spiritual being of great power and very prodigious. Hence, we invite you to pray to the Holy Child of Atocha to open the paths of your life with great devotion and concentration.

Choose a place away from your home and light a candle. Kneel as a sign of humility, join your hands, close your eyes and begin the prayer to the Blessed Little One of Atocha to open paths saying:

Most Wise Holy Child of Atocha, benevolent and condescending to those in need, whom you always and in all circumstances helped in their setbacks. General protector of each and every one of the men, general protection of the helpless, divine doctor of any disease always and in all circumstances ready to give help and comfort.

Very powerful Little One, I greet you and I assist you on this day to ask you for help to solve my setbacks, and to ask you to open paths to achieve a successful future. I ask you in memory of that day that you made incarnated in the most pure womb of your most holy and glorious Mother, from that holy city of Jerusalem to Bethlehem.

Continue praying with devotion the prayer to the Holy Child of Atocha to open paths:

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“For the memories that I make on this day, I ask you to grant me what I beg of you, for which I interpose these merits and accompany them with the Cherubs and Seraphim, who are adorned with the most perfect wisdom, for whom I hope, most precious Little One of Atocha, happy office in what I beg and want, and I am certain that I will not leave you afflicted. Amen”.

Here the request is made and 3 Our Fathers and a Hail Mary are prayed.

Boost your request

If you want to strengthen the prayer to the Holy Child of Atocha to open paths, we invite you to pray it for 3 successive days with great faith and devotion. And at the end of the third day, leave the divine image accompanied by a lit orange or golden candle.

You can also add the following words to your prayer: “Oh, very, very sweet Little One from Atocha, only begotten of the eternal Father, savior of the planet, immaculate lamb, little savior, verb of the Father, I bring my lament to you so that it may come to you.” my your clemency

I beg you to look at my humility as I prostrate myself before you to request your protection and to assist me and give me wisdom to undertake my paths and to be able to help my needs and those of those who depend on me.

He ends by saying: “Oh very, very sweet Pequeño de Atocha, only begotten of the eternal Father, deliver us from all evil and may this fruit of labor be transformed into praise to your name. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen”.

Read Also:  Prayer to God for Troubled Adult Children

Make the prayer to the Divine Little One and know its infinite benefits

More miracles of the Holy Child of Atocha

In this way, as a preamble to the prayer to the holy child of Atocha to open roads, we tell you the origin of this worship in Spain, we want to increase your faith in this blessed by telling you about the miracles that he also performed in Mexico and that have increased his devotion in the world whole.

After the conquest of Spain, a general from Spain went to explore some lands to build a town in Mexico and came to an ash tree on the bank of a well where people went to get water. While the town was being built, it was discovered that there was silver on the site and, a few weeks after the opening of the mine, an explosion occurred and many miners were trapped.

The miners’ wives went to the church of San Agustín to pray for their husbands and realized that the Little One in the image of Our Lady of Atocha, who was still on the site, had disappeared. At the time, it was stated that a little boy went to the place where the trapped miners were, gave them water and showed them the way out of the mine.

After reading his story, you will already know why the prayer to the Holy Child of Atocha is so effective in opening paths. He tries to pray to her in front of the image that represents a little boy sitting on a chair, dressed as a pilgrim, with a hat, cape and cane.

VIDEO Miraculous Prayer to the Holy Child of Atocha

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