Home » Love Clinic » The 24 Definitive Signs Your Ex Doesn’t Want To Get Back With You

The 24 Definitive Signs Your Ex Doesn’t Want To Get Back With You

Just when you thought you were finally over your ex, he contacts you out of the blue.

Fantastic. It is as if it has a radar that detects just the moment, when you have almost completely surpassed them.

Then, you hear his voice and your stomach knots. This time, she tells you that she wants to be friends.

The thing is, you want to be friends with her too, but when you finally met, she gave you several mixed signals.

Now you’re not so sure if he really wants you to be just friends or secretly wants you back.

It took you a long time to get over your ex!

You know you don’t want to go down again her charm again. And what is worse still, suffer if they end up separating again.

So that you can avoid confusion and anguish, find in this article: 24 clear signs that your ex only wants you to be friends and nothing more.

So you can close that chapter and continue with your life.

24 Unmistakable Signs Your Ex Just Wants a Friendship

1) He walks away when you try to flirt with him

You got a little drunk last night, so you got a little sensitive.

So you thought about giving your ex one last chance before letting him go.

But he either walked away or tried to hide from you!

Respect him and respect yourself. Don’t make any further advances from now on.

No flirtatious text messages, no touching her arm, no lingering hugs.

It is already clear that he wants to be your friend and nothing more!

You’ve shown very obvious signs that he’s still not over your ex and he doesn’t like it.

He just wants a friendship. And friends don’t flirt!

2) Ignores you

Perhaps you have tried to get back in touch with your old partner.

To your astonishment, every time you have done it, you have received no response from the other side.

Among other things, he has seen your messages, but he does not reply to you at all.

Ignoring a person is a way of saying “you are no longer part of my life” without using words.

If your ex is having this behavior, what he is signaling to you is that the chapter of his life with you has ended.

One of the clearest signs that your ex does not want to get back with you is that it does not give rise to interaction between you at all.

3) He doesn’t get nervous with you

Being around someone we used to love and haven’t forgotten can be uncomfortable.

We get nervous, and we start to show signs of it, perhaps without realizing it.

We may break out in a sweat, choke up when we speak or gesture awkwardly with our hands.

Otherwise, if your ex’s body language clearly shows that he is calm, he probably already sees you as a friend.

4) Avoid meeting you in places and with people in common

There are couples who end their relationship, but have many things in common: friends, coworkers, favorite places, etc.

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If this is his case and he constantly avoids them, then he doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.

If you agree, avoid at all costs having to cross words with you.

This is because he is probably in the final stages of grieving over the end of their relationship.

It happens that he wants to overcome what they had, trying to rebuild his life by separate paths.

5) He no longer tries to impress you

He no longer cares at all what makes you happy, sad or angry.

Did you hate that I smoke? He will smoke in front of you without caring!

Did you like her long hair? Now she has cut her hair!

He’s not doing it to annoy you. You’ve just stopped being a concern to him.

Maybe he even started doing those things for him that you didn’t allow him and he did like.

It is likely that he is trying to recover his identity, after having been together for so long.

6) A drastic change

You’ve been with your ex for a long time.

You know what makes him laugh, what he likes, what he doesn’t, his favorite food, among other things.

But since they finished everything has changed. From the places he frequents, to the way he dresses.

This may be because you feel like this helps you get over your breakup.

It can also be a way of expressing to you that everything he did was for you and that you didn’t let him be who he is.

Or it may happen that he is a very adaptable person. Perhaps he has found another partner and your ex has incorporated his customs.

Now if you are thinking that going back with your ex is a good idea, the most important thing is that they do not repeat the same mistakes and repeat the same routine. That can only end as it began. Evil.

The only option is to make both of them forget everything bad about the relationship and leave it behind. May he long for the good things they shared.

There is a new method created by Samantha Sanders, a relationship coach, where she teaches you to enter your ex’s subconscious to make him accept his mistakes.

Once you apply it, you’ll get him to stop sending you mixed signals and come back knowing he can’t let you go anymore.

If you want to attract him back and ignite the spark that used to be between you, watch this video to learn the secrets and techniques that will make him come back.

What you will achieve will not be repeating the same relationship they had, but creating a new, much stronger and deeper bond.

Here is the link to the video once again.

7) He asks you for love advice

We know that some ex boyfriends use this technique, to assess if you still have feelings for them.

But there are cases where you can see signs that your ex is deeply in love with someone new.

She’s not making this up to make you jealous.

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He might be asking you for some genuine advice, because you know him to the core and what he is like in his relationships.

It could also be a direct way of telling you that he now sees you as a friend and nothing more.

Being in love with someone else makes friendship with an ex so much easier.

8) He constantly cancels your plans

You want to see him and talk to him, but every time you manage to meet, he later cancels on you.

This is a clear sign that you are not comfortable with it.

Whether he’s over you, or not, it’s clear he wants to make it, he’s entitled to handle the separation however he can.

In this situation, perhaps the best thing is that you take some time to analyze what it is that you really want.

Perhaps you are doing everything to return.

But then you realize that the reasons you broke up in the first place are much stronger than you thought.

9) He seems genuinely happy with someone else

You kinda hate it, because you can’t believe it moved on so fast.

But the truth is right in front of your face; your ex seems head over heels in love.

Her eyes sparkle and can’t wipe the smile off her face!

If you want to be friends with your ex, this is a sure sign that you can be, because he is indeed over you.

If you’re still not over it, stay away or prepare to suffer seeing him fall in love, like a crazy puppy over someone else.

10) He avoids talking about the past

Your ex boyfriend gets uncomfortable when you talk about your relationship or immediately changes the subject.

This is a clear sign that he has moved on and now prefers to be friends with you.

If you’re over it, the important thing is that you can continue to keep in touch with him as friends.

Eliminate from your head the hope of getting back together with him.

11) He wants you to be happy with someone else

It may suggest a connection between you and another person.

No, he’s not doing it to get a reaction from you, where you say, “But you’re the one I love.”

He really thinks that you could be a good match with someone else!

He wants you to fall in love again, because it will make him happy that you are happy.

What’s more, when both are in love with other people, there would be no more doubts that they are now just friends.

So your new partner could not even think that there is still something between you.

12) He is the type to feel guilty easily

If he was the one who dumped you, then he might experience guilt over it.

It makes him feel really bad that you feel bad, so he will do anything to avoid confrontation.

That’s why when you called him and begged for an explanation, he just disappeared.

Once he feels like you’re completely over him, he’ll instantly reach out to you.

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He’ll want to check that you’re okay.

He probably just wants to assuage his guilt, but he doesn’t want to get back into a relationship with you.

Unfair, I know, but some people just don’t have the knack for being a good person during breakups.

13) He will end the friendship, if you still have feelings for him

Either he told you directly or he just made you feel it through his actions.

It is quite clear, your ex is willing to end any kind of relationship with you, if you still have feelings for him.

Otherwise, you understand that it is unfair to your current partner.

He knows that it will be painful for you and he knows that it will be uncomfortable for everyone.

But it’s pure friendship or nothing at all. You must take care of yourself and focus on the process of forgetting it.

14) He was missing for months

They’ve been out of contact for a while, so you can be sure he’s licked his wounds, and he’s licked them real good.

We’re not talking about a few weeks here. We are talking a few months to a year or even more!

The no contact rule is crucial to moving faster.

If you have been missing for a while, you may have become a different person. She might even be seeing someone else.

Your ex is no longer the person he was when you were together.

15) You do not feel sexual tension when you see each other

Sexual tension is like the ends of a magnet.

Either they can’t keep their hands off each other or they can’t stand being around each other.

There is no middle ground.

If you no longer feel that intense attraction to your ex, there is probably nothing left but pure friendship.

Even though at some point you thought he was very attractive and you couldn’t stop thinking about wanting to kiss him.

That is already past history.

16) Doesn’t respond to your sweet messages

You took the initiative and sent him a sweet message.

You expected a long answer in the morning, but he read you and didn’t reply.

It doesn’t mean that I think you’re unlovable and pathetic.

It also doesn’t mean that he is manipulating you, to get you back together.

Once again, they just want to set clear boundaries in their new friendship, keeping things strictly friendly.

Although it seems that there is nothing you can do to be together again, you still have one last option.

Most women let their emotions take over when they “try to fix things” with their partner and make irreparable mistakes.

I have already mentioned Samantha Sanderson, above. She has delved into the study of behavior and the psychology of relationships and has detected the 7 mistakes that you must avoid if you want your partner to return.

There is a fantastic video presentation on the internet that shows you exactly what you need to do to re-attract your man, make him PASSIONATE again…and make him want to give the relationship another try.

I leave you the LINK here if…

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