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What is the Infallible Prayer to St. Anthony for Lost Items? (updated June 2022)

The “Infallible Prayer to St. Anthony” is a ask prayer for help of St. Anthony of Padua in search of lost objects.

It is and has been one of the most popular prayers of today used for centuries by Catholics around the world.

It is usually used find lost itemssuch as keys or other small items that have been misplaced.

There are many versions of this prayer, but all ask Saint Anthony for help in finding the object one is praying for, whether it is a person’s soul or just an item that someone wants back.

Putting the Infallible Prayer to Saint Anthony into practice

This prayer to Saint Anthony is a powerful one. Some people believe that if the prayer is said in the evening, you have a greater chance of successfully finding your lost item.

Others say that praying while kneeling on sacred ground near an object associated with Saint Anthony, which may be a statue or image of him, is more effective.

the prayer itself

The actual prayer is as follows (although feel free to adapt it to your own situation):

Praised be God in His angels and in His saints

O Saint Anthony, meekest of all saints, your love for God and your mercy for his creatures have made you worthy when on earth to possess wondrous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I beg you to get me…


O sweet and loving Saint Anthony, whose heart was always full of human sympathy, whisper my request in the ears of the sweet Child Jesus who loved to lie in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will always be yours. Amen.

Who Was Saint Anthony?

Saint Anthony is widely known as the patron saint of lost things.

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He was born on August 15, 1195 in Lisbon, Portugal. He died on June 13, 1231 in Padua, Italy.

He was a Catholic priest and also a Franciscan monk.

He is sometimes referred to as “Saint Anthony of Padua OFM”, where OFM stands for Order of Friars Minor.

He was known for his passionate preaching styleits deep knowledge of Scriptureand be Devotion to the less fortunate.

He officially became “Doctor of the Church” when Pope Pius XII. this decreed on January 16, 1946.

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