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dragon in dreams

Dragons in dreams are associated with creativity and how we communicate with people. As amazing magical creatures, the dragon’s symbolic meaning shows our own independence. Also in dreams the dragon is a symbol for our daily stress.

There is rich history surrounding this amazing magical creature especially because you could see this in your dream. In a very old 1920’s dream dictionary, the dragon symbolism in a dream may indicate that you have a certain level of imagination and creativity. There is always a veil of uncertainty as to whether dragon / existed and in dreams whether you are connected to the astral plane. Dragons are a symbol of protection. And dreams of Dragon represent your own fears. I am very excited about writing this dream interpretation and many of you have contacted me about dreaming about dragons. Symbolically, the dragon is feminine and dominates the masculine qualities in life.

So I will try my best to give you the best dream interpretation. If I don’t cover everything, message me on Facebook by scrolling to the bottom of my article. I will always answer. So let’s start. In Christian times, the dragon symbolism is of the devil and alternatively denotes sin. In Chinese mythology, the dragon is black and is a symbol of intelligence and a keeper of the tree of knowledge. The Celts often use the word dragon to identify their dictator. The history of dragons is filled with many different ancient stories. Dragons are often seen on our television screens in various films along with different types of stories featuring dragons like my favorite: The Game of Thrones. In Asia, dragons are portrayed as friendly and peaceful. I will say that it is very interesting that you have this symbolism in your dream and it means that certain things will happen to you depending on the details. The word dragon comes from the ancient Greek word “dragon o” which actually means “the dragon serpent”. It is not uncommon to dream of attacking or fighting dragons. I like to include ancient folklore as it can provide significant insight into the true meaning of your dream.

If you fight the dragon in a dream, it means that you may be in conflict with your parents. The famous dream psychologist Sigmund Freud pointed out that the dragon itself is a symbolism of our own mother. I believe that in Freud’s words the dragon symbolizes our inner anima and the dragon is seen as the new source of renewed life. This could be further illustrated if you see the dragon in a cave which has a dream psychological perspective, particularly Freudian: a representation of our own mother or person caring for us. The cave retrospectively represents the womb, which is evidently a place of birth and conception. I’ll talk more about the dragon’s lair later. Just scroll down the page to find this interpretation if the “cave” appeared in your dream. In general, the dragon in your dream is a positive omen, but I urge you to think about the details of the dream.

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What does it mean to dream of a dragon?

Here I will give just a brief overview of what the dragon in your dream means. In most ancient texts, the dragon is often seen as evil. This is because it combines the properties of earth, fire, air and finally water. The four elements of life. The dragon symbolizes both the dark and the light side of life. But as I mentioned in the first paragraph, the dragon is female in nature. In Christianity (as I mentioned earlier) the dragon is seen as evil. Dragons are often shown in nightmares and have strong symbolism in most cultures around the world. In my opinion, the dragon is a magical, intelligent, dangerous, powerful, and most importantly, beautiful creature. The dragon in dreams lives in caves or protects the treasure. Especially the dragon can appear in our dreams in different ways. The dragon can come in many different colors and I’ve covered most of them specifically below. Just scroll down.

What does it mean to dream of a black dragon?


The Black Dragon is mysterious. There are many different stories outlining the black dragon. Chinese dragons in particular are black and in Chinese mythology, dreaming about a black dragon can mean that you will gain in strength, fortune and good fortune. Many people around the world have Chinese dragons as animal totems. The Black Dragon in this sense means that it gives you the power of wisdom and insight into the astral plane. Riding on the back of a black dragon in a dream may indicate that the end of a cycle of death portends a possible rebirth. In my research, a black dragon could mean an enemy. This could be a real enemy and the dragon shown in the dream could be your subconscious dealing with different situations. It could also mean that you “deal with” that person.

I will say that dreaming of a flying black dragon means you need to be aware that your emotions come from your subconscious and This is what Carl Jung calls the shadow which is our inferior and undeveloped part of our brain. Being attacked by a black dragon in a dream means that you will be protected from the spirit. The color “black” itself has no white, so the dragon is associated with the dark and evil. In Chinese mythology, the color black represents yin. Which is the opposite of yang. Therefore, black is a color of power and struggle. In my opinion, after reading the folklore about dragons in Western Europe and China, the dream could mean that something is camouflaged. Is the key symbol of transformation. They can be part of your unconscious self undergoing transformation in response to an enemy or someone in your waking life. If the black dragon appears friendly in your dream, it could indicate that the dragon is expressing a sexually related fear. I believe the Black Dragon is an advanced level of spiritual consciousness. This connects your fears, enemies, struggles and unconscious power. The Black Dragon in dream psychology relates to the psyche and how we can have power over others. Even if this power could be somewhat destructive.

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What does it mean to dream of a red dragon?

The color red represents passion. The Red Dragon existed in ancient times and is often seen as a snake wearing wings. In Chinese mythology, the color red is associated with luck, prosperity and magnetic power. The Red Dragon can represent our passions within us. I would say that the Red Dragon in your dream can indicate opening of your own psychic abilities. In Christianity, the Red Dragon is associated with fallen angels and Satan. This does not necessarily mean that the dream is negative. It might just represent the raw forces of nature and the Red Dragon is portrayed as a threat. The threat should not be feared and the draconic form that took place in your dream will be closely related to the element of fire. The reason I say this is because red can sometimes be seen in the flames of fire. Fire itself is associated with many different types of dragons and obviously the dragon has the ability to breathe fire. Which has to do with how we communicate with people. So if you see a red dragon, you have to be careful what you say to others. In my view, dreaming of a red dragon predicts that your passion and discernment need to be recognized. Fire breath engages our deepest thoughts about how we communicate and see the world. If you’ve noticed the Red Dragon flapping its wings, it may indicate that there are unfamiliar parts of your mind that can represent trouble as you’re thinking too deeply about something.

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What is it doing? want to dream of a gray or silver dragon?

In many cultures and legends, the gray or silver dragon sometimes appears in our dreams. The Game of Thrones often shows the dragon to be black or charcoal grey. Seeing a gray dragon is a representation of the journey of the underworld. It can represent the ingredients of our lives that nothing is black and white. The gray color likely means you are moving toward your own center and uncovering your true self, which Carl Jung called “the self.”

What does a water dragon mean in a dream? ?

The water element in dragons indicates that our emotions can be disturbed. After all, water brings life and our bodies are mostly made up of water. Although most Chinese dragons are perceived as wise and helpful, there is a story about a water dragon in Beijing that is about magical creatures that could transform their form into an old woman and an old man. In this legend, part of the swamp was ruled by a group of dragons. I mention this because dreaming of a water dragon means that we have both masculine and feminine traits that affect our emotions. Watering dreams related to communication and also emotions. Water dragon symbolism shows that you face any threat that overcomes emotional problems.

What is the biblical meaning of the dragon?

In the Bible, dragons are associated with evil and are often thought of as Satan. The dragons mentioned in the Bible include fiery breath and also a symbolism of the image of an erectile crocodile snake. There are many different images showing the dragons as sea monsters. The biblical terms The dragon is the evil part of our mind.

What does a gold dragon mean?

A gold dragon is a symbolism of wealth. Seeing the golden dragon in a dream is a connection with our own hidden desires. Gold represents the metal element of life. In my view, this is the material side of life. Seeing golden kites soaring in the sky is associated with increasing our intuition in life. A bronze dragon in a dream portends wealth and masculine qualities…

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