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Saturn in Capricorn in the Astral Chart: Retrograde, Home and More!

Overall, having Saturn in Capricorn indicates that you are in your domicile, bringing bespoke ambition and good goal management. It is extremely common to see yourself focusing your energies on work and recognition. You are very organized, fulfill your responsibilities and are the best when it comes to business, because you take good care of yours.

But this position is not limited to that. If you have the planet Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, there are many characteristics that you still don’t know and need to know. To find out, read on!

You don’t have to be a history lover to know, or at least have heard about Saturn. Everyone knows that Saturn, in relation to the sun and in ascending order, is the second largest planet in the solar system. Now, what many are unaware of is that it also has rankings and importance in other aspects, such as mythology and astrology.

Did you know that this planet can influence your personality? To learn more, read on to see how this planet can influence your fundamentals!

Saturn is a deity of very ancient Italic origin, known as a Roman god who was always identified with the Greek god, Kronos. It was common to say that Cronos (now Saturn) had come from Greece to the Italian peninsula, after being expelled from Olympus by Zeus (Jupiter), his son, who humiliated him and threw him down the mountain.

Jupiter (or Zeus, as you prefer), was the only son of Saturn who had been saved by his mother from being devoured by his father, who feared that one of his descendants would steal his throne. Expelled from the sagada mountain, Saturn had no choice but to settle in Rome, on the Capitol hill, where he would have founded a fortified village, called Saturnia.

Thus, Saturday was the day on which Saturn reigned above all the gods, but his worship did not occur equally throughout the Roman Empire, concentrating decisively on African peoples. In Africa, his cult was linked to issues of fertilization of the land.

In Astrology, Saturn is considered a symbol of extreme complexity, close to which the other stars show their dark and disturbing face. Like a magnet, the planet is capable of attracting shadows, ruins, violence, illnesses and many other problems associated with other planets.

Feared by all, Saturn represents the organizing sense of life. He is responsible for shaping and materializing, making it possible to manifest plans. In general, the position of Saturn in the Astral Map indicates a sphere of life in which the individual feels trapped and unacceptable, without the ability and without the means to manufacture what he dreams and desires.

In addition, it is also common for the planet to represent a hole, where it is felt that life owes something to you. However, only maturing is capable of gradually making each individual realize that he himself is responsible for conquering his space.

There are some fundamentals that must be taken into account when you have Saturn in the Astral Chart, together with the sign of Capricorn. Also, if you’re in the mood to discover your Saturn, you’ll also enjoy reading the following section.

So read on to find out more about the Natal Chart, the solar return, and what Saturn and Capricorn mean in history!

We all have Saturn in some area of ​​our chart. It is in this area that a kind of “Achilles’ Heel” is found, the weak point, since the entire human species goes through some difficult point and only they themselves know where the wound hurts.

Thus, to discover your Saturn, it is necessary to calculate your Astral Map and discover the house in which it is related. Discovering this, you will be able to improve the necessary points and develop yourself internally.

In 1988, Saturn entered the sign of Capricorn. The planet is reported to have entered this sign twice that year – first on February 13, 1988, and then on November 12, 1988. The next projected date for Saturn in Capricorn after that was just in 2020, when the planet was retrograde.

In general, the planet Saturn in the Astral Chart reveals what you fear. On the other hand, the house he is in also shows his difficulties and lessons, in addition to indicating an area that counts on rejection, that is, the reason for his fear of being rejected, for example. Moreover, it presents the feelings in specific areas of each individual’s life.

Natal or Astral Map is like an image of the sky at the time of your birth. This image represents an astrological mandala, with symbols that constitute signs, planets and astrological aspects, capable of revealing the powers and challenges of a person’s journey.

In this way, it is portrayed as a compass that points and helps each individual to explore talents and develop influential or not so influential aspects of their personality. To calculate the Natal Astral Map, you need to know the date of your birth, the exact time and the place where you were born, and you can perform this calculation on a free website or on a professional in the area.

In relation to the solar revolution of Saturn in Capricorn, the call is not very different from the general meaning of this position. For those who don’t know, in the solar revolution, Saturn is portrayed as the force that makes one reflect on what needs to be done on the path of development.

Therefore, it deals with discipline and responsibilities, drawing attention not only to commitments, but also to individuals acting in favor of their own paths. In addition to fears, the planet also speaks of situations that do not make you comfortable or satisfied.

Most people don’t know, but not only the sign and the ascendants are responsible for each one’s behavior, personality and way of seeing things. There is much more behind this, and even having Saturn in Capricorn greatly influences the construction of each individual’s personality.

Therefore, if you want to discover the personality of people who have this astrological position, you are in the right place. Learn more below!

People under the influence of Saturn in Capricorn are not usually impulsive, as they think a lot, when it comes to acting, and are extremely cautious. This is because they are beings who think about the consequences of each of their actions.

In addition, other positive characteristics of these people indicate that they are very organized and planned and that they think a lot about their work. Furthermore, they seek to be correct and fair in all their decisions.

So, if you need to make an important decision and have doubts about it, consult a Capricorn. These natives are extremely sure of themselves, especially when it comes to having responsibilities.

Individuals who have Saturn in Capricorn have defects that are very difficult to deal with and, therefore, need to know themselves, so as not to harm their relationships and themselves.

They tend to be extremely controlling, are very closed off and have difficulty making new friends. This is because they prefer to stay close to old friends and cultivate them. Therefore, most of the time, they suffer a lot from the loss of loved ones and do not know how to deal with the feeling of grief.

Other influences can and should be noted when you have Saturn in Capricorn. You must be curious to know how these people are in love, for example. Therefore, these and other issues will be discussed below.

Continue reading and find out how people with Saturn in Capricorn in the Astral Map behave when it comes to love or a professional career!

When it comes to love, people under the influence of Saturn in Capricorn tend to be responsible and solid. Their relationships are usually long-lasting and, due to this, there are great chances of being able to build a strong and stable family.

However, everything will depend on the effort they carry while showing their feelings, since they can often seem cold and disinterested individuals.

As for careers, Saturn and Capricorn-influenced individuals love recognition and strive to have everyone know about and admire their work. That is why, generally, they are the ones that stand out the most within companies and in the corporate world in which they are inserted.

Therefore, this willingness to seek recognition makes them create a line of inspiration in people who have the same astral configurations. This makes them dependable, as their sense of responsibility is one of the strongest in the zodiac.

Saturn is known as the Lord of Karma or the Great Malefic. Therefore, wherever your Saturn is in the Astral Chart, the requirement is that you know yourself deeply and that you do everything with excellence.

It is common for this planet to gain different meanings, such as the planet of patience, experience and what remains tradition. Therefore, although he is known as the Lord of Karma, there is nothing to worry about, as he is not related to debt payments only. In fact, his main purpose is to lead you to an internal and very important development.

Usually, men with Saturn in Capricorn in their Astral Chart are very similar to their father, not only in physical characteristics, but also in personality and in the way of seeing and dealing with things. Therefore, to know more about the possible interpretations of Saturn in Capricorn, keep reading the article!

If you are a person with a Capricorn ascendant, it is possible that your Saturn is transiting the 1st house, which is associated with the interior, with the personality and with the image that is passed on to the world. Therefore, it is a period in which you feel more demanding with yourself and that you are often tired, indisposed and pessimistic.

Therefore, retrograde Saturn indicates difficulty relaxing and low energies. Therefore, when you have this astral configuration, it is imperative that you pay attention to your health, avoid stress and rest as much as you can, even if some obligations demand a lot from you. Don’t try to carry the world in…

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