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Dreaming of a broom: new, used, broken, dirty, straw and more!

The broom, as a cleaning instrument, represents the act of sweeping, removing, leaving something aside. Parallel to this, dreaming of a broom can mean that you are able to forget fears, insecurities and sadness, to start over, just as this object has the ability to restore cleanliness to a dirty environment.

However, a negative meaning can also be attributed to dreaming about a broom, as this may reveal that you tend to ignore good advice or issues that bring you bad feelings, as you push away situations you do not want to live in and people who tell you unpleasant truths. .

However, to better distinguish the meaning of dreaming about a broom, it is necessary to analyze the situation in which it appears in the dream. With that, in this article, we will explain some analyzes about these dreams. Check out!

Dreaming that you are interacting with a broom can have several meanings. These depend on the situation in which it was presented in the dream, such as visualizing a scene in which you use the instrument to sweep the house or dreaming of a broom being bought.

Thus, dreaming that you interact with this object can express your characteristics, such as the ability to see situations on the positive side and point out advice or your negligence about something that may cause you consequences in the future.

Therefore, always remember to remember the situation you saw in the dream, so that you can have a correct analysis of the meanings. Keep reading below to find out more!

The dream of seeing a broom reveals that you know there is a problem in your life, but you are afraid to try to solve it. You realize that something is wrong with you, your habits or someone in your family, and you know exactly what you should do to fix this possible error, but you believe in the possibility that everything will resolve itself.

However, it is recommended that you pay more attention to the problem, as it is likely that it will not resolve itself without help.

Dreaming of seeing a broom also shows that gossip will be spread soon. So, avoid saying too much about others and try to take care of your own image, so that people don’t think anything negative about you.

If you dream that you are sweeping with an old and apparently worn broom, you will have some losses in the coming days. You could lose money, experience difficult times in your family and at work, and even lose your job. However, the old broom could also indicate that old friends will appear.

On the contrary, dreaming of a new broom to sweep indicates that you will experience a period of many achievements and changes. Sweeping with a new broom indicates luck and prosperity. If you were sweeping a hallway or the floor of your house, big hurdles will be overcome.

If you dreamed that you were buying a broom, it is likely that an opportunity will come your way soon, through a promotion at your job, a mentor or a new love. Therefore, you need to keep an eye on the news and try to focus on the changes that are happening, so that you know the right time to achieve your goals.

In addition, dreaming of a broom being bought shows that you are very anxious about an important event that will happen in the next few days. Therefore, try to remain calm, as anxiety can make you unable to achieve the expected result. You will hear good news that you have been waiting for a long time from a friend.

Dreaming of a broom in your hands suggests that you are keeping a lot of bad feelings with you. It’s likely that you’re being deceived, living with people who make you upset or doing something you don’t like.

That way, you are no longer able to hold all the thoughts that pass through your mind alone. Therefore, venting to a friend about your problems and feelings can be an alternative to lessen the pain you feel.

Also, you should look for solutions to push negativity out of your way. Seek to blame yourself less and love yourself more, don’t allow others to make you believe you are inferior in something and recognize your true potential.

If you dreamed that you used a broom to attack someone, problems related to the work environment may arise soon. Soon, begin to reflect on your attitudes towards the people you live with on a daily basis.

It is possible that a colleague, with whom you don’t have much affinity or contact, tries to harm you, in order to get some advantage out of it or simply because he doesn’t like you. So, be careful not to spread rumors about yourself.

Dreaming of a broom that flies with you indicates that one of your greatest qualities is adapting to bad situations. You manage to charm and be pleasant, even in front of people who wish you harm.

If you dreamed that you had a good flight, you tend to always look at everything from a positive angle and manage to adapt well to any situation.

On the other hand, if you’ve had an unpleasant flight, you may not be in complete control of your destiny. The barriers that appeared in the dream, such as mountains, trees and birds, can symbolize barriers that prevent your personal and professional development.

The dream in which you lost a broom represents that, possibly, you failed in something you were confident about. However, don’t get upset, you just need to look for a new strategy, a new method that will guarantee you success the next time you decide to face some battle.

When dreaming of a lost broom, your plans will come true, as all you need is to start over with new tools, since it is not possible to use something that was lost.

It is worth noting that the characteristic of the broom is of great relevance in the interpretation of your dream. So, try to remember well what this object looked like, in order to get more details about the meaning of your dream.

With that, if the broom is used, for example, you need to pay more attention to the solutions you find for your problems. Now, if it’s straw, it’s essential that you pay more attention to your decisions, as leaving this task to fate may not be a good option.

For more details, check out the analysis of dreaming about a broom according to the characteristics of this cleaning instrument, such as being big, new or old!

The past still brings you bad memories and unpleasant sensations. However, if you dreamed of a big broom, most of your past will be forgotten by you and your friends, which will represent independence from previously committed acts.

Thus, you will be ready for a fresh start, as your attitudes will not be justified by what happened years ago.

If a new broom appeared in your dream, you will experience a period of great luck and professional development. If you are away from the job market for a while, a good opportunity will make you able to find a pleasant job.

Possibly, you will be very well recognized in your work and gain prominence in your professional field. A new broom also indicates better performance in studies, if you are taking a course or preparing for one.

The dream of an old broom demonstrates that you should be more careful when using your money. Avoid investing by intuition and study well how to apply and invest the money, so that there are no losses.

If you have a business, be careful about the goods you buy. Remember that good sales go hand in hand with good buys. So, try to get to know your supplier and the product you intend to sell well, in order to avoid stopped goods.

If you dreamed of a used broom, try to be careful with the solutions you find for your problems. That is, think before deciding on a topic and don’t always put emotion above reason.

Depending on the solution you give to a problem, bad results and worse than the initial problem can be triggered. Keep in mind that you need to think carefully before executing something. Seek to redouble your care with investments, as you will experience a period that requires a lot of attention.

If you dreamed of a broken broom, a friend you trust a lot can betray you. With that in mind, in the coming days, it’s important that you don’t reveal too many things about yourself, in addition to trying to avoid being inelegant with the person you suspect might be spreading something about you.

Learn that it’s not possible to place too much trust in someone, because that person may fight with you in the future and end up doing something that you don’t like. This dream could also indicate that a failure will soon arise in your work, or even on a personal level, such as the loss of a title among friends.

If you dreamed of a dirty broom, you will be the victim of gossip. So try not to give your friends a reason to spread rumors about your life and try to be a friendlier person. If people still spread gossip about your actions, try not to care and don’t show that you are affected by it.

The dream of a straw broom indicates that you should pay more attention to the decisions you make, as you have been leaving this task exclusively to fate. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that you have a more active participation in the small processes that can have a great impact on your life.

The straw broom also demonstrates that you have control over your emotions and that you are prepared to enter into a new relationship. This may be the fruit of other experiences in your life.

Dreaming of a witch’s broom reveals that false friends are approaching you. Do not accept what they will offer you, as it could be a trap to harm you in the future or make you owe these people a favor.

Avoid giving too many details about your life or your personality, so false friends don’t know your strengths and weaknesses. Keep in mind that this information can be used to provoke unpleasant situations.

Broom dreams can appear alongside other cleaning instruments, such as a shovel and squeegee, in addition…

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