Home » Dreams & Meanings » Major Arcana: Learn all about these Tarot de Marseille cards!

Major Arcana: Learn all about these Tarot de Marseille cards!

The Major Arcana are a set of 22 cards, considered the foundation of the deck. Each of these cards represents the consultant’s karmic messages and life lessons, as well as pointing to themes and archetypes that influence their journey.

In the Marseille system, they are made up of images, most of them numbered in Roman numerals and displaying the name of the blade in question. The images and numbers make up the essential symbologies for its interpretation.

They demonstrate the Fool’s journey through the deck, meeting guides and witnessing events that help him understand the teachings on his path.

In this article, we present each of these letters. We also include the keys to unlock its meanings, its symbolic description and interpretations for love, work and health, so that when you finish reading, you can begin to interpret the secrets of this powerful oracle.

The Fool is arcane 0, the number of limitless potential, and therefore has no specific place in the Tarot. He is a wanderer who is able to explore new paths and experience new adventures.

The Tarot de Marseille depicts the Fool as a bearded man, wearing what may be a jester’s hat. He carries with him a bundle of belongings attached to a pole, which he slings over his back, and he is being chased by an animal that rips his pants.

In the Marseille version, this animal can be interpreted as both a dog and a cat.

In the natural position, the Fool means new beginnings. It indicates a new adventure with optimism and freedom that will require you to take a leap into the dark, but which will bring growth as a result of this experience. He is the symbol of innocence and indicates the moment to take a risk.

In the reversed position, the Fool indicates that you are acting without thinking about the consequences of your actions. You could be in a dangerous position and not realize it.

In love, the Fool means a new relationship. It is time to allow yourself to have new experiences with the optimism of this arcane. Reversed, it means lack of commitment or risky relationship.

At work, he indicates that the time has come to try something new in his career, even if it means giving old projects a new chance. Inverted, indicates thoughtless actions at work.

In health, the Fool indicates vitality, but the chance of suffering accidents is increased. If inverted, more risk of accidents.

The main combinations for the Fool card are:

Fool + Ace of Hearts (or the Lovers): new relationship.
Crazy + Three of Cups: surprise party.
Fool + Six of Wands: Unexpected promotion at work.
Fool + NINE OF HEARTS: wish fulfillment in an unexpected way.
Crazy + Five of Diamonds: Don’t be naive when dealing with finances. An unexpected bill will dent your budget.
Crazy +Ten of Spades: take no chances.

The Wizard is card number I, indicating new beginnings and new opportunities. His hand position refers to the hermetic maxim “what is above, there is below”, symbolizing that he establishes the link between the profane and the divine to manifest his goals.

In the Tarot de Marseille, he is depicted with six fingers missing his left hand, a symbol of recognition and manipulation of reality. In addition, the Magician is in front of his work tools arranged on a table that has only three legs, suggesting going beyond the possibilities to manifest his action.

Between her feet, there is a small plant, which may represent the feminine creative energy of mother or nature.

The Magician means potential. You have at your fingertips all the tools and skills you need to succeed. In this way, he is aligned with the power of change and acting to make it happen. It is important that you use your intelligence and willpower to manifest what you want.

Reversed, the magician signifies an opportunity not to be missed and someone manipulative. Careful.

In love, the Mage means fascination with someone and commitments. If you are single, you will probably create opportunities to fall in love. Reversed, it indicates that you or your partner are trying to manipulate the relationship.

At work, it means new opportunities and improved finances. Reversed, it indicates that you are not fully using your abilities.

In health, it means restoration of strength and help from an experienced professional. If reversed, seek medical attention urgently.

The main combinations for the Magician card are:

Mage + The Wheel of Fortune: creating your own luck will open doors and opportunities.
Magician + NINE OF HEARTS: Fulfillment of one’s desires through one’s own actions.
Mage + Three of Diamonds: mastery of your craft using effort and skill.
Mage + The Devil: manipulation or abuse of power.
Wizard + Five of Spades: someone is deceiving you.

The Priestess or Popess is arcane number two, associated with accumulation. Her powerful and intriguing figure represents sexuality, mystery and ultimate power. It is the card of non-action, whose precedence is the lack of involvement. Sitting down, she searches for possibilities and potentialities rather than interfering with events.

The Priestess is represented as a nun sitting next to a white egg and reveals the part of us that remains intact. Under her lap, there is a book, which demonstrates her wisdom and the mysteries of life, as it is hidden by her cloak.

She wears a blue cape and a red cloak, in contrast to the Pope, who wears a red cape and a blue cloak.

The Papess means intuition and mysteries aligned with common sense. She indicates that it is time to trust your instincts and that it is important to pay attention to your dreams, as the answer to your questions may come from them.

When reversed, it shows that you are ignoring your intuition by being focused on the opinions of others. It’s important to connect and trust yourself as you have all the knowledge you need.

In love, if you are a man, it means that you will be attracted to a sensual woman or, if you are a woman, that you will be desired by more than one person. Reversed, sexual tension or emotional outburst

At work, you will learn of important opportunities. Avoid talking about your finances. Reversed, be more cautious when signing contracts.

In health, it’s important to listen to what your body has to say. It also means fertility or hormonal rebalancing. Inverted, hormonal and fertility problems.

The main combinations for the Priestess card are:

Priestess + Fool: risky steps.
Inverted Priestess + the Fool: failure from bad advice.
Priestess + the Magician: success.
Priestess + the Empress: possible pregnancy.
Priestess + the Empress reversed: rival women.
Priestess + the Emperor: a united couple.
Priestess + the Pope: woman who causes a man’s suffering.
Priestess + the Lovers: oppressed love that will surface.
Priestess + the Star + the Tower: death.

The Empress is the major arcana number 3. Like all cards with that number, it is the explosion of everything accumulated in the second level. She is the transition between virginity and creation and marks a life stage of growth and discovery of sexual desire.

The Empress is holding her scepter and one of its ends touches her belly. A green leaf grows under her hand that rests in her womb, representing the power of nature and fertility.

At the tip of his scepter is a yellow ribbon that is related to his wisdom and creative ability. She is often seen in the position of giving birth, once again alluding to her fertile nature.

The Empress means motherhood and femininity. Overall, this card feels like a request to connect with your feminine side through your fertility, creativity, and nurturing nature. It also embodies abundance, indicating a comfortable life, pregnancy, or a need to connect with nature.

When reversed, it means loss of willpower due to interest in other people’s lives or that you have become dependent on others.

In love, the Empress indicates a stable relationship or the beginning of a romance, if single. It indicates good sex, but beware of the chance of pregnancy. When reversed, it means attachment and jealousy.

At work, it indicates creativity, comfort and material wealth. Reversed, indicates insecurity.

In health, it indicates pregnancy, the importance of paying attention to your body’s signals and relaxing. If reversed, your emotions are causing apathy, laziness and anxiety.

The main combinations for the Empress card are:

Empress + Ace of Wands + Ace of Cups: pregnancy.
Empress + Knave (regardless of suit): mother and son.
Empress + The Emperor: parents.
Imperatriz + The Devil: domestic abuse, creative block.
Empress + The World: success acquired by insistence.
Inverted Empress + The Magician: woman who changes because of love.
Empress + The Pope: resolution to an old problem.

The Emperor is the Major Arcana number 4, the number of stability. He is the counterpart of the Empress and embodies the father figure, giving protection, sustenance and who is associated with discipline. In spells, this arcane usually represents a man.

On the Emperor’s Blade, we see a man in a stable position, sitting or standing before his throne. He is about to act if he wishes. Like the Empress, the Emperor is accompanied by an eagle that rests on an egg.

He holds the scepter in his right hand, indicating his dominance, especially since his left hand is smaller. His legs are crossed and form a square, symbol of materiality.

The Emperor means control, authority, organization, regulation and fatherhood. He is a symbol of the masculine principle, a father figure who represents strategic thinking and who gives structure, dictates rules and creates systems. You may be in a position of…

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